AFFABLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AFFABLY?

Need another word that means the same as “affably”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “affably” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Affably” are: amiably, genially

Affably as an Adverb

Definitions of "Affably" as an adverb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “affably” as an adverb can have the following definitions:

  • In an affable manner.

Synonyms of "Affably" as an adverb (2 Words)

amiablyIn an affable manner.
Soon everyone was chatting amiably.
geniallyIn an affable manner.

Associations of "Affably" (30 Words)

amiableHaving or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.
An amiable villain with a cocky sidelong grin.
amicabilityHaving a disposition characterized by warmth and friendliness.
amityFriendly relations.
The presence of French troops in Scotland had produced hostility rather than amity.
benignPleasant and beneficial in nature or influence.
Benign intentions.
chivalrousBeing attentive to women like an ideal knight.
Shall I be chivalrous and offer you my coat.
civilityFormal or perfunctory politeness.
I hope we can treat each other with civility and respect.
companionableSuggestive of companionship.
A companionable pet.
congenial(used of plants) capable of cross-fertilization or of being grafted.
He went back to a climate more congenial to his cold stony soul.
cordialStrongly felt.
A cordial greeting.
courteousExhibiting courtesy and politeness.
She was courteous and obliging to all.
courtesyA polite remark or considerate act.
Links to the manufacturers websites are provided as a courtesy to the user.
curtsyMake a curtsy usually done only by girls and women as a sign of respect.
She bobbed a curtsy to him.
extrovertedNot introspective; examining what is outside yourself.
She is extroverted confident and gives rousing lectures.
favorA feeling of favorable regard.
The outcome was in his favor.
favorableTending to promote or facilitate.
He received a favorable rating.
friendlyNot seriously or unpleasantly competitive or divisive.
User friendly computers.
genialOf or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw.
A genial host.
goodwill(accounting) an intangible asset valued according to the advantage or reputation a business has acquired (over and above its tangible assets.
A goodwill gesture.
graciousCharacterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially of a king to his subjects.
A gracious hostess.
gregarious(of plants) growing in groups that are close together.
Gregarious species forage in flocks from colonies or roosts.
kindCharacter or nature.
All kinds of music.
kindlyPlease (used in a polite request or demand, often ironically.
A kindly act.
kindnessA kind act.
It would be a kindness on your part to invite her.
niceGiving pleasure or satisfaction; pleasant or attractive.
A nice day.
obligingWilling to do a service or kindness; helpful.
It s very obliging of him.
outgoingA person’s regular expenditure.
An outgoing steamship.
pleasantAffording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings.
A pleasant scene.
propitiousPresenting favorable circumstances; likely to result in or show signs of success.
The timing for such a meeting seemed propitious.
respectfullyIn a respectful manner.
The butler bowed respectfully to them both.
sociableA party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity.
A very sociable little village.

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