Adjectives That Start with R
In English, over 600 adjectives start with the letter R. If you are looking for Rich and Realistic colors to enhance your descriptions, then you are in the right place! Click here for a list of positive adjective words that you can use to describe someone, with definitions and usage examples!
rabbinic | Of or relating to rabbis or their teachings. In classical rabbinic literature. |
rabbinical | Of or relating to rabbis or their teachings. Ross was not a rabbinical student. |
Rabelaisian | Of or relating to or characteristic of Francois Rabelais or his works. It’s a particularly Rabelaisian dialect but that’s part of the charm. |
rabid | Marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea. Rabid Rebecca is the toughest teen in town. |
racemose | Having stalked flowers along an elongated stem that continue to open in succession from below as the stem continues to grow. One or two racemose inflorescences are produced per plant and are usually long. |
rachitic | Affected with, suffering from, or characteristic of rickets. |
racial | Of or characteristic of race or races or arising from differences among groups. The victims were members of the congress of racial equality. |
racist | Based on racial intolerance. I found your comments sanctimonious, racist and offensive. |
rackety | Uncontrollably noisy. |
racy | Suggestive of sexual impropriety. Initially, the radio station felt that it was too racy. |
raddled | Used until no longer useful. How on Earth did it lose out to that raddled, brassy old barmaid |
radial | Issuing in rays from a common center; relating to rays of light. The surface is latticed, sculptured with radial ribs. |
radiant | Radiating or as if radiating light. The candles are radiant with peace. |
radiate | Having rays or ray-like parts as in the flower heads of daisies. Manipura is said to radiate and distribute prana to the rest of the body. |
radiating | Arranged like rays or radii; radiating from a common center. It is the center from which the activities of the individuals radiate. |
radical | Markedly new or introducing radical change. The nazis passing the enabling act was radical. |
radio | Indicating radiation or radioactivity. The man is fixing the radio. |
radioactive | Exhibiting or caused by radioactivity. The compound is radioactive due to the radioactivity of thorium. |
radiographic | Relating to or produced by radiography. I have already started the page on radiographic equipment. |
radiological | Of or relating to radiology. Radiological and nuclear imaging studies are generally not helpful. |
radiolucent | Almost complete transparent to x-rays or other forms of radiation. The ‘aortic window’ is a normally radiolucent region below the aortic arch. |
radiopaque | Not transparent to x-rays or other forms of radiation. A medical sponge having a radiopaque handle for detection by radiation scanning techniques which is arranged to display a readily identifiable trace and which is adapted to reduce the chance of separation of radiopaque material from the sponge body. |
radiophonic | Relating to or by means of radiotelephony. However I can find no evidence he was ever at the radiophonic workshop. |
radiosensitive | Sensitive to radiation |
radiotelephonic | Relating to or by means of radiotelephony |
raffish | Marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners. She thinks that she is lucky to have a raffish side. |
raftered | Having the rafters especially having them visible. The professor’s section of the room has a low raftered ceiling. |
ragged | Worn out from stress or strain. It covers the ragged, exposed end of the post. |
raggedly | Worn out from stress or strain. Beneath the gibbet, the boy finds a ragged woman, frozen to death. |
raimentless | Possessing no clothing |
rainless | Lacking rain. Many remain dormant during rainless times. |
rainproof | Not permitting the passage of water. It is made from an umbrella with the rainproof cover removed. |
rainy | Wet by periods of rain. The downdraft is the rainy area to the right. |
raisable | Capable of being raised A chess or checker board has individual blocks for each square enclosed by a raisable normally recessed lattice or egg crate structure. |
raiseable | Capable of being raised The flying saucer originally started as a proposal for a raiseable platform. |
raised | Increased in amount or degree I’ve raised awareness of the issue. |
raising | Increasing in quantity or value The plan includes raising the roof on the building. |
rakish | Marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness- crary moore He drives like a rakish man. |
rallentando | Gradually decreasing in tempo |
ramate | Having branches |
rambling | Tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects The scent is rambling across the room. |
rambunctious | Noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline She has grown out of her rambunctious, tomboy ways. |
ramose | Having branches Who planted the ramose tree here |
ramous | Having branches |
rampageous | Displaying raging violence; often destructive- w.h.auden |
rampant | Rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile The supporters of the escutcheon are two rampant golden lions. |
ramshackle | In deplorable condition Greene organizes the ramshackle but fun annual er banquet. |
rancid | Having a rank smell or taste usually due to a chemical change or decomposition Isn’t it the same as the word rancid |
rancorous | Showing deep-seated resentment- aldous huxley The statemen is obvious and only achieves a rancorous tone. |
random | Lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance The use of the flags seems to be random. |
randomised | Set up or distributed in a deliberately random way A randomised controlled trial is currently underway. |
randy | Feeling great sexual desire Randy is married with one daughter. |
rangy | Tall and thin and having long slender limbs Adult american bison are not as rangy in build, and have shorter legs. |
rank | Complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers The corps and the rank system evolved. |
ranked | Complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers He later achieved the rank of bombardier. |
ranking | Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible Infants rank the lowest in the group. |
rapacious | Excessively greedy and grasping The mountain fauna was particularly rich in precious and rapacious birds. |
rapid | Characterized by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed Rapid bacterial decay prevents the accumulation of humus. |
rapt | Feeling great rapture or delight Jimmy is portrayed rapt in conversation with a colourfully dressed gypsy woman. |
raptorial | Relating to or characteristic of birds of prey Mammal remains from detritus of raptorial birds in california. |
rapturous | Feeling great rapture or delight The music was performed to fill these celebrations with rapturous joy. |
rare | Not widely distributed Preoperative diagnosis, however, is rare. |
rarefied | Having low density Her personality needs to be rarefied. |
rarer | Cooked a short time; still red inside Auriferous jemstones are rare to be found. |
rarified | Having low density It seems quite a rarified thing to do. |
raring | Full of eagerness I’m very excited to be a part of this, and raring to go. |
rascally | Lacking principles or scruples – w.m. thackaray It had an aura, a rascally mischievous past. |
rash | Imprudently incurring risk- george meredith She had a rash on her face. |
rasping | Unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound Kennedy gives gore a rasping stem winder of introduction. |
raspy | Unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound Dennis provides a raspy yet soulful lead vocal on the song. |
rastafarian | Of or pertaining to or characteristic of rastafarianism or rastafarians The main difference is work on rastafarian topic. |
