Need another word that means the same as “rocket”? Find 42 synonyms and 30 related words for “rocket” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Rocket” are: skyrocket, arugula, eruca sativa, eruca vesicaria sativa, garden rocket, rocket salad, roquette, projectile, rocket engine, missile, scolding, chiding, reprimand, rebuke, reproof, reproach, remonstration, upbraiding, berating, castigation, tirade, diatribe, harangue, lecture, admonition, admonishment, lambasting, obloquy, shoot up, soar, increase rapidly, rise rapidly, escalate, spiral upwards, speed, zoom, shoot, roar, whizz, career, go hell for leather
Rocket as a Noun
Definitions of "Rocket" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “rocket” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A severe reprimand.
- Propels bright light high in the sky, or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon.
- A cylindrical projectile that can be propelled to a great height or distance by the combustion of its contents, used typically as a firework or signal.
- Sends a firework display high into the sky.
- An engine that operates by the combustion of its contents, providing thrust as in a jet engine but without depending on the intake of air for combustion.
- A jet engine containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion.
- Erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender.
- Any vehicle self-propelled by a rocket engine.
- Used to refer to a person or thing that moves very fast or to an action that is done with great force.
- An elongated rocket-propelled missile or spacecraft.

Synonyms of "Rocket" as a noun (28 Words)
admonishment | A firm rebuke. There was no need for admonishment or angry words. |
admonition | A firm rebuke. He received numerous admonitions for his behaviour. |
arugula | Erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender. |
berating | A severe rebuke. He deserved the berating that the coach gave him. |
castigation | A severe scolding. |
chiding | Rebuking a person harshly. |
diatribe | A forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something. A diatribe against consumerism. |
eruca sativa | Erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender. |
eruca vesicaria sativa | Erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender. |
garden rocket | The flowers or vegetables or fruits or herbs that are cultivated in a garden. |
harangue | A lengthy and aggressive speech. They were subjected to a ten minute harangue by two border guards. |
lambasting | A harsh criticism. He received a lambasting from critics and fans. |
lecture | A speech that is open to the public. A lecture hall. |
missile | An object which is forcibly propelled at a target, either by hand or from a mechanical weapon. One of the players was hit on the head by a missile thrown by a spectator. |
obloquy | A false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone’s words or actions. He endured years of contempt and obloquy. |
projectile | A missile designed to be fired from a gun. The guns were deployed to flail the village with their one ton projectiles. |
rebuke | An expression of sharp disapproval or criticism. He hadn t meant it as a rebuke but Neil flinched. |
remonstration | The act of expressing earnest opposition or protest. |
reprimand | An act or expression of criticism and censure. The golfer received a reprimand for a breach of rules. |
reproach | In the Roman Catholic Church a set of antiphons and responses for Good Friday representing the reproaches of Christ to his people. He gave her a look of reproach. |
reproof | An expression of blame or disapproval. A look of reproof. |
rocket engine | Any vehicle self propelled by a rocket engine. |
rocket salad | Sends a firework display high into the sky. |
roquette | Erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender. |
scolding | Rebuking a person harshly. She d get a scolding from Victoria. |
skyrocket | Sends a firework display high into the sky. |
tirade | A speech of violent denunciation. A tirade of abuse. |
upbraiding | A severe scolding. |

Usage Examples of "Rocket" as a noun
- He got a rocket from the Director.
- A rocket launcher.
- She shot out of her chair like a rocket.

Rocket as a Verb
Definitions of "Rocket" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “rocket” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- (of an amount, price, etc.) increase very rapidly and suddenly.
- Move very rapidly.
- Shoot up abruptly, like a rocket.
- Propel with a rocket.
- Attack with rocket-propelled missiles.

Synonyms of "Rocket" as a verb (14 Words)
career | Move headlong at high speed. The coach careered across the road and went through a hedge. |
escalate | Make or become more intense or serious. The Allies escalated the bombing. |
go hell for leather | Be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired. |
increase rapidly | Make bigger or more. |
rise rapidly | Go up or advance. |
roar | (of something inanimate) make a very loud, deep, prolonged sound. Get out of my way he roared. |
shoot | Of a bud or shoot appear sprout. They move up into the stem where they induce buds to shoot. |
shoot up | Throw dice, as in a crap game. |
skyrocket | Shoot up abruptly, like a rocket. Prices skyrocketed. |
soar | Rise rapidly. The dollar soared against the yen. |
speed | Of a motorist travel at a speed that is greater than the legal limit. May God speed you. |
spiral upwards | Form a spiral. |
whizz | Move or go quickly. Whizz the mixture to a smooth paste. |
zoom | Cause a lens or camera to zoom in or out. Bikes zoomed past. |

Usage Examples of "Rocket" as a verb
- He rocketed to national stardom.
- Prices skyrocketed.
- Sales of milk in supermarkets are rocketing.
- She showed the kind of form that rocketed her to the semi-finals last year.
- The city was rocketed and bombed from the air.

Associations of "Rocket" (30 Words)
admirer | A person who admires; someone who esteems or respects or approves. She had many admirers. |
arrow | A projectile with a straight thin shaft and an arrowhead on one end and stabilizing vanes on the other intended to be shot from a bow. I ve never used a bow and arrow. |
assail | Launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with. He assailed a group of editors for their alleged excesses. |
ballistic | Relating to or characteristic of the motion of objects moving under their own momentum and the force of gravity. |
beginning | The first part or earliest stage of something. They had reached the beginning of the wood. |
booster | The first stage of a multistage rocket. Job fairs are a great morale booster. |
bullet | A high-speed passenger train. You can apply your lipstick straight from the bullet but I like to use a brush. |
commence | Take the first step or steps in carrying out an action. A public inquiry is due to commence on the 16th. |
cosmogony | A theory regarding the origin of the universe. In their cosmogony the world was thought to be a square flat surface. |
cosmos | The universe seen as a well-ordered whole. The new gender free intellectual cosmos. |
creation | An artifact that has been brought into existence by someone. Edward s generosity extended beyond the creation of earls. |
deactivation | Breaking up a military unit (by transfers or discharges. |
defence | Protection from harm. Dribbling through defences. |
defense | (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring. Sanitation is the best defense against disease. |
initiate | A person who has been initiated into an organization or activity. They were initiated into the mysteries of mathematics. |
launch | An act or instance of launching something. A chair was launched at him. |
logo | A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc. The Olympic logo was emblazoned across the tracksuits. |
macrocosm | The whole of a complex structure, especially the world or the universe, contrasted with a small or representative part of it. |
microcosm | Humankind regarded as the representation in miniature of the universe. The city is a microcosm of modern Malaysia. |
missile | An object which is forcibly propelled at a target, either by hand or from a mechanical weapon. The plane disintegrated after being hit by a missile launched from the ground. |
projectile | Denoting or relating to a projectile. A projectile force. |
propellant | An explosive that fires bullets from a firearm. Propellant fuel for submarines. |
propulsive | Having the power to propel. A strong blast of air gave the vehicle its propulsive force. |
skyrocket | A rocket designed to explode high in the air as a signal or firework. Prices skyrocketed. |
start | A turn to be a starter in a game at the beginning. She had seen Meg start suddenly from a thicket. |
tank | As much as a tank will hold. The trucks all had a full tank of gasoline. |
train | Travel by rail or train. A camel train. |
trajectory | The path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces. The missile s trajectory was preset. |
universe | All existing matter and space considered as a whole the cosmos The universe is believed to be at least 10 billion light years in diameter and contains a vast number of galaxies it has been expanding since its creation in the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago. They study the evolution of the universe. |
weapon | A means of persuading or arguing. Nuclear weapons. |