Categories: GeneralSynonyms

ALLUDE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ALLUDE?

Need another word that means the same as “allude”? Find 42 synonyms and 30 related words for “allude” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Allude” are: advert, touch, refer to, suggest, hint at, imply, mention, touch on, mention in passing, mention en passant, speak briefly of, make an allusion to, cite, make mention of, make reference to, allude to, speak about, speak of, talk about, talk of, write about, name, comment on, deal with, go into, treat, treat of, note, point out, call attention to, bring up, raise, broach, introduce, bring to mind, call to mind, put one in mind of, call up, summon up, conjure up, evoke, echo

Allude as a Verb

Definitions of "Allude" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “allude” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Mention without discussing at length.
  • Suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.
  • Make a more or less disguised reference to.
  • (of an artist or a work of art) recall (an earlier work or style) in such a way as to suggest a relationship with it.

Synonyms of "Allude" as a verb (42 Words)

advertGive heed (to.
allude toMake a more or less disguised reference to.
bring to mindCause to happen or to occur as a consequence.
bring upCause to come into a particular state or condition.
broachOpen and start using the contents of (a bottle or other container.
The salmon broach then fall to slap the water.
call attention toDeclare in the capacity of an umpire or referee.
call to mindUtter a characteristic note or cry.
call upCall a meeting; invite or command to meet.
citeAdvance evidence for.
Medics have been cited as a key example of a modern breed of technical expert.
comment onMake or write a comment on.
conjure upAsk for or request earnestly.
deal withTake into consideration for exemplifying purposes.
echoRing or echo with sound.
His words echoed John F Kennedy.
evokeEvoke or provoke to appear or occur.
The sight evoked pleasant memories of his childhood.
go intoHave a particular form.
hint atDrop a hint; intimate by a hint.
implySuggest that someone is guilty.
Salesmen who use jargon to imply superior knowledge.
introducePut or introduce into something.
Measures were introduced to help families with children.
make an allusion toCalculate as being.
make mention ofGive rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally.
make reference toReach in time.
mentionMake mention of.
He is still regularly mentioned as a possible secretary of state.
mention en passantCommend.
mention in passingCommend.
nameMention by name.
Hundreds of diseases had not yet been isolated or named.
noteMake a written note of.
He noted down her address on a piece of paper.
point outMark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changes.
put one in mind ofAttribute or give.
raiseRaise in rank or condition.
We raise hogs here.
refer toSend or direct for treatment, information, or a decision.
speak aboutGive a speech to.
speak briefly ofExpress in speech.
speak ofMake a characteristic or natural sound.
suggestSuggest the necessity of an intervention in medicine.
A simpler explanation suggested itself to me.
summon upGather or bring together.
talk aboutExchange thoughts; talk with.
talk ofReveal information.
touchStrike (a ball) lightly in a specified direction.
I was touched by your kind letter of sympathy.
touch onBe equal to in quality or ability.
treatProvide treatment for.
They had to treat with the King.
treat ofRegard or consider in a specific way.
write aboutRecord data on a computer.

Usage Examples of "Allude" as a verb

  • We will allude briefly to the main points.
  • She had a way of alluding to Jean but never saying her name.
  • The photographs allude to Italian Baroque painting.
  • He alluded to the problem but did not mention it.

Associations of "Allude" (30 Words)

advertAn advertisement.
aforesaidBeing the one previously mentioned or spoken of.
allusionThe practice of making allusions.
An allusion to Shakespeare.
attendBe present at (an event, meeting, or function.
She attends class regularly.
citeCall in an official matter, such as to attend court.
Medics have been cited as a key example of a modern breed of technical expert.
connoteExpress or state indirectly.
Spinsterhood connoted failure.
cueGive a cue to or for.
Ros and Guil cued by Hamlet also bow deeply.
denoteStand as a name or symbol for.
This mark denotes purity and quality.
describeMove in a way which follows the outline of (an imaginary geometrical figure.
A single light is seen to describe a circle.
descriptionThe action of giving a spoken or written account.
The emphasis was placed on explanation rather than description.
explainMake (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts.
He makes athletes explain why they made a mistake.
expressServe as a means for expressing something.
He caught the express to New York.
foregoingEspecially of writing or speech; going before.
The foregoing analysis of the economic class structure.
hintDrop a hint intimate by a hint.
Handy hints on saving energy in your home.
implicitImplied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something.
The values implicit in the school ethos.
implySuggest that someone is guilty.
Salesmen who use jargon to imply superior knowledge.
indicateIndicate a place direction person or thing either spatially or figuratively.
Treatment for shock may be indicated.
insinuateGive to understand.
I insinuated my shoulder in the gap.
meanMean or intend to express or convey.
Famous for a mean backhand.
mentionMake mention of.
His name was mentioned in connection with the invention.
noteA banknote.
The Secretariat sent a diplomatic note to the embassy protesting about the sale of arms.
overtoneA subtle or subsidiary quality, implication, or connotation.
The decision may have political overtones.
quotePut quote marks around.
Quotes from different insurance companies.
referOf a word phrase or symbol describe or denote have as a referent.
Refer to your notes.
remarkNotice or comment.
The landscape familiar since childhood was not worthy of remark.
sayingA collection of short, pithy expressions identified with a particular person, especially a political or religious leader.
This is stated in the sayings of the Prophet.
signify(among black Americans) exchange boasts or insults as a game or ritual.
I wasn t signifying at her.
storyA plot or storyline.
The story of exposure to lead.
tellA Swiss patriot who lived in the early 14th century and who was renowned for his skill as an archer; according to legend an Austrian governor compelled him to shoot an apple from his son’s head with his crossbow (which he did successfully without mishap.
He could tell that she was unhappy.
unknowinglyWithout knowledge or intention.
Every day we are unknowingly exposed to a variety of pesticides.

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