ALTER EGO: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ALTER EGO?

Need another word that means the same as “alter ego”? Find 30 related words for “alter ego” in this overview.

Associations of "Alter ego" (30 Words)

centeredBeing or placed in the center.
changeMoney given in exchange for the same sum in larger units.
Passengers travelling to London will have to change trains in Bristol.
changedChanged in constitution or structure or composition by metamorphism.
Changed styles of dress.
compatibilityA feeling of sympathy and friendship; like-mindedness.
They felt the bond of true compatibility.
convertA person who has been converted to another religious or political belief.
Convert slaves to laborers.
dramaticallyIn a way intended to create an effect; theatrically.
She paused dramatically.
egocentricAn egocentric person.
Egocentric spatial perception.
egocentrismConcern for your own interests and welfare.
egoismConcern for your own interests and welfare.
egoistA self-centered person with little regard for others.
egotismAn exaggerated opinion of your own importance.
In his arrogance and egotism he underestimated Gill.
egotistA conceited and self-centered person.
He is a self absorbed egotist.
individualCharacteristic of or meant for a single person or thing.
Individual tiny flowers.
individualistA person who pursues independent thought or action.
Individualist attitudes.
individualisticWith minimally restricted freedom in commerce.
Individualistic cultures where individuals strive for self realization.
metamorphoseChange in outward structure or looks.
The extreme heat metamorphosed the sandstone baking it white and producing a quartzite rock.
mutantA mutant form.
Frequently only a small percentage of the offspring of mutants resemble their parents.
prideThe best state of something; the prime.
In the pride of youth.
selfRelating to of or by or to or from or for the self.
An article with a picture of my good self.
selfishConcerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others- Maria Weston Chapman.
I joined them for selfish reasons.
selfishnessThe quality or state of being selfish; lack of consideration for other people.
An act of pure selfishness.
superegoThat part of the unconscious mind that acts as a conscience.
True schizophrenias lack the superego elements present in paranoia.
transfigureElevate or idealize, in allusion to Christ’s transfiguration.
The treatment and diet transfigured her into a beautiful young woman.
transformSubject to a mathematical transformation.
A wry cynicism rapidly transforms into an overwhelming sense of sourness.
transformationA sudden dramatic change of scenery on stage.
British society underwent a radical transformation.
transformedGiven a completely different form or appearance.
Shocked to see the transformed landscape.
transmogrifyChange completely the nature or appearance of.
His home was transmogrified into a hippy crash pad.
vanityLow table with mirror or mirrors where one sits while dressing or applying makeup.
It flattered his vanity to think I was in love with him.
variedCharacterized by variety.
Varied motives prompt people to join a political party.
varyChange from one condition, form, or state to another.
The properties vary in price.

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