Need another word that means the same as “solicit”? Find 39 synonyms and 30 related words for “solicit” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Solicit” are: beg, tap, accost, hook, court, romance, woo, ask for, request, apply for, put in for, seek, plead for, sue for, crave, canvass, call for, drum up, press for, ask, beseech, implore, plead with, entreat, appeal to, apply to, lobby, petition, importune, supplicate, call on, press, pressure, work as a prostitute, engage in prostitution, accost people, make sexual advances, tout, tout for business
Solicit as a Verb
Definitions of "Solicit" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “solicit” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Incite, move, or persuade to some act of lawlessness or insubordination.
- Ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.
- Make amorous advances towards.
- Make a solicitation or petition for something desired.
- Ask (someone) for something.
- Make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently or persistently.
- Accost someone and offer one's or someone else's services as a prostitute.
- Approach with an offer of sexual favors.

Synonyms of "Solicit" as a verb (39 Words)
accost | Approach with an offer of sexual favors. Reporters accosted him in the street. |
accost people | Speak to someone. |
appeal to | Challenge (a decision. |
apply for | Be applicable to; as to an analysis. |
apply to | Apply to a surface. |
ask | Require or ask for as a price or condition. She asked him for a loan. |
ask for | Require or ask for as a price or condition. |
beg | Acquire food or money from someone by begging. They had to beg for food. |
beseech | Ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat. They earnestly beseeched his forgiveness. |
call for | Order, summon, or request for a specific duty or activity, work, role. |
call on | Pay a brief visit. |
canvass | Solicit votes from potential voters in an electoral campaign. They promised to canvass all member clubs for their views. |
court | Make amorous advances towards. He has often courted controversy. |
crave | Feel a powerful desire for (something. Will craved for family life. |
drum up | Study intensively, as before an exam. |
engage in prostitution | Hire for work or assistance. |
entreat | Ask earnestly or anxiously for (something. The King I fear hath ill entreated her. |
hook | Bend into the shape of a hook so as to fasten around or to an object. The truck had a red lamp hooked to its tailgate. |
implore | Beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something. He implored her to change her mind. |
importune | Harass (someone) persistently for or to do something. The president would importune them to try harder. |
lobby | Seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue. The organization was formed to lobby for student concerns. |
make sexual advances | Make or cause to be or to become. |
petition | Write a petition for something to somebody request formally and in writing. The organization is petitioning the EU for a moratorium on the patent. |
plead for | Offer as an excuse or plea. |
plead with | Offer as an excuse or plea. |
press | Create by pressing. This is a pressing problem. |
press for | Exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for. |
pressure | Exert pressure on someone through threats. She pressured her son to accept a job offer from the bank. |
put in for | Make an investment. |
request | Inquire for (information. I requested that she type the entire manuscript. |
romance | Talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions. The wealthy estate owner romanced her. |
seek | Make an effort or attempt. Seek directions from a local. |
sue for | Institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against. |
supplicate | Ask humbly (for something. He supplicated the King for clemency. |
tap | Walk with a tapping sound. Tap a cask of wine. |
tout | Attempt to persuade people of the merits of. This product was touted as a revolutionary invention. |
tout for business | Show off. |
woo | Seek the favour, support, or custom of. Pop stars are being wooed by film companies eager to sign them up. |
work as a prostitute | Behave in a certain way when handled. |

Usage Examples of "Solicit" as a verb
- Henry IV solicited the Pope for a divorce.
- Prostitutes solicit openly on the streets.
- He called a meeting to solicit their views.
- Historians and critics are solicited for opinions by the auction houses.
- He met her while she was soliciting in Soho.
- Don't solicit for money.
- He was solicited by a prostitute.
- My neighbor keeps soliciting money for different charities.
- She is too shy to solicit.
- The young man was caught soliciting in the park.
- He was accused of soliciting his colleagues to destroy the documents.

Associations of "Solicit" (30 Words)
accost | Approach with an offer of sexual favors. He was accosted by a thief demanding his money or his life. |
adjure | Command solemnly. I adjure you to tell me the truth. |
appeal | An application to a higher court for a decision to be reversed. A public appeal to raise 120 000. |
asking | The verbal act of requesting. |
beg | Acquire food or money from someone by begging. I beg you to stop. |
beseech | Ask for or request earnestly. They beseeched him to stay. |
cadge | Obtain or seek to obtain by cadging or wheedling. He cadged fivers off old school friends. |
conjure | (of a word, sound, smell, etc.) cause someone to think of (something. They hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend. |
demand | The act of demanding. An outraged public demanded retribution. |
desperately | In intense despair. The soil desperately needed potash. |
entreat | Ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something. A message had been sent entreating aid for the Navahos. |
entreaty | An earnest or humble request. An entreaty to stop the fighting. |
exhortation | A communication intended to urge or persuade the recipients to take some action. Exhortations to consumers to switch off electrical appliances. |
implore | Beg earnestly for. Please don t talk that way Ellen implored. |
importune | Beg persistently and urgently. The girl is charged with loitering in a public place with intent to solicit or importune another person. |
invitation | A written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something. Tactics like those of the colonel would have been an invitation to disaster. |
invite | Invite someone to one s house. We invited the neighbors in for a cup of coffee. |
necessary | (of a concept, statement, etc.) inevitably resulting from the nature of things, so that the contrary is impossible. See when they need a tactful word of advice and do the necessary. |
necessity | Anything indispensable. The necessity of providing parental guidance. |
perforce | By necessity; by force of circumstance. Amateurs perforce have to settle for less expensive solutions. |
petition | Write a petition for something to somebody request formally and in writing. A steady stream of petitions to Allah were audible. |
plea | A humble request for help from someone in authority. He made a dramatic plea for disarmament. |
plead | Make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts. She was pleading insanity. |
pray | Address a deity a prophet a saint or an object of worship say a prayer. After several days of rain we were praying for sun. |
request | A tune or song played on a radio programme typically accompanied by a personal message in response to a listener s request. I requested information from the secretary. |
solicitation | The act of asking for or trying to obtain something from someone. People objected to receiving telephone solicitations. |
suppliant | Humbly entreating. Their faces were wary and suppliant. |
supplicant | A person making a humble or earnest plea to someone in power or authority. A supplicant serf before an ill tempered monarch. |
supplicate | Ask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer. The plutocracy supplicated to be made peers. |
woo | Make amorous advances towards. China is wooing Russia. |