Need another word that means the same as “admissible”? Find 14 synonyms and 30 related words for “admissible” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Admissible” are: allowable, permissible, acceptable, passable, tolerable, satisfactory, justifiable, defensible, supportable, well founded, tenable, sound, sensible, reasonable
Admissible as an Adjective
Definitions of "Admissible" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “admissible” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Deserving to be admitted.
- Having the right to be admitted to a place.
- Acceptable or valid, especially as evidence in a court of law.

Synonyms of "Admissible" as an adjective (14 Words)
acceptable | Meeting requirements. The water was acceptable for drinking. |
allowable | Deserving to be allowed or considered. Tax is payable after deduction of allowable expenses. |
defensible | Justifiable by argument. A fort with a defensible yard at its feet. |
justifiable | Capable of being justified. Their justifiable fears. |
passable | (of a route or road) clear of obstacles and able to be travelled on. The road is passable. |
permissible | That may be permitted especially as according to rule. Permissible behavior in school. |
reasonable | As much as is appropriate or fair; moderate. It seems a reasonable enough request. |
satisfactory | (of evidence or a verdict) sufficient for the needs of the case. His grades were satisfactory. |
sensible | Showing reason or sound judgment. Even amoeba are sensible creatures. |
sound | In excellent physical condition. The wall is sound. |
supportable | Capable of being borne though unpleasant. |
tenable | Able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection. Such a simplistic approach is no longer tenable. |
tolerable | Capable of being borne or endured. A stimulant to make life more tolerable. |
well founded | Resulting favorably. |

Usage Examples of "Admissible" as an adjective
- The tape recording was admissible as evidence.
- Foreigners were admissible only as temporary workers.
- Admissible evidence.

Associations of "Admissible" (30 Words)
accept | Make use of or accept for some purpose. Vending machines that accepted 100 yen coins for cans of beer. |
acceptable | Moderately good; satisfactory. Pollution in the city had reached four times the acceptable level. |
accepting | Tolerating without protest. Always more accepting of coaching suggestion than her teammates. |
admittedly | Used to express a concession or recognition that something is the case. Admittedly the salary was not wonderful. |
agree | Reach agreement about something after negotiation. She s eaten something that didn t agree with her. |
agreed | Discussed or negotiated and then accepted by all parties. The agreed date. |
allow | Allow or plan for a certain possibility concede the truth or validity of something. I allow for this possibility. |
allowable | (of an amount of money) able to be earned or received free of tax. Tax is payable after deduction of allowable expenses. |
approbation | Approval or praise. A term of approbation. |
approval | A feeling of liking something or someone good. They have delayed the launch to await project approvals. |
approve | Judge to be right or commendable; think well of. I don t approve of romance. |
authorization | The power or right to give orders or make decisions. The raising of revenue and the authorization of spending. |
concede | Be willing to concede. He took an early lead which he never conceded. |
concession | The right, given by a company, to sell goods, especially in a particular place. There are concessions on party bookings. |
concurrence | Agreement or consistency. The number of possible concurrences in the diagram. |
endorsement | The action of endorsing someone or something. A star athlete can make a lot of money from endorsements. |
let | A property available for rent. This let me in for a big surprise. |
license | Grant a licence to. A pub has to be licensed by the local justices. |
morally | In a way that is considered right according to the code of behaviour of a particular society. Murder is morally wrong. |
ok | A state in south central United States. Things are okay. |
okay | An endorsement. She ll do okay on her own. |
permissible | Permitted; allowed. It is permissible to edit and rephrase the statement. |
permission | An official document giving authorization. He asked permission to leave. |
permit | Large game fish; found in waters of the West Indies. He would not permit anybody access to the library. |
ratification | The action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid. Ratification of the treaty raised problems in several member states. |
ratify | Approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation. Both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of the year. |
sanction | Give sanction to. The scheme was sanctioned by the court. |
tolerable | About average; acceptable. The climate is at least tolerable. |
unobjectionable | Not causing disapproval. Unobjectionable behavior. |
yes | An affirmative. Answering with assured and ardent yeses. |