Need another word that means the same as “stronghold”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “stronghold” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Stronghold” are: fastness, fortress, fort, castle, citadel, garrison, keep, tower, hold, donjon, bunker, bastion, centre, refuge, hotbed
Stronghold as a Noun
Definitions of "Stronghold" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “stronghold” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld.
- A place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack.
- A strongly fortified defensive structure.

Synonyms of "Stronghold" as a noun (15 Words)
bastion | A natural rock formation resembling a man made bastion. The last bastion of communism. |
bunker | A reinforced underground shelter, typically for use in wartime. A coal bunker. |
castle | (chess) the piece that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboard. The crumbling stonework of a ruined castle. |
centre | A political party or group whose opinions avoid extremes. A new centre party. |
citadel | A fortress, typically one on high ground above a city. Citadels of private economic power. |
donjon | The main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress. |
fastness | A secure place well protected by natural features. The dyes differ in their fastness to light. |
fort | A fortified military post where troops are stationed. The city was guarded by a ring of forts. |
fortress | A military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town. He had proved himself to be a fortress of moral rectitude. |
garrison | The building occupied by a garrison. Forces from these garrisons have been used against governments. |
hold | A stronghold. The prisoner is on hold. |
hotbed | A situation that is ideal for rapid development (especially of something bad. The country was a hotbed of revolt and dissension. |
keep | Charge; control. Each child was expected to pay for their keep. |
refuge | The state of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or difficulty. The family came to be seen as a refuge from a harsh world. |
tower | A fortress or stronghold in the form of or including a tower. A CD tower. |

Usage Examples of "Stronghold" as a noun
- A Labour stronghold.
- Their mountain strongholds fell to enemy attack.

Associations of "Stronghold" (30 Words)
bond | Issue bonds on. Press the material to bond the layers together. |
cantonment | Temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers. |
castle | A magnificent and imposing old mansion. Both of the players castled on the queenside. |
celerity | A rate that is rapid. |
crusader | A fighter in the medieval Crusades. Crusaders for early detection and treatment of mental illnesses. |
defensible | Able to be protected. A morally defensible penal system. |
fastness | A strongly fortified defensive structure. A remote Himalayan mountain fastness. |
fortify | Strengthen (someone) mentally or physically. The enclave has been heavily fortified in recent years. |
fortress | A person or thing not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance. He had proved himself to be a fortress of moral rectitude. |
frontier | A line or border separating two countries. His novel of the American frontier. |
haste | Overly eager speed (and possible carelessness. In his haste to leave he forgot his book. |
innovate | Introduce (something new, especially a product. The company s failure to diversify and innovate competitively. |
innovative | Being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before. Innovative ways to help unemployed people. |
intensify | Make more intense, stronger, or more marked. The dispute began to intensify. |
military | The military forces of a nation. Military uniforms. |
near | At or to a short distance away nearby. She was near tears. |
quickness | Intelligence as revealed by an ability to give correct responses without delay. His quickness of temper involved him in many controversies. |
radical | A person who has radical ideas or opinions. Radical opinions on education. |
rapidity | A rate that is rapid. Technology spreads with extraordinary rapidity. |
reformer | A disputant who advocates reform. A radical social reformer. |
reformist | Favoring or promoting reform (often by government action. The reformist policies of the government. |
reinforce | Strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material. Paratroopers were sent to reinforce the troops already in the area. |
revolution | A dramatic and wide-reaching change in conditions, attitudes, or operation. One revolution a second. |
speed | Of a motorist travel at a speed that is greater than the legal limit. The course is delivered online so students can progress at their own speed. |
strengthen | Give a healthy elasticity to. This exercise will strengthen your upper body. |
suffragette | A woman seeking the right to vote through organized protest. |
suffragist | An advocate of the extension of voting rights (especially to women. |
swiftness | A rate (usually rapid) at which something happens. The dynasty crumbled with alarming swiftness. |
toughen | Make (rules or a policy) stricter and more harsh. A falcon has scaly skin on its legs that toughens up very quickly. |
warrior | (especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter. I really love the warrior pose it makes me feel centred and strong. |