Need another word that means the same as “optimize”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “optimize” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Optimize” are: optimise
Optimize as a Verb
Definitions of "Optimize" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “optimize” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Act as an optimist and take a sunny view of the world.
- Rearrange or rewrite (data, software, etc.) to improve efficiency of retrieval or processing.
- Make optimal; get the most out of; use best.
- Modify to achieve maximum efficiency in storage capacity or time or cost.
- Make the best or most effective use of (a situation or resource.

Synonyms of "Optimize" as a verb (1 Word)
optimise | Make optimal; get the most out of; use best. |

Usage Examples of "Optimize" as a verb
- We manage our time so that we optimize our productivity.
- Optimize a computer program.
- Optimize your resources.

Associations of "Optimize" (30 Words)
advance | Pay in advance. I advanced the schedule by several weeks. |
advancement | The promotion of a person in rank or status. Opportunities for career advancement. |
ameliorate | Make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better. The reform did much to ameliorate living standards. |
augment | Grow or intensify. The pressure augmented. |
augmentation | An addition to a coat of arms granted as a mark of special honour. The augmentation of the curriculum with new subjects. |
best | To the highest degree; most (used with verbs suggesting a desirable action or state or a successful outcome. The best film of the year. |
better | The better one that which is better. His ideas for bettering the lot of the millhands. |
choice | An act of choosing between two or more possibilities. You can have a sofa made in a choice of forty fabrics. |
develop | Cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development. We must develop more potential customers. |
enhance | Increase. This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat. |
enhancement | An improvement that makes something more agreeable. The enhancement of civic amenities. |
enlarge | Develop a larger print of (a photograph. They have renovated and enlarged the four storey building. |
enrich | Increase the proportion of a particular isotope in (an element), especially that of the isotope U-235 in uranium so as to make it suitable for use in a nuclear reactor or weapon. Her exposure to museums enriched her life in France. |
escalate | Make or become more intense or serious. The Allies escalated the bombing. |
evolve | (with reference to an organism or biological feature) develop over successive generations as a result of natural selection. Each school must evolve its own way of working. |
expansion | The increase in the volume of fuel on combustion in the cylinder of an engine, or the piston stroke in which this occurs. German expansion in the 1930s. |
heighten | Increase. The tension heightened. |
improve | To make better. Efforts to improve relations between the countries. |
improving | Giving moral or intellectual benefit. A large improving picture hung opposite. |
increase | The amount by which something increases. The amount of work increased. |
increment | A regular increase in salary on an incremental scale. All sizes from 4 30 mm in 1 mm increments. |
meliorate | Get better. |
optimum | Most favorable conditions or greatest degree or amount possible under given circumstances. The optimum must lie between these two values. |
preferable | More desirable or suitable. Lower interest rates were preferable to higher ones. |
reelect | Elect again. |
sere | (especially of vegetation) dry or withered. The desert was edged with sere vegetation. |
surge | A powerful rush of an emotion or feeling. Indignation surged up within her. |
tenfold | Having ten parts or elements. A tenfold increase in the use of insecticides. |
upgrade | An act of upgrading something. I ve upgraded my computer so I can run better software. |
uplift | Support from a garment, especially for a woman’s bust. Audiences will be uplifted by this incredible tale of fighting for your dreams. |