Need another word that means the same as “conjure”? Find 32 synonyms and 30 related words for “conjure” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Conjure” are: arouse, bring up, call down, call forth, conjure up, evoke, invoke, put forward, raise, stir, cabal, complot, conspire, machinate, adjure, beseech, bid, entreat, press, make something appear, produce, materialize, magic, summon, generate, bring to mind, call to mind, put one in mind of, call up, summon up, recall, recreate
Conjure as a Verb
Definitions of "Conjure" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “conjure” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together.
- Ask for or request earnestly.
- Cause (a spirit or ghost) to appear by means of a magic ritual.
- Implore (someone) to do something.
- (of a word, sound, smell, etc.) cause someone to think of (something.
- Summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic.
- Call (an image) to the mind.
- Make (something) appear unexpectedly or seemingly from nowhere.

Synonyms of "Conjure" as a verb (32 Words)
adjure | Command solemnly. I adjure you to tell me the truth. |
arouse | Awaken (someone) from sleep. Arouse pity. |
beseech | Ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat. You have got to believe me Violet beseeched him. |
bid | Make a statement during the auction undertaking to make a certain number of tricks with a stated suit as trumps if the bid is successful and one becomes the declarer. Nineteen companies have indicated their intention to bid for the contract. |
bring to mind | Be accompanied by. |
bring up | Be sold for a certain price. |
cabal | Engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together. |
call down | Lure by imitating the characteristic call of an animal. |
call forth | Declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee. |
call to mind | Assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to. |
call up | Rouse somebody from sleep with a call. |
complot | Engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together. |
conjure up | Ask for or request earnestly. |
conspire | Engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together. The two companies conspired to cause the value of the stock to fall. |
entreat | Ask for or request earnestly. A message had been sent entreating aid for the Navahos. |
evoke | Evoke or provoke to appear or occur. This remark evoked sadness. |
generate | Produce or create. We can t generate enough power for the entire city. |
invoke | Cause (a procedure) to be carried out. The antiquated defence of insanity is rarely invoked in England. |
machinate | Arrange by systematic planning and united effort. He machinated against other bishops. |
magic | Move change or create by or as if by magic. He must have been magicked out of the car at the precise second it exploded. |
make something appear | Put in order or neaten. |
materialize | (of a ghost, spirit, or similar entity) appear in bodily form. Her dream really materialized. |
press | Press and smooth with a heated iron. She pressed her nicest blouse. |
produce | Administer the financial and managerial aspects of (a film or broadcast) or the staging of (a play, opera, etc. The album was produced by reggae master mixer Groucho Smykle. |
put forward | Attribute or give. |
put one in mind of | Estimate. |
raise | Multiply a number by itself a specified number of times 8 is 2 raised to the power 3. The king raised him to the title of Count Torre Bella. |
recall | Recall knowledge from memory have a recollection. I can still vaguely recall being taken to the hospital. |
recreate | Give new life or energy to. He recreated Mallory s 1942 climb for TV. |
stir | Stir the feelings emotions or peace of. Stir the soup. |
summon | Gather or bring together. She managed to summon up a smile. |
summon up | Call in an official matter, such as to attend court. |

Usage Examples of "Conjure" as a verb
- She had forgotten how to conjure up the image of her mother's face.
- She conjured him to return.
- They hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend.
- Anne conjured up a delicious home-made hotpot.
- He conjured wild birds in the air.
- A special tune that conjures up a particular time and place.

Associations of "Conjure" (30 Words)
appeal | Try to persuade someone to do something by calling on (a particular principle or quality. A look of appeal on his face. |
beg | Acquire food or money from someone by begging. I must beg of you not to act impulsively. |
beseech | Ask for or request earnestly. They beseeched him to stay. |
cadge | Ask for and get free; be a parasite. He cadged fivers off old school friends. |
clemency | Good weather with comfortable temperatures. An appeal for clemency. |
desperately | In a way that shows despair. I am desperately disappointed. |
entreat | Ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something. The King I fear hath ill entreated her. |
entreaty | Earnest or urgent request. An entreaty to stop the fighting. |
exhortation | The act of exhorting; an earnest attempt at persuasion. Exhortations to consumers to switch off electrical appliances. |
implore | Beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something. He implored her to change her mind. |
invocation | Calling up a spirit or devil. His invocation of the ancient powers of Callanish. |
magic | Move change or create by or as if by magic. He must have been magicked out of the car at the precise second it exploded. |
perforce | Used to express necessity or inevitability. Amateurs perforce have to settle for less expensive solutions. |
petition | Write a petition for something to somebody request formally and in writing. The organization is petitioning the EU for a moratorium on the patent. |
plea | A request made in an urgent and emotional manner. He made a dramatic plea for disarmament. |
plead | Make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts. On trial for attempted murder she pleaded self defence. |
please | Used to ask someone to stop doing something of which the speaker disapproves. Oh please is that meant to be a serious argument. |
pray | Address a prayer to God or another deity. After several days of rain we were praying for sun. |
prayer | A religious service, especially a regular one, at which people gather in order to pray together. The peace of God is ours through prayer. |
recall | Recall knowledge from memory have a recollection. The Fulham defender has been recalled to the Welsh squad for the World Cup. |
request | A tune or song played on a radio programme typically accompanied by a personal message in response to a listener s request. Human intelligence which is in constant request in a family. |
solicit | Make a solicitation or petition for something desired. Historians and critics are solicited for opinions by the auction houses. |
solicitation | The act of asking for or trying to obtain something from someone. A woman arrested for solicitation. |
spell | Orally recite the letters of or give the spelling of. He spelled the word wrong in this letter. |
suppliant | A person making a humble or earnest plea to someone in power or authority. A suppliant sinner seeking forgiveness. |
supplicant | Making or expressing a plea, especially to someone in power or authority. A supplicant serf before an ill tempered monarch. |
supplicate | Ask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer. Supplicate for permission. |
supplication | A prayer asking God’s help as part of a religious service. He fell to his knees in supplication. |
witch | A follower or practitioner of Wicca or of modern witchcraft. Mrs Mucharski had somehow witched the house. |
woo | Seek the favour, support, or custom of. Pop stars are being wooed by film companies eager to sign them up. |