ratable | Liable to payment of locally assessed property taxes The tax base is the annual ratable value arv or area based rating. |
rateable | Liable to payment of locally assessed property taxes The actual rateable value might be different is the two cases. |
ratiocinative | Based on exact thinking |
rational | Consistent with or based on or using reason The ideas of rational cosmology are dialectical. |
ratlike | Resembling or characteristic of a rat In one building they come across a ratlike being hunched over a martian book. |
rattlebrained | Lacking sense or discretion- glenway westcott |
rattlepated | Lacking sense or discretion- glenway westcott |
ratty | Of or characteristic of rats Ratty race, which would be a race that is dilapidated. |
raucous | Unpleasantly loud and harsh His version is raucous and punk influenced. |
raunchy | Earthy and sexually explicit She became famous for her raunchy item songs in movies. |
ravening | Excessively greedy and grasping He’s not afraid to face a ravening, grasping horde of subhumans. |
ravenous | Devouring or craving food in great quantities Behind the other door is a ravenous tiger. |
ravishing | Stunningly beautiful From the north comes a ravishing maiden, whose beauty stands alone. |
raw | Hurting The fruit is astringent and acidic and is not palatable when raw. |
rawboned | Having a lean and bony physique |
rayless | Having no parts resembling rays; not having ray flowers |
razorback | Having a sharp narrow back It just merely means that the razorback itself wouldn’t be included. |
reachable | Easily approached It was temporarily not reachable then. |
reactionary | Extremely conservative That seems awfully repulsive and reactionary in the extreme. |
reactionist | Extremely conservative |
reactive | Participating readily in reactions Some dogs are not that reactive towards people. |
readable | Easily deciphered The original plan was to lighten the red so that the blue was readable. |
ready | Immediately available Let’s get ready to rumble |
real | No less than what is stated; worthy of the name The opposite of nominal is real. |
real-time | Of or relating to computer systems that update information at the same rate they receive information I live in real time, not fantasy, pal. |
realised | Successfully completed or brought to an end The man realized his mistake. |
realistic | Representing what is real; not abstract or ideal They are carved in a realistic and lifelike manner. |
realizable | Capable of being realized Continuous mappings are not always realizable as deformations. |
realized | Successfully completed or brought to an end She realized that the pickerel in the fridge is now gone. |
reanimated | Given fresh life or vigor or spirit She eventually encounters the reanimated scarecrow. |
rear | Located in or toward the back or rear In the rear, airflows encased the rear wheels through the use of fender skirts. |
rearing | Rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile The main occupation of the people is sheep rearing. |
rearmost | Located farthest to the rear The front axle and the rearmost steer the tractor. |
rearward | Directed or moving toward the rear The rearward visibility was also dismal. |
reasonable | Showing reason or sound judgment His prompting is very reasonable. |
reasoned | Logically valid Your summary of the evidence seems fair and reasoned. |
reasoning | Endowed with the capacity to reason Deductive logic is the reasoning of proof, or logical implication. |
reasonless | Not marked by the use of reason The reasonless edits often happen here. |
reassuring | Restoring confidence and relieving anxiety The response he got was not reassuring. |
rebarbative | Serving or tending to repel |
rebellious | Resisting control or authority The misspelling represents the rebellious nature of the project. |
reborn | Spiritually reborn or converted Reborn in the darkest magic of all. |
recalcitrant | Stubbornly resistant to authority or control In recalcitrant cases surgery may be indicated. |
receivable | Awaiting payment The accounts receivable portfolios of business regarding delinquency are in good shape. |
recent | New What are the sources for the recent outburst of new episode titles |
receptive | Able to absorb liquid (not repellent) The open line represents yin, the receptive principle. |
recessional | Of or relating to receding The relation of redshift to recessional velocity is another matter. |
recessionary | Of or pertaining to a recession But its music now sounds just right for a certain recessionary mood bleary, frustrated, cranky, heartsick and gallows humored. |
recessive | Of or pertaining to a recession The merle gene is not recessive and is not carried. |
rechargeable | Capable of being recharged Overcharging must be considered in the design of most rechargeable batteries. |
recherche | Lavishly elegant and refined But do not forget what a tremendous recherche that means. |
reciprocal | Of or relating to the multiplicative inverse of a quantity or function It is the reciprocal of the service time. |
reciprocative | Moving alternately backward and forward |
reciprocatory | Moving alternately backward and forward The platens are mounted for reciprocatory movement upon a three post frame. |
reckless | Marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences-macaulay The protagonist is morally reckless. |
reclaimable | Capable of being used again The marshy land consists chiefly of exhausted bog, all reclaimable by drainage. |
recluse | Withdrawn from society; seeking solitude Boo radley is described in the article as a recluse. |
reclusive | Withdrawn from society; seeking solitude Ricard is reclusive and famously mercurial. |
recognisable | Capable of being recognized It is one of the most recognizable symbols of the city. |
recognised | Provided with a secure reputation The above are the internationally recognized standards. |
recognizable | Capable of being recognized Many of the electric instruments feature a recognizable reverberation effect. |
recognized | Generally approved or compelling recognition The consensus of the debate recognized this. |
recoilless | Of or being a weapon that is designed to minimize recoil A recoilless rifle fires a large shell that resembles an artillery shell. |
recollective | Good at remembering Attention and recollective experience in recognition memory. |
recombinant | Of or relating to recombinant dna Such recombinant changes in the non recombinant region of y are extremely rare. |
reconcilable | Capable of being reconciled These acounts are not reconcilable. |
recondite | Difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge Again reality isn’t so recondite to others as it is to you. |
reconstructive | Helping to restore to good condition Tympanoplasty is reconstructive surgery for the tympanic membrane, or eardrum. |
record-breaking | Surpassing any previously established record It is breaking the stillness of the occasion. |
recoverable | Capable of being recovered or regained Oat oil is recoverable from the solvent. |
recreant | Lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful- spenser |
recreational | Of or relating to recreation These range from the highly competitive to the recreational. |
recriminative | Countering one charge with another |
recriminatory | Countering one charge with another |
recrudescent | The revival of an unfortunate situation after a period of abatement The state of becoming raw or sore again. recrudescent adj. |
rectal | Of or involving the rectum It can be diagnosed by rectal examination. |
rectangular | Having four right angles The planform of the wrench is substantially rectangular or arcuate. |
rectifiable | Capable of being repaired or rectified It remains to handle the non rectifiable curves. |
rectilineal | Characterized by a straight line or lines |
