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ADMONISH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ADMONISH?

Need another word that means the same as “admonish”? Find 38 synonyms and 30 related words for “admonish” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Admonish” are: reproof, reprove, discourage, monish, warn, caution, reprimand, rebuke, scold, upbraid, chastise, chide, censure, castigate, lambast, berate, reproach, lecture, criticize, take to task, pull up, read the riot act to, give a piece of one's mind to, haul over the coals, advise, recommend, urge, counsel, exhort, implore, beseech, entreat, encourage, bid, enjoin, adjure, push, pressure

Admonish as a Verb

Definitions of "Admonish" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “admonish” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Warn strongly; put on guard.
  • Advise or counsel in terms of someone's behavior.
  • Warn or reprimand someone firmly.
  • Admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior.
  • Take to task.
  • Advise or urge (someone) earnestly.
  • Warn (someone) of something to be avoided.

Synonyms of "Admonish" as a verb (38 Words)

adjureUrge or request (someone) solemnly or earnestly to do something.
I adjure you to tell me the truth.
Sleeping pills are not advised.
berateCensure severely or angrily.
She berated herself for being fickle.
beseechAsk (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.
You have got to believe me Violet beseeched him.
bidMake a statement during the auction undertaking to make a certain number of tricks with a stated suit as trumps if the bid is successful and one becomes the declarer.
A consortium of dealers bid a world record price for a snuff box.
castigateReprimand (someone) severely.
He was castigated for not setting a good example.
cautionWarn or advise against (doing something.
Advisers have cautioned against tax increases.
censureExpress severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement.
Shareholders censured the bank for its extravagance.
chastisePunish, especially by beating.
She chastised him for his insensitive remarks.
chideScold or rebuke.
She chided him for not replying to her letters.
counselGive professional help and advice to (someone) to resolve personal or psychological problems.
Careers officers should counsel young people in making their career decisions.
criticizeAct as a critic.
Technicians were criticized for defective workmanship.
discourageDeprive of courage or hope take away hope from cause to feel discouraged.
Tedious regulations could discourage investors.
encourageInspire with confidence; give hope or courage to.
The intention is to encourage new writing talent.
enjoinProhibit someone from performing (a particular action) by issuing an injunction.
The charitable deeds enjoined on him by religion.
entreatAsk for or request earnestly.
A message had been sent entreating aid for the Navahos.
exhortForce or impel in an indicated direction.
Come on you guys exhorted Linda.
give a piece of one's mind toGive entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause.
haul over the coalsTransport in a vehicle.
imploreCall upon in supplication; entreat.
He implored her to change her mind.
lambastCriticize (someone or something) harshly.
They lambasted the report as a gross distortion of the truth.
lectureGive a lecture to a class or other audience.
I do not wish to be lectured about smoking.
monishTo admonish to give counsel warning or criticism.
pressureExert pressure on someone through threats.
It might be possible to pressure him into resigning.
pull upCause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense.
pushMake strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby.
She was arrested for pushing hard drugs.
read the riot act toInterpret something that is written or printed.
rebukeExpress sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behaviour or actions.
The judge publicly rebuked the jury.
recommendCommend or entrust someone or something to (someone.
Some doctors recommend putting a board under the mattress.
reprimandAddress a reprimand to.
Officials were reprimanded for poor work.
reproachExpress to (someone) one’s disapproval of or disappointment in their actions.
Her friends reproached her for not thinking enough about her family.
reproofCensure severely or angrily.
reproveTake to task.
He was reproved for obscenity.
scoldCensure severely or angrily.
Mum took Anna away scolding her for her bad behaviour.
take to taskPick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives.
upbraidFind fault with (someone); scold.
He was upbraided for his slovenly appearance.
urgeTry earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do something.
I urged him to finish his studies.
warnAdmonish or counsel in terms of someone’s behavior.
The union warned that its members were going on strike.

Usage Examples of "Admonish" as a verb

  • She admonished me for appearing at breakfast unshaven.
  • He admonished the people against the evil of such practices.
  • He admonished the child for his bad behavior.
  • She admonished him to drink no more than one glass of wine.

Associations of "Admonish" (30 Words)

accusationA charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
There was accusation in Brian s voice.
bemoanRegret strongly.
It was no use bemoaning her lot.
berateScold or criticize (someone) angrily.
She berated herself for being fickle.
blamePut or pin the blame on.
He took the blame for it.
censoriousSeverely critical of others.
Censorious champions of morality.
censureThe state of being excommunicated.
Shareholders censured the bank for its extravagance.
condemningContaining or imposing condemnation or censure.
criticizeAct as a critic.
Technicians were criticized for defective workmanship.
dangerA dangerous place.
She was in danger of being exploited.
demurPut forward a demurrer.
Normally she would have accepted the challenge but she demurred.
expostulateExpress strong disapproval or disagreement.
He found Fox expostulating with a young man.
expostulationThe act of expressing earnest opposition or protest.
harangueDeliver a harangue to address forcefully.
He harangued the public on their ignorance.
incriminationAn accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed.
His incrimination was based on my testimony.
lambasteBeat with a cane.
opprobriumPublic disgrace arising from shameful conduct.
The name was a by word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city.
rantA spell of ranting a tirade.
She was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all.
raveAttend a rave party.
She raved about that new restaurant.
rebukeExpress sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behaviour or actions.
She had rebuked him for drinking too much.
recriminationAn accusation in response to one from someone else.
There are no tears no recriminations.
reprimandAddress a reprimand to.
Officials were reprimanded for poor work.
reproachIn the Roman Catholic Church a set of antiphons and responses for Good Friday representing the reproaches of Christ to his people.
Her friends reproached her for not thinking enough about her family.
reproofAn expression of blame or disapproval.
She welcomed him with a mild reproof for leaving her alone.
reproveTake to task.
Don t be childish Hilary he reproved mildly.
scoldA person who nags or grumbles constantly (typically used of a woman.
The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger s car.
scoldingAn angry rebuke or reprimand.
She d get a scolding from Victoria.
sternlyIn a way that is difficult and puts extreme pressure on someone or something.
He sternly warned me to not do anything stupid.
tiradeA speech of violent denunciation.
A tirade of abuse.
vilifySpread negative information about.
He has been vilified in the press.
warnAsk to go away.
Police warned people not to keep large amounts of cash in their homes.

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