Need another word that means the same as “beseech”? Find 16 synonyms and 30 related words for “beseech” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Beseech” are: adjure, bid, conjure, entreat, press, implore, beg, importune, plead with, appeal to, exhort, ask urgently, petition, call on, supplicate, pray to
Beseech as a Verb
Definitions of "Beseech" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “beseech” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.
- Ask for or request earnestly.

Synonyms of "Beseech" as a verb (16 Words)
adjure | Ask for or request earnestly. I adjure you to tell me the truth. |
appeal to | Be attractive to. |
ask urgently | Require or ask for as a price or condition. |
beg | Acquire food or money from someone by begging. A piece of bread which I begged from a farmer. |
bid | Make a statement during the auction undertaking to make a certain number of tricks with a stated suit as trumps if the bid is successful and one becomes the declarer. Nineteen companies have indicated their intention to bid for the contract. |
call on | Lure by imitating the characteristic call of an animal. |
conjure | Implore (someone) to do something. A special tune that conjures up a particular time and place. |
entreat | Ask earnestly or anxiously for (something. A message had been sent entreating aid for the Navahos. |
exhort | Spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts. Come on you guys exhorted Linda. |
implore | Beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something. He implored her to change her mind. |
importune | Beg persistently and urgently. The president would importune them to try harder. |
petition | Write a petition for something to somebody request formally and in writing. The custodial parent petitioned the court for payment of the arrears. |
plead with | Make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts. |
pray to | Address a deity, a prophet, a saint or an object of worship; say a prayer. |
press | Create by pressing. Pressed flowers. |
supplicate | Ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly. The plutocracy supplicated to be made peers. |
Usage Examples of "Beseech" as a verb
- They beseeched him to stay.
- ‘You have got to believe me,’ Violet beseeched him.
- They earnestly beseeched his forgiveness.
Associations of "Beseech" (30 Words)
adjure | Command solemnly. I adjure you to tell me the truth. |
appeal | A serious, urgent, or heartfelt request. He was found guilty but appealed immediately. |
asking | The verbal act of requesting. |
beg | Acquire food or money from someone by begging. I beg you to stop. |
cadge | Ask for and get free; be a parasite. He cadged fivers off old school friends. |
conjure | Call (an image) to the mind. They hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend. |
desperately | In intense despair. The soil desperately needed potash. |
entreat | Ask for or request earnestly. The King I fear hath ill entreated her. |
entreaty | Earnest or urgent request. An entreaty to stop the fighting. |
exhortation | A communication intended to urge or persuade the recipients to take some action. Exhortations to consumers to switch off electrical appliances. |
implore | Beg earnestly for. I implore mercy. |
invitation | A tempting allurement. A wedding invitation. |
invite | Invite someone to one s house. His use of the word did little but invite criticism. |
lamentation | The passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping. Scenes of lamentation. |
necessary | Needed to be done, achieved, or present; essential. It s not necessary for you to be here. |
necessity | The state or fact of being required. The necessity of providing parental guidance. |
paging | The system of numbering pages. The public address system in the hospital was used for paging. |
perforce | Used to express necessity or inevitability. Amateurs perforce have to settle for less expensive solutions. |
petition | Present a petition to an authority in respect of a particular cause. A steady stream of petitions to Allah were audible. |
plea | (law) a defendant’s answer by a factual matter (as distinguished from a demurrer. Her plea of a headache was not entirely false. |
plead | Make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts. The youth pleaded guilty to murdering the girl. |
pray | Address a deity a prophet a saint or an object of worship say a prayer. Ladies and gentlemen pray be seated. |
prayer | Earnest or urgent request. The priest sank to his knees in prayer. |
request | The verbal act of requesting. She requested an extra bed in her room. |
solicit | Make a solicitation or petition for something desired. He called a meeting to solicit their views. |
solicitation | The act of enticing a person to do something wrong (as an offer of sex in return for money. He was a regular target for solicitation of funds. |
suppliant | Humbly entreating. Their faces were wary and suppliant. |
supplicant | Making or expressing a plea, especially to someone in power or authority. Supplicants prostrate themselves on the floor. |
supplicate | Make a humble, earnest petition. The plutocracy supplicated to be made peers. |
woo | Seek the favour, support, or custom of. Pop stars are being wooed by film companies eager to sign them up. |