rectilinear | Characterized by a straight line or lines Rectilinear scanner can scan the entire body. |
rectosigmoid | Of or related to or near the sigmoid colon and the upper part of the rectum The rectosigmoid junction is at the level of the sacral promontory. |
recumbent | Lying down; in a position of comfort or rest The pilot is in a recumbent position in the cockpit. |
recuperative | Promoting recuperation A self recuperative burner can be fired with oil or gaseous fuel or both. |
recurrent | Recurring again and again The recurrent character serves the unity of the film. |
recurring | Coming back The only recurring character from the comic is the toucan kid. |
recursive | Of or relating to a recursion Furthermore the proofs of the non recursive algorithms are recursive. |
recurvate | Curved backward or inward |
recurved | Curved backward or inward Anthers hang from recurved filaments behind the pistil. |
recusant | Refusing to submit to authority- mary w.williams She came from a recusant family. |
recyclable | Capable of being used again The content makes it fully recyclable. |
red | Reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion He is blue eyed and wears a red bandanna like jack. |
red-and-white | Marked by the presence of snow The team wore tangerine, black and white uniform. |
red-faced | Reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion The episode faced the issue of gay dating. |
red-handed | In the act of committing a crime or other reprehensible act He handed over the money without relaxing his grimace. |
redbrick | Of or relating to british universities founded in the late 19th century or the 20th century This building was the first building of aalto’s redbrick period. |
reddened | Lighted with red light as if with flames Examination may show a reddened external urethral meatus. |
reddish | Of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies Furniture is often made from the reddish sapwood. |
redeemable | Recoverable upon payment or fulfilling a condition Money is a redeemable debt. |
redemptional | Of or relating to or resulting in redemption- e.k.brown |
redemptive | Bringing about salvation or redemption from sin Andrew might get a redemptive heroic death. |
redemptory | Of or relating to or resulting in redemption- e.k.brown |
redheaded | Having red hair and usually fair skin By age six, the redheaded gwen was performing on stage as a dancer. |
redolent | Having a strong pleasant odor- jean stafford It is redolent with factual errors and wild speculation. |
redoubtable | Inspiring fear- g.h.johnston Check the latest happenings to our redoubtable friend. |
reduced | Well below normal (especially in price) The poaching menace was dramatically reduced. |
reducible | Capable of being reduced- edmund wilson He goes on, and shows it is actually reducible. |
reductionist | Of or relating to the theory of reductionism The generalist by the reductionist. |
reductive | Characterized by or causing diminution or curtailment – r.h.rovere The most common version is reductive amination with lithium in a bottle. |
redundant | More than is needed, desired, or required The section is redundant and wordy. |
redux | Brought back Redux, the renaming of the tennis articles is in the process of being undone. |
reechoing | Repeating by reflection |
reedlike | Resembling a reed in being upright and slender Most grow into long reedlike stems. |
reedy | Having a tone of a reed instrument Thanks to reedy boy for the notification. |
reefy | Full of submerged reefs or sandbanks or shoals |
reentrant | Pointing inward The function is not reentrant. |
referable | Capable of being assigned or credited to Neurological deficit referable to the spine may require an urgent mri scan. |
referent | Having reference The referent of this term is uncontroversial. |
referential | Referring or pointing to something The actual lyrics of the song are sparse and self referential. |
refined | Suggesting taste, ease, and wealth Can the structure of the article be refined |
reflective | Capable of physically reflecting light or sound Both covers may have reflective, decorative, or phosphorescent coatings. |
reflex | Without volition or conscious control The maculoocularrelflex is a reflex in the eye. |
reflexed | Bent downward and outward more than 90 degrees Peristome is expanded and reflexed, pinkish brown or flesh tinted. |
reflexive | Referring back to itself The dual of a reflexive space is reflexive. |
reform-minded | Favoring or promoting reform (often by government action) Can gun reform misfire |
reformable | Susceptible to improvement or reform A shaft seal with a reformable shell and a seal lip which can be readily installed over a roughened, enlarged or irregular portion of a shaft and then be reformed so that the sealing lip is brought into proper sealing engagement with the shaft. |
reformative | Tending to reform Catherine was somehow delivered from the reformative action. |
reformatory | Tending to reform He is apparently studying after leaving the reformatory. |
reformist | Favoring or promoting reform (often by government action) He is close to hashemi rafsanjani and the reformist movement. |
refractile | Of or relating to or capable of refraction Another interesting feature is the refractile body behind the flagella. |
refractive | Capable of changing the direction (of a light or sound wave) The dispersion of the refractive index is a fundamental property of matter. |
refractory | Not responding to treatment What about the refractory period |
refreshful | Imparting vitality and energy |
refreshing | Imparting vitality and energy I think refreshing the page is the solution. |
refrigerant | Causing cooling or freezing It uses the evaporation of a refrigerant, like freon, to provide cooling. |
refulgent | Radiating or as if radiating light The auditorium is unmatched for its refulgent splendor. |
refutable | Able to be refuted It is not refutable just because you don’t like it. |
regal | Belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler A regal restatement of the theme closes the movement. |
regardant | Looking backward |
regardful | Showing deference Be regardful to all the past prophets. |
regardless | Without due thought or consideration Such a cycloidal pendulum is isochronous, regardless of amplitude. |
regenerate | Reformed spiritually or morally If isvar leaves the room, the troll will regenerate from the helmet. |
regenerating | Reformed spiritually or morally If isvar leaves the room, the troll will regenerate from the helmet. |
regent | Acting or functioning as a regent or ruler A regent may rule when the monarch is a minor, absent, or debilitated. |
regimental | Belonging to or concerning a regiment It is the regimental centre for the madras regiment of the indian army. |
regimented | Strictly controlled And those are activities and delights that cannot, and should not, be regimented and dictated. |
regional | Characteristic of a region They were involved in internecine warfare seeking regional supremacy. |
registered | Listed or recorded officially It was registered in japanese pharmacopoeia. |
regnant | Exercising power or authority A royal family is the extended family of a king or queen regnant. |
regressive | Adjusted so that the rate decreases as the amount of income increases We are now plainly going in the regressive direction. |
regretful | Feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone In hell, the rich man was feeling regretful. |
regrettable | Deserving regret The thread continued thereafter was regrettable. |
regular | Belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces However, the property of being regular is not monotone. |
regulation | Prescribed by or according to regulation It stresses self reliance over escapism and strict regulation. |
