Need another word that means the same as “friendliness”? Find 33 synonyms and 30 related words for “friendliness” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Friendliness” are: affability, amiability, geniality, congeniality, cordiality, good nature, good humour, warmth, affection, affectionateness, demonstrativeness, conviviality, joviality, companionability, companionableness, sociability, gregariousness, comradeship, neighbourliness, hospitableness, approachability, accessibility, easy-going manner, communicativeness, openness, lack of reservation, lack of inhibition, good-naturedness, kindness, kindliness, sympathy, amenability, benevolence
Friendliness as a Noun
Definitions of "Friendliness" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “friendliness” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A friendly disposition.
- The quality of being friendly; affability.
- A feeling of liking for another person; enjoyment in their company.

Synonyms of "Friendliness" as a noun (33 Words)
accessibility | The quality of being easy to obtain or use. Students were concerned about the accessibility of quality academic counselling. |
affability | A disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to. An air of benign affability. |
affection | A gentle feeling of fondness or liking. He had trouble expressing the affection he felt. |
affectionateness | A quality proceeding from feelings of affection or love. |
amenability | The trait of being cooperative. |
amiability | A cheerful and agreeable mood. His good natured amiability. |
approachability | The attribute of being easy to meet or deal with. |
benevolence | The quality of being well meaning; kindness. |
communicativeness | The quality of being willing, eager, or able to talk or impart information. His questions encouraged her communicativeness. |
companionability | Suitability to be a companion. |
companionableness | Suitability to be a companion. |
comradeship | The quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability. His greatest joy came from comradeship with others in the team. |
congeniality | A congenial disposition. |
conviviality | A boisterous celebration; a merry festivity. The conviviality of the evening. |
cordiality | A cordial disposition. |
demonstrativeness | Tending to express your feelings freely. |
easy-going manner | How something is done or how it happens. |
geniality | The quality of having a friendly and cheerful manner. He was endowed with geniality and good humour. |
good humour | That which is pleasing or valuable or useful. |
good nature | Articles of commerce. |
good-naturedness | A cheerful willingness to be obliging. |
gregariousness | The quality of being gregarious–having a dislike of being alone. |
hospitableness | Having a disposition that welcomes guests and is fond of entertaining. |
joviality | Feeling jolly and jovial and full of good humor. |
kindliness | The quality of being kind, warm-hearted, or gentle; kindness. |
kindness | The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. It would be a kindness on your part to invite her. |
lack of inhibition | The state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. |
lack of reservation | The state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. |
neighbourliness | A disposition to be friendly and helpful to neighbors. |
openness | (in sport) a style of play characterized by action which is spread out over the field. The openness of the Western landscape. |
sociability | A party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity. For all his sociability he never really connects with people. |
sympathy | Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune. The special sympathy between the two boys was obvious to all. |
warmth | Intensity of emotion. Of course not he snapped with a warmth that he regretted. |

Usage Examples of "Friendliness" as a noun
- I was overwhelmed by the friendliness of the people here.

Associations of "Friendliness" (30 Words)
affable | Diffusing warmth and friendliness. An affable smile. |
amiable | Disposed to please- Hal Hinson. An amiable gathering. |
benefactor | A person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help. A low interest loan from a benefactor allowed them to build a floor for the exhibition hall. |
benefic | Exerting a favorable or beneficent influence. A benefic star. |
beneficence | The quality of being kind or helpful or generous. |
benevolence | An act intending or showing kindness and good will. |
benignity | An act of kindness. His air of benignity. |
candid | (of a photograph of a person) taken informally, especially without the subject’s knowledge. A candid interview. |
candor | The quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech. |
compassion | A deep awareness of and sympathy for another’s suffering. The victims should be treated with compassion. |
courteous | Characterized by courtesy and gracious good manners. A courteous young man. |
courtesy | (especially of transport) supplied free of charge to people who are already paying for another service. A courtesy car. |
decency | The requirements of accepted or respectable behaviour. She had the decency to come and confess. |
discourteous | Showing no courtesy; rude. It would be unkind and discourteous to decline a visit. |
favor | A feeling of favorable regard. That style is in favor this season. |
generosity | The trait of being willing to give your money or time. Diners certainly cannot complain about the generosity of portions. |
generous | Not petty in character and mind. A generous helping of pasta. |
goodness | The beneficial or nourishing element of food. A belief in the basic goodness of mankind. |
goodwill | Friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude. The scheme is dependent on goodwill between the two sides. |
gracefulness | Beautiful carriage. |
honest | Without pretensions. Worked at an honest trade. |
honesty | Referring to or using a way of charging for goods or services that relies on the customers to leave money in an unattended receptacle even though there is no one to collect their payments. They spoke with convincing honesty about their fears. |
kind | Agreeable, conducive to comfort. Thanked her for her kind letter. |
kindness | The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. It would be a kindness on your part to invite her. |
largess | Liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit. |
nice | Pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance- George Meredith. We had a very nice time. |
openness | Willingness or readiness to receive (especially impressions or ideas. It is the openness to possibilities that creates great research. |
probity | Complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles. Financial probity. |
straightness | Trueness of course toward a goal. |
truthfulness | The quality of being truthful. The truthfulness of her playing of an ageing American spinster. |