Need another word that means the same as “courtesy”? Find 33 synonyms and 30 related words for “courtesy” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Courtesy” are: good manners, politeness, courteousness, civility, respect, respectfulness, deference, chivalry, gallantry, good breeding, gentility, graciousness, kindness, consideration, thought, thoughtfulness, cordiality, geniality, affability, urbanity, polish, refinement, courtliness, decorousness, tact, discretion, diplomacy, free, free of charge, without payment, without charge, at no cost, for nothing
Courtesy as a Noun
Definitions of "Courtesy" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “courtesy” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The showing of politeness in one's attitude and behaviour towards others.
- A curtsy.
- A courteous or respectful or considerate remark.
- A courteous manner.
- A courteous or respectful or considerate act.
- (especially of transport) supplied free of charge to people who are already paying for another service.
- A polite remark or considerate act.

Synonyms of "Courtesy" as a noun (33 Words)
affability | A disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to. An air of benign affability. |
at no cost | 100 at equal 1 kip in Laos. |
chivalry | The medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code. He still retained a sense of chivalry towards women. |
civility | Formal politeness and courtesy in behaviour or speech. I hope we can treat each other with civility and respect. |
consideration | A considerate and thoughtful act. You can buy the books for a small consideration. |
cordiality | A cordial disposition. |
courteousness | A courteous or respectful or considerate act. |
courtliness | Elegance suggestive of a royal court. |
decorousness | Propriety in manners and conduct. |
deference | Courteous regard for people’s feelings. His deference to her wishes was very flattering. |
diplomacy | The profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations, typically by a country’s representatives abroad. With perfect diplomacy he divided his attention between Meryl and Anthea. |
discretion | The trait of judging wisely and objectively. She knew she could rely on his discretion. |
for nothing | A quantity of no importance. |
free | People who are free. The home of the free and the brave. |
free of charge | People who are free. |
gallantry | Gallant actions or words. A medal awarded for outstanding gallantry during the raid. |
geniality | A disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to. He was endowed with geniality and good humour. |
gentility | Elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression. Her grandmother s pretensions to gentility. |
good breeding | Benefit. |
good manners | That which is pleasing or valuable or useful. |
graciousness | Excellence of manners or social conduct. |
kindness | Tendency to be kind and forgiving. He thanked them for their kindness and support. |
polish | A preparation used in polishing. A tin of shoe polish. |
politeness | The act of showing regard for others. He always treated me with the utmost politeness. |
refinement | The result of improving something. He described a refinement of this technique. |
respect | The state of being admired or respected. It differs in that respect. |
respectfulness | Courteous regard for people’s feelings. |
tact | Skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues. The inspector broke the news to me with tact and consideration. |
thought | The organized beliefs of a period or group or individual. Sophie sat deep in thought. |
thoughtfulness | A calm, lengthy, intent consideration. Her generosity and thoughtfulness was unbounded. |
urbanity | Polished courtesy; elegance of manner. A picture of banal urbanity. |
without charge | Attention and management implying responsibility for safety. |
without payment | An act of requiting; returning in kind. |

Usage Examples of "Courtesy" as a noun
- Links to the manufacturers' websites are provided as a courtesy to the user.
- A courtesy car.
- A ritual exchange of courtesies with the lawyers.
- He treated the players with courtesy and good humour.

Associations of "Courtesy" (30 Words)
affable | Friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to. An affable and agreeable companion. |
amiable | Diffusing warmth and friendliness. An amiable villain with a cocky sidelong grin. |
chivalrous | Relating to the historical concept of chivalry. The concept of chivalrous combat. |
civility | Formal or perfunctory politeness. I hope we can treat each other with civility and respect. |
courteous | Polite, respectful, or considerate in manner. She was courteous and obliging to all. |
couth | (used facetiously) refinement. It is more couth to hold your shrimp genteelly by the tail when eating. |
curtsy | Perform a curtsy. She bobbed a curtsy to him. |
decent | Decently clothed. People need decent homes. |
decorous | In keeping with good taste and propriety; polite and restrained. Charlotte gave David a decorous kiss. |
friendliness | A feeling of liking for another person; enjoyment in their company. I was overwhelmed by the friendliness of the people here. |
friendly | Characteristic of or befitting a friend. She gave me a friendly smile. |
genteel | Characterized by exaggerated or affected politeness, refinement, or respectability. A genteel old lady. |
gesture | Express something with a gesture or gestures. So much is conveyed by gesture. |
greeting | A polite word or sign of welcome or recognition. Warm greetings to you all. |
honest | Not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent. An honest working stiff. |
humble | Of low birth or station (`base’ is archaic in this sense. Of humble or lowly birth. |
kind | Agreeable, conducive to comfort. All kinds of music. |
kindness | The quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic. It would be a kindness on your part to invite her. |
modest | Not large but sufficient in size or amount. Drink modest amounts of alcohol. |
nice | (of a person) good-natured; kind. A job requiring nice measurements with a micrometer. |
outspoken | Given to expressing yourself freely or insistently. He has been outspoken in his criticism. |
polite | Showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc. They thought she was wrong but were too polite to say so. |
politely | In a polite manner. He waited politely for me to ask questions. |
respectfully | Used to express politeness to mitigate the effect of a refusal or disagreement. I must respectfully disagree with your claim. |
straightforwardness | Without hypocrisy. What some people take for rudeness is really straightforwardness. |
truthful | Telling or expressing the truth; honest. A truthful person. |
unassuming | Not pretentious or arrogant; modest. Unassuming to a fault skeptical about the value of his work. |
unbiased | Showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial. An unbiased account of her family problems. |
unpretentious | Not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance, talent, or culture than is actually possessed. An unpretentious country church. |
veracious | Precisely accurate. A veracious witness. |