regulative | Restricting according to rules or principles Regulative principle of worship. |
regulatory | Restricting according to rules or principles The regulatory mechanism is situated in the gastrointestinal tract. |
rehabilitative | Designed to accomplish rehabilitation- j.b.costello These rehabilitative activities of jesus were permanent. |
reincarnate | Having a new body Bad people reincarnate backwards. |
reinvigorated | With restored energy This organizational strategy reinvigorated the temperance movement. |
reiterative | Marked by iteration Normally the disruption is reiterative and even systematic. |
rejective | Rejecting or tending to reject |
rejoicing | Joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success All the japanese people are rejoicing. |
related | Connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage The pauperism is related with poverty. |
relational | Having a relation or being related An integrative relational approach. |
relative | Properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics; usually followed by `to’ The man calculated the relative abundance of proteins. |
relativistic | Of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of relativism I’m fighting this relativistic constructivist bs. |
relaxant | Tending to relax or relieve muscular or nervous tension Last week’s collaboration was muscle relaxant, and was improved considerably. |
relaxed | Without strain or anxiety The album is very relaxed and introspective. |
relaxing | Affording physical or mental rest Here’s wishing you a restful and relaxing break |
relentless | Never-ceasing The movies are just relentless sinkholes of imbecility. |
relevant | Having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue Consanguinity is also relevant in issues of inheritance. |
reliable | Worthy of being depended on What are the reliable sources calling the campaign gaffe |
reliant | Relying on another for support Nevertheless the economy is heavily reliant on the fishing industry. |
relieved | Made easier to bear Fanny is relieved to free the child. |
religious | Having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity Religious fervor caused the accident. |
reluctant | Disinclined to become involved He is reluctant to take the handout. |
remaining | Not used up The remaining liquid is squeezed from the pulp and the rest is discarded. |
remarkable | Worthy of notice The lack of appreciation is remarkable. |
rembrandtesque | In the manner of rembrandt In the technique, the artist avows again rembrandtesque derivation. |
remediable | Capable of being remedied or redressed This is an easily remediable and unambiguous issue. |
remedial | Tending or intended to rectify or improve In 2007, remedial work and repairs were carried out. |
remindful | Serving to bring to mind- wilder hobson |
reminiscent | Serving to bring to mind- wilder hobson A chorale reminiscent of the introduction leads to the coda. |
remiss | Failing in what duty requires In fact, i think the article is remiss not to mention it. |
remittent | Characterized by periods of diminished severity Mild or remittent disease can sometimes be safely left untreated. |
remorseful | Feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses He was very remorseful for, and horrified by the death he caused. |
remorseless | Without mercy or pity After years, he becomes extremely vicious, remorseless, and cruel. |
remote | Inaccessible and sparsely populated; The idea of heroism in this context is extremely remote. |
remote-controlled | Lacking a crew The footrest controlled the rudder. |
removable | Able to be obliterated completely A removable hard top was available. |
remunerative | For which money is paid Indeed, remunerative work is one of the most important parts of personal life. |
renal | Of or relating to the kidneys Because of renal insufficiency, she spends most of the time in the hospital. |
renascent | Rising again as to new life and vigor He supported the inclusion of silesia into renascent poland. |
renegade | Having deserted a cause or principle He is a renegade and the archenemy. |
renewable | That can be renewed or extended They were influential in the passing of the renewable fuels standard in 2005. |
reniform | Resembling the shape of kidney Botryoidal or reniform cassiterite is called wood tin. |
renowned | Widely known and esteemed The bakhshi is renowned for his prodigious memory. |
rentable | That is able or fit be rented It has rentable area and in total. |
rental | Of or relating to rent The consideration for the lease is called rent or the rental. |
renunciant | Used especially of behavior |
renunciative | Used especially of behavior |
reorganised | Organized again I’ve reorganised the ideology section. |
repand | Having a slightly undulating margin On young trees the leaves are often repand. |
reparable | Capable of being repaired or rectified Most of the apaches returned damaged but reparable. |
repayable | Subject to repayment Normally repayable at call or very short term. |
repeatable | Able or fit to be repeated or quoted It is not so repeatable in that way. |
repeated | Recurring again and again In the fall, the event is repeated as the animals return from the high meadow. |
repellant | Highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust Citronella oil is the active ingredient in insect repellent candles. |
repellent | Serving or tending to repel The leaves are used as an insect repellent. |
repelling | Highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust The man is repelling to hear that. |
repentant | Feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds Kaikeyi is repentant of her deeds, and rama forgives her. |
repetitious | Characterized by repetition I think it makes for a flabby bit of repetitious writing myself. |
repetitive | Characterized by repetition He found the repetitive work onerous and dull. |
replaceable | Capable of being replaced As to being replaceable, i’ll grant it’s not replaceable. |
replete | Filled to satisfaction with food or drink Even in the 21st century the area is replete with colonnaded mansions. |
reportable | Required by law to be reported This is a personal attack and reportable to admins. |
reprehensible | Bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure Playing the race card here is rather reprehensible. |
representable | Expressible in symbolic form It looks way better now, and very representable. |
representational | Depicting objects, figures,or scenes as seen Representational measurement theory. |
representative | Standing for something else He was the impersonal and representative man. |
repressive | Restrictive of action Many are simply patriarchal and repressive. |
reproachful | Expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective The reproachful self in malamati terminology was the perfect self. |
reprobate | Deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good These groups were respectively called the elect and the reprobate. |
reproducible | Capable of being reproduced The signals were unstable and poorly reproducible and thus were discarded. |
reproductive | Producing new life or offspring Anestrus is the period of reproductive quiescence. |
reptilian | Of or relating to the class reptilia It has no reptilian characteristics whatsoever. |
republican | Relating to or belonging to the republican party He serves alongside fellow republican donna stifler. |
repudiative | Rejecting emphatically; e.g. refusing to pay or disowning |
repugnant | Offensive to the mind It is abhorrent and repugnant to the very principles of saxon government. |
repulsive | So extremely ugly as to be terrifying Arise, son of erin, and eschew the repulsive jack daniel’s |
reputable | Having a good reputation He was, by the way, a highly reputable cartographer back in the day. |
required | Required by rule Amicability is required in befriending others. |
requisite | Necessary for relief or supply The plan includes the requisite commercial space in four towers. |
rescindable | Capable of being rescinded or voided It’s not something that we can permit to be optional or rescindable. |
resentful | Full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will Effie is resentful of her change in status within the group. |
reserved | Set aside for the use of a particular person or party She enjoys staying home as she is reserved. |
resettled | Settled in a new location Residents from degraded are being resettled. |
resident | Used of animals that do not migrate Historically, the most educated and cultured resident was the local priest. |
residential | Used or designed for residence or limited to residences The construction of the residential area of munkkivuori began in the 1950s. |
residual | Relating to or indicating a remainder The epoxy resin reacts with residual surfactants in the copolymer on heating. |
residuary | Relating to or indicating a remainder Some assets were given to residuary bodies for disposal. |
resilient | Recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like The resilient padding absorbs impact experienced by the cup. |
resinated | Impregnated or flavored with resin Though not officially regulated, the ball is usually resinated. |
resinlike | Resembling resin in properties or texture |
resinous | Having the characteristics of pitch or tar An improved resinous structure is disclosed. |
resiny | Having the characteristics of pitch or tar Has a resiny, spicy aroma/flavor with hints of black currant. |
resistant | Disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority The pale brown sapwood is resistant to lyctus borer. |
resistible | Capable of being resisted or withstood or frustrated |
resistive | Disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority How will it vary the resistance in the resistive element |
resistless | Impossible to resist; overpowering Having or exercising the power of resistance. resistless adj. |
resolute | Characterized by quickness and firmness The resolute management and great team could not put out of track. |
resolvable | Capable of being solved A valid objection should be focussed and resolvable. |
resolved | Determined She is resolved to follow the order. |
resonant | Characterized by resonance The length of the element determines the resonant frequency. |
resounding | Characterized by resonance The battle was a resounding victory. |
resourceful | Having inner resources; adroit or imaginative The villagers are proud of their resourceful wise man. |
resourceless | Lacking or deficient in natural resources |
respectable | Characterized by socially or conventionally acceptable morals I checked for scholarly respectable cites on urology and ichthyology. |
respected | Receiving deferential regard He was highly respected as an incorruptible judge. |
respectful | Full of or exhibiting respect Please be discerning in you comments and respectful of the work of others. |
respective | Considered individually The respective clients approved the use of their names as sapient clients. |
respiratory | Pertaining to respiration The major causes of death are cardiovascular and respiratory conditions. |
resplendent | Having great beauty and splendor The image of the southern cross shines resplendent. |
respondent | Replying The requisition concerned the capital structure of the respondent. |
responsible | Having an acceptable credit rating Who is responsible for scolding |
responsive | Reacting to a stimulus The authoritative parent is responsive to the child’s needs but not indulgent. |
restful | Affording physical or mental rest It was a beautiful, restful place to be. |
restive | Being in a tense state However his forces became short of food and restive from their inactivity. |
restless | Worried and uneasy He was restless, vain, and conceited, and addicted to gambling. |
restorative | Tending to impart new life and vigor to The move is a restorative action and is required for common usage. |
restrained | Prudent Prior to that, the media coverage was restrained and infrequent. |
restricted | Subject to restriction or subjected to restriction The permissible height in the tunnel is also restricted. |
restrictive | Protective of national interests by restricting imports However the hie list is also too restrictive. |
resultant | Following or accompanying as a consequence ‘brucella’ organisms locate in the synovitis with resultant effusion. |
resupine | Lying face upward |
resurgent | Rising again as to new life and vigor However the student union had become wary of the newly resurgent ure. |
resuscitated | Restored to life or consciousness After being resuscitated, the two souls inhabit the body. |
retaliatory | Of or relating to or having the nature of retribution Retaliatory vfds are pointless, by the way. |
retarded | Relatively slow in mental or emotional or physical development What retarded the conference |
retentive | Having the power, capacity, or quality of retaining water Anal retentive gets its name from the anal stage of development. |
reticent | Cool and formal in manner They are peaceful and reticent in the home. |
reticular | Resembling or forming a network It is a part of the reticular formation. |
reticulate | Resembling or forming a network This fellow has an irregular reticulate pattern. |
retinal | In or relating to the retina of the eye The myopic eye becomes normal and the risk of retinal detachment is gone. |
retired | No longer active in your work or profession Crass retired from the public eye in 1984. |
retiring | Of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office She usually stays home since she is retiring. |
retractable | Capable of being retracted The nosewheel of the tricycle undercarriage was retractable. |
retractile | Capable of retraction; capable of being drawn back They have non retractile claws that are used primarily for digging. |
retral | At or near or toward the posterior |
retributive | Given or inflicted in requital according to merits or deserts Also, retributive has no connection to utilitarianism. |
retrievable | Capable of being regained especially with effort However, much of the data was still retrievable. |
retro | Affecting things past There are also retro bars and lounge bars. |
retroactive | Descriptive of any event or stimulus or process that has an effect on the effects of events or stimuli or process that occurred previously The thing about the retroactive accession is true. |
retroflex | Bent or curved backward In addition to the voiced retroflex fricative of natsilingmiutut. |
retroflexed | Bent or curved backward I think the tongue is lax, not retroflexed, for that sound. |
retrograde | Going from better to worse Retrograde amnesia and somnolence frequently result following recovery. |
retrogressive | Going from better to worse So please make you deletion retrogressive. |
retrorse | Bent or curved backward or downward Retrorse barbs can be found on the callus, the lemmas, and the awns. |
retrospective | Concerned with or related to the past The former is often prospective, the latter always retrospective. |
retrousse | Turned up at the end |
returnable | That may be returned Everything is returnable, even if it’s open, with no restocking fee. |
reusable | Capable of being used again The handle may be disposable and reusable. |
revealing | Showing or making known His forthrightness in revealing this is appreciated. |
revelatory | Prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom It is anti revelatory and anti essential. |
revenant | Of or relating to or typical of a revenant The sagas tell of drastic precautions being taken after a revenant had appeared. |
revengeful | Disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge- shakespeare- m.r.cohen Eight weeks ago, revengeful men shot dead three brothers. |
reverberant | Having a tendency to reverberate or be repeatedly reflected This mechanism becomes especially important in reverberant environment. |
reverberative | Characterized by resonance |
reverend | Worthy of adoration or reverence The vicar at the church is the reverend preb. |
reverent | Showing great reverence for god It was educated by the reverent john strachan. |
reverential | Feeling or manifesting veneration Reverential mendacity should not be substituted for fact. |
reverse | Reversed (turned backward) in order or nature or effect The reverse process is known as inverse kinematics. |
reversed | Of the transmission gear causing backward movement in a motor vehicle At the end, they reverse the names. |
reversible | Capable of assuming or producing either of two states Due to the nature of the xor operation, it is reversible. |
reversionary | Of or relating to or involving a reversion (especially a legal reversion) A reversionary lease is a lease that does not commence until some future date. |
reversive | Tending to be turned back |
revertible | To be returned to the former owner or that owner’s heirs In any case, it’s an easily revertible move if you all don’t like it. |
revitalised | Restored to new life and vigor The new recruits revitalised the band’s career. |
revitalising | Tending to impart new life and vigor to This is all done with the hope of revitalising the project. |
revivalistic | Of or relating to or characterizing revivalism |
revocable | Capable of being revoked or annulled Basic is that it is revocable at any time. |
revokable | Capable of being revoked or annulled This is also a non revokable action, so it should not be considered lightly. |
revolutionary | Of or relating to or characteristic or causing an axial or orbital turn However, the majority of the strikers were reformist, not revolutionary. |
rewardful | Offering or productive of reward |
rewarding | Providing personal satisfaction The faithful often found the shows rewarding. |
rhapsodic | Feeling great rapture or delight Capriccio espagnol is based on folk song but its structure is more rhapsodic. |
rhenish | Of or relating to the rhine river and the lands adjacent to it He put together a rhenish armorial book arranged according to the charges. |
rheologic | Of or relating to rheology |
rheological | Of or relating to rheology Rheological properties can also be shown very effectively by carbon nanotubes. |
rhetorical | Given to rhetoric, emphasizing style at the expense of thought The form of the sonnet is rhetorical. |
rheumatoid | Of or pertaining to arthritis It is part of the usual disease criteria of rheumatoid arthritis. |
rheumy | Of or pertaining to arthritis Young women are simply sold off to rheumy, ageing bidders. |
rhinal | Of or in or relating to the nose In the human it is located along the rhinal sulcus. |
rhizoidal | Of or relating to a rhizoid The narrow compressed axes form peg like rhizoidal attachment organs. |
rhizomatous | Producing or possessing or resembling rhizomes It is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial plant growing to tall. |
rhodesian | Of or relating to the former country of rhodesia (now zimbabwe) The rhodesian government then established a new constitution. |
rhombic | Resembling a rhombus A rhombic dodecahedron appears in the upper right. |
rhombohedral | Having threefold symmetry Calcite and other carbonate minerals exhibit perfect rhombohedral cleavage. |
rhomboid | Shaped like a rhombus or rhomboid As the word rhomboid suggests, the rhomboid major is diamond shaped. |
rhomboidal | Shaped like a rhombus or rhomboid Quadrilateral and overlapping rhomboidal bearing surfaces may be employed. |
rhymeless | Not having rhyme Talk to me later when you get a chance, rhymeless. |
rhythmic | Recurring with measured regularity- john galsworthy She is the grand champion of the world of rhythmic gymnastics from bulgaria. |
rhythmical | Recurring with measured regularity- john galsworthy Later it was gradually replaced by rhythmical office. |
riant | Showing or feeling mirth or pleasure or happiness |
ribald | Humorously vulgar Life was often ribald and bawdy too. |
ribbonlike | Long and thin; resembling a ribbon Flat or ribbonlike hair shafts produce kinky or curly hair. |
ribbony | Long and thin; resembling a ribbon |
ribless | Having no ribs or no visible ribs |
riblike | Resembling a rib |
rich | Strong; intense Granular cheese is rich and tangy. |
richer | Very productive The rich flaunt their money in order to hide their emptiness. |
richest | Having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources) Filthy rich, spoke like an habitant. |
rickettsial | Relating to or caused by rickettsias Doxycycline has been used in the treatment of rickettsial infection. |
rickety | Inclined to shake as from weakness or defect The modern backwater bridges replaced a wooden and somewhat rickety structure. |
ridged | Having a ridge or shaped like a ridge or suggesting the keel of a ship The horns are scimitar shaped and heavily ridged. |
ridiculous | Incongruous;inviting ridicule In this facetious case, the logic is ridiculous. |
riemannian | Of or relating to riemann’s non-euclidean geometry Glossary of riemannian and metric geometry. |
rife | Most frequent or common Disease became rife in the inhospitable climate, decimating the expedition. |
right | Intended for the right hand Where the page is right now is the scientifically correct term for the process. |
right-hand | Located on or directed toward the right The cartouche in the upper right hand corner states a different name. |
right-wing | Believing in or supporting tenets of the political right Is this just a view expressed by right wing jingoist pundits |
righteous | Morally justified Sorry to deflate your righteous indignation about perfidious southerners. |
rightful | Legally valid He is diego’s father, and the rightful leader of the pueblo. |
rightish | Tending toward the political right |
rightist | Believing in or supporting tenets of the political right He was a nationalist but not a rightist. |
rightmost | Farthest to the right Simply remove that rightmost heap. |
rigid | Incapable of or resistant to bending He was rigid and had a character of asperity. |
rigorous | Demanding strict attention to rules and procedures The fasts and disciplines were rigorous and frequent. |
rimed | Covered with frost-wm.faulkner Then follows a preface in rimed prose. |
rimeless | Not having rhyme |
riming | Having corresponding sounds especially terminal sounds In growing clouds, it was noted that the particle size often grew by riming. |
rimless | Lacking a rim or frame Sometimes has a rimless reverse. |
rimmed | Having a rim or a rim of a specified kind Deep red scars, crisscrossed with heavy, unhealed, blue rimmed cuts, feverish and noisome. |
rimose | Having a surface covered with a network of cracks and small crevices |
rimy | Covered with frost-wm.faulkner |
ringleted | Shaped into ringlets |
ringlike | Having the shape of a ring A ringlike extension is secured to the plate around the opening. |
riotous | Unrestrained by convention or morality It became a place for riotous football in the playground. |
rip-roaring | Uncontrollably noisy Someone shattered the windshield and left a big rip in the car. |
riparian | Of or relating to or located on the banks of a river or stream The riparian parts were filled with forests of alder and willow. |
ripe | Fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used The dried ripe fruit is a mild laxative. |
risen | Above the horizon The energy he possesses is the risen form of kundalini. |
risible | Arousing or provoking laughter The responses by tennis expert are indeed risible. |
rising | Coming to maturity The rising immunity terminates the infection. |
risk-free | Thought to be devoid of risk It is a tradeoff between the risk and the cost of mitigating that risk. |
riskier | Not financially safe or secure Tipsy is good but drunk is risky. |
riskiest | Involving risk or danger Isolation was inexpedient and risky in the politics of his day. |
riskless | Thought to be devoid of risk She has purchased a riskless bond. |
risky | Involving risk or danger The main objection was that the manoeuvre was very risky. |
risque | Suggestive of sexual impropriety Numerous versions exist of the lyrics are more risque. |
ritardando | Gradually decreasing in tempo Now i’m going to redirect ritardando and accelerando here as well. |
ritenuto | Gradually decreasing in tempo |
ritual | Of or relating to or employed in social rites or rituals- nadine gordimer An example of a ceremony was the ritual of the oak and the mistletoe. |
ritualistic | Of or characterized by or adhering to ritualism Most of the art forms of the pulluvar are ritualistic. |
ritzy | Luxuriously elegant He made him an offer to photograph ritzy parties in the midwest. |
rivalrous | Eager to surpass others Non free content is rivalrous of free content. |
riveting | Capable of arousing and holding the attention Chester and the green pig is a riveting adventure. |
roadless | Lacking pathways Roadless areas form core reserves of biological diversity. |
roan | Having a brownish coat thickly sprinkled with white or grey The effect of linkage between roan and chestnut is readily observed. |
roast | Cooked by dry heat in an oven What did you just roast |
roasted | Cooked by dry heat in an oven Rub the salt and pepper on the roast. |
robed | Dressed or clothed especially in fine attire; often used in combination One of the robed figures pulls a long curved dagger. |
robotic | Resembling the unthinking functioning of a machine Most of its existence is thoroughly of the biologically robotic variety. |
robotlike | Resembling the unthinking functioning of a machine |
robust | Sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction Trespasser features a robust physics system. |
robustious | Noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline |
rockbound | Abounding in or bordered by rocky cliffs or scarps Rockbound eventually won the competition. |
rocket-propelled | Propelled by (or as if propelled by) a rocket engine The armament was the rocket launchers. |
rocklike | Hard as granite |
rocky | Causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements Much of the area is deforested and rocky. |
rococo | Having excessive asymmetrical ornamentation Cassels took over the project and was responsible for the rococo interiors. |
rodlike | Resembling a rod These proteins can be globular or rodlike. |
roentgenographic | Relating to or produced by roentgenography |
roguish | Playful in an appealingly bold way Call him a roguish tribal chieftain or an ornery sociopath, he is what he is. |
roily | Agitated vigorously; in a state of turbulence The water was roily, as though recently disturbed. |
rollicking | Given to merry frolicking He could also be funny and rollicking. |
rolling | Uttered with a trill Let’s keep the snowball rolling. |
romaic | Relating to modern greece or its inhabitants or its language For more information please searchwikipedia for romaic. |
roman | Of or relating to or derived from rome (especially ancient rome) Following the roman example, they abduct the girls. |
romance | Relating to languages derived from latin The romance between them has rekindled. |
romani | Of or relating to the gypsies or their language or culture He also celebrated the ludi romani on a scale of unexampled magnificence. |
romanian | Of or relating to or characteristic of the country of romania or its people or languages It stands as the basis of the legitimacy of the romanian government. |
romanic | Of or relating to or derived from rome (especially ancient rome) English has adopted many romanic words without adding accents. |
romanist | Of or relating to or supporting romanism I am not a romanist so i do not know the exact number. |
romansh | Of or relating to the romansh language In the last decades the romansh speaking percentage has decreased. |
romantic | Not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic The film is a romantic and melodious love story. |
romanticist | Belonging to or characteristic of romanticism or the romantic movement in the arts Bangs described it as repellent romanticist bullshit. |
romanticistic | Belonging to or characteristic of romanticism or the romantic movement in the arts |
romany | Of or relating to the gypsies or their language or culture It isn’t even translated into the romany language at all. |
romish | Of or relating to or supporting romanism |
roofed | Covered with a roof; having a roof as specified (often used in combination) The hammock on the cabin’s roofed porch was a coveted napping spot. |
roofless | Physically or spiritually homeless or deprived of security- james stern Note the roofless and pockmarked altes rathaus looking up the tal. |
roomy | Having ample space It is a larger, more roomy version of the i30 hatchback. |
rooseveltian | Of or relating to or like or in the manner of franklin roosevelt |
rootbound | Grown too large for its container resulting in matting or tangling of the roots Hoya carnosa needs to be rootbound to flower. |
rooted | Absolutely still It is rooted in your laziness. |
rootless | Wandering aimlessly without ties to a place or community Moss is a primitive, non flowering, rootless green plant. |
ropey | Forming viscous or glutinous threads Hello there, this section seems a bit ropey to me. |
ropy | Of or resembling rope (or ropes) in being long and strong It’s still pretty ropy but i hope a little more legible. |
rosaceous | Of something having a dusty purplish pink color Damage can be extensive on rosaceous plants. |
rose | Of something having a dusty purplish pink color The rose petals were preserved. |
roseate | Of something having a dusty purplish pink color Jesse likes how her fish are roseate. |
rosicrucian | Of or relating to the rosicrucians Meyer became a member of the occult rosicrucian order. |
rosier | Presaging good fortune At the same time, it prints a very rosy picture of the western culture. |
rostrate | Having a beak or beaklike snout or proboscis |
rosy | Presaging good fortune The baby has rosy cheeks. |
rotary | Describing a circle; moving in a circle Is the rotary engine a truly seductive concept |
rotatable | Capable of being rotated A rotatable pivot plate has three pivot points. |
rotational | Of or pertaining to rotation Failure of rotational invariance. |
rotatory | Of or relating to or characteristic or causing an axial or orbital turn Hence references to the rotatory gait as disunited. |
rotten | Damaged by decay; hence unsound and useless He took out the fang which was rotten. |
rotund | Full and rich Additionally, he is also depicted as a rotund hearthom made of granite. |
rouged | Marked by the use of various kinds of red makeup It is a common misconception that flapper’s rouged their knees. |
rough | Unpleasantly stern The rough wall abraded his arm. |
rough-cut | Lacking refinement or cultivation or taste The rough wall abraded his arm. |
roughdried | Dried but not ironed |
rougher | Full of hardship or trials Explanation of the kinematics is also rough. |
roughest | Violently agitated and turbulent- ezra pound The ground has numerous hummocks and rough spots. |
roughhewn | Of stone or timber; shaped roughly without finishing |
roughish | Somewhat rough I have a roughish draft of it close to completion. |
roughshod | Able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering Running roughshod over that for personal vendetta , whatever, is rude. |
roumanian | Of or relating to or characteristic of the country of romania or its people or languages His nationality was hungarian and not roumanian. |
round | Expressed to the nearest integer, ten, hundred, or thousand He has a round face. |
round-the-world | Involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope The global world wants peace and harmony in the globe of the world. |
roundabout | Deviating from a straight course The roundabout is located in the newer part of the jordanian capital. |
rounded | Curving and somewhat round in shape rather than jagged The furnace is shaped like an equilateral triangle with rounded corners. |
roundheaded | Having a brachycephalic head |
roundish | Somewhat round in appearance or form The small flowers are arranged in corymbose or roundish groups. |
rousing | Capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement The cooking program becomes a rousing success due to the recorded footage. |
rousseauan | Of or pertaining to or characteristic of french philosopher jean-jacques rousseau (1712-1778) |
routine | Found in the ordinary course of events- anita diamant None of the judges like the routine. |
roving | Migratory For how long was he roving |
rowdy | Disturbing the public peace; loud and rough The film follows the sibling relationship and the threat from the rowdy. |
royal | Belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler The royal family lives in a kingdom. |
ruandan | Of or pertaining to rwanda |
rubber | Returned for lack of funds The elastic wallet band is a variation of the rubber band wallet. |
rubberlike | Having an elastic texture resembling rubber in flexibility or toughness A drum shaped infant’s teething device consisting of a soft non toxic rubberlike hollow toy having thick walls and generally toroidal rims about the size of teething rings which rims are integral with the drum shaped toy and yet stand out from the drum for teething purposes. |
rubbery | Difficult to chew The student figures are a bit rubbery. |
rubbishy | Cheap and inferior; of no value Most articles start out pretty rubbishy. |
rubicund | Inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life |
ruby | Of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies It was used as the theme song to the japanese dub of ruby gloom. |
rudderless | Aimlessly drifting Celidoine is set adrift in a rudderless boat. |
ruddy | Of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies The healthy food made him ruddy. |
rude | Lacking in refinement or grace Being rude to adults is unendurable. |
rudimentary | Being or involving basic facts or principles Over the course of the film, she slowly learns rudimentary english. |
rueful | Feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses Willow has a tiny rueful smile through her tears. |
ruffianly | Violent and lawless |
rugged | Topographically very uneven The rugged and remote area is part the sierra madre occidental. |
rugose | Of leaves; ridged or wrinkled Katepisternum rugose anteriorly. |
ruined | Doomed to extinction The whole thing is ruined by her. |
ruinous | Extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin The building, however, was old and in a ruinous state. |
ruling | Exercising power or authority The older generation is ruling ruthlessly. |
ruly | Neat and tidy An example should be at ruly prominent use, preferably an early first use. |
rum | Beyond or deviating from the usual or expected Cuba’s rum, and specifically barcadi, remained the rum to beat. |
rumanian | Of or relating to or characteristic of the country of romania or its people or languages The monastery of moldovita was motive on a stamp of the rumanian post of 1968. |
rumansh | Of or relating to the romansh language |
rumbustious | Noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline The paperboys are depicted as a rumbustious and tight knit group. |
ruminant | Related to or characteristic of animals of the suborder ruminantia or any other animal that chews a cud The living pronghorn is a small ruminant mammal resembling an antelope. |
ruminative | Deeply or seriously thoughtful; His essays are always funny, sometimes lyrical but almost never ruminative. |
rummy | Beyond or deviating from the usual or expected So the picture of rummy is relevant to the context. |
run-down | Worn and broken down by hard use Run the tests and declare the result. |
run-of-the-mill | Not special in any way The mill supplied flour to the region. |
runaway | Completely out of control There’s no perceivable way to avoid runaway listbloat here. |
runcinate | Having incised margins with the lobes or teeth pointing toward the base; as dandelion leaves |
runic | Relating to or consisting of runes This seems to assert that the use of the runic alphabet was preliterate. |
running | Moving or issuing in a stream He was the first to perform a somersault from one running horse to another. |
runny | Characteristic of a fluid; capable of flowing and easily changing shape Non allergic rhinitis refers to runny nose that is not due to allergy. |
runproof | Resistant to runs or (in britain) ladders |
runty | Well below average height Kelso was her first foal, a bit scrawny, a bit runty, and quite the handful. |
rupestral | Composed of or inscribed on rock |
rupicolous | Composed of or inscribed on rock They are rupicolous rock dwelling and feed on small arthropods. |
rural | Living in or characteristic of farming or country life The bulk of the area is rural in character. |
ruritanian | Of or pertaining to or characteristic of ruritania (or any other imaginary country) But this ruritanian message box with its misleading message just won’t do. |
rush | Done under pressure They rush into an embrace and kiss each other. |
rushed | Done under pressure People were rushed to go to the hospital. |
rushlike | Resembling rush or sedge |
rushy | Abounding in rushes The burgies are two slag heaps on the site of the old rushy park coal mine. |
russet | Of brown with a reddish tinge Orange flush with hint of russet. |
russian | Of or pertaining to or characteristic of russia or its people or culture or language The emergence of russian futurist books. |
rust | Of the brown color of rust Rust is named after the resulting phenomenon of the oxidation of iron. |
rusted | Of the brown color of rust Copper will not rust. |
rustic | Characteristic of rural life The book details the rustic lifestyle in a lively manner. |
rusting | Of the brown color of rust Some of the rust has been washed away. |
rustless | Without rust |
rustling | Characterized by soft sounds- r.p.warren What is rustling in the forest |
rustproof | Treated against rusting It was also used to render it rustproof, suitable for carrying water. |
rustproofed | Treated against rusting |
rusty | Covered with or consisting of rust At the heart of the series is the sibling relationship between casey and rusty. |
ruthful | Feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses |
ruthless | Without mercy or pity He is an aloof, impassive, and ruthless man. |
rutted | Full of ruts The roads were rutted and rough. |
ruttish | Feeling great sexual desire |
rutty | Full of ruts |
rwandan | Of or pertaining to rwanda Role of the international community in the rwandan genocide. |
We hope you liked our list of R adjectives. Don’t forget to use adjectives in everyday life to make your writing and speech more descriptive and enrich your vocabulary.
The synonyms and related words of "Brag" are: blow, bluster, boast, gas, gasconade, shoot a…
The synonyms and related words of "Pierce" are: thrust, make a hole in, penetrate, puncture,…
The synonyms and related words of "Weary" are: aweary, tired, tired out, exhausted, fatigued, overtired,…
The synonyms and related words of "Kick" are: complain, kvetch, plain, quetch, sound off, give…
The synonyms and related words of "Useless" are: futile, pointless, purposeless, impractical, vain, in vain,…
Want to describe something with adjectives that start with 'J'? Though they are not numerous,…