AROMA: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AROMA?

Need another word that means the same as “aroma”? Find 12 synonyms and 30 related words for “aroma” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Aroma” are: odor, odour, scent, smell, fragrance, perfume, whiff, redolence, tang, savour, bouquet, nose

Aroma as a Noun

Definitions of "Aroma" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “aroma” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A distinctive, typically pleasant smell.
  • Any property detected by the olfactory system.
  • A distinctive odor that is pleasant.
  • A subtle, pervasive quality or atmosphere.

Synonyms of "Aroma" as a noun (12 Words)

bouquetAn arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present.
We will happily publish the bouquets and brickbats.
fragranceA distinctive odor that is pleasant.
Our fine selection of classic fragrances for men and women.
noseA front that resembles a human nose especially the front of an aircraft.
The wine has a raspberry nose and a clean taste.
odorThe sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form.
odourAny property detected by the olfactory system.
An odour of suspicion.
perfumeA toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor.
Musk based perfumes.
redolenceA pleasingly sweet olfactory property.
savourThe taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth.
The subtle savour of wood smoke.
scentA trail indicated by the characteristic smell of an animal and perceptible to hounds or other animals.
She sprayed scent over her body.
smellA quality in something that is perceived by the faculty of smell an odour or scent.
A highly developed sense of smell.
tangA tart spicy quality.
The clean salty tang of the sea.
whiffAn unpleasant smell.
I caught a whiff of eau de cologne.

Usage Examples of "Aroma" as a noun

  • The aroma of officialdom.
  • The tantalizing aroma of fresh coffee.

Associations of "Aroma" (30 Words)

ambrosialExtremely pleasing to the taste; sweet and fragrant.
Ambrosial food.
aromaticAn aromatic compound.
A massage with aromatic oils.
bouquetAn attractively arranged bunch of flowers, especially one presented as a gift or carried at a ceremony.
We will happily publish the bouquets and brickbats.
cloyingOverly sweet.
A romantic rather cloying story.
A delicious joke.
enrageMake (someone) very angry.
The students were enraged at these new rules.
exasperateExasperate or irritate.
This futile process exasperates prison officers.
flavorfulFull of flavor.
floralA fabric with a floral design.
Faunal and floral evolution.
flowerySmelling of flowers.
Flowery wallpaper.
fragranceA pleasant, sweet smell.
Our fine selection of classic fragrances for men and women.
fragrantHaving a pleasant or sweet smell.
She gathered the fragrant blooms.
frankincenseAn aromatic gum resin obtained from various Arabian or East African trees; formerly valued for worship and for embalming and fumigation.
incenseThe pleasing scent produced when incense is burned.
Incense filled the room.
infuriateMake furious.
I was infuriated by your article.
muskAn odorous glandular secretion from the male musk deer used as a perfume fixative.
muskyHaving a smell or taste like that of musk.
nectaryA nectar-secreting glandular organ in a flower (floral) or on a leaf or stem (extrafloral).
odorThe sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form.
odoriferousHaving or giving off a smell, especially an unpleasant one.
An odoriferous pile of fish.
odorousHaving or giving off an odour.
Fresh odorous bread.
perfumeApply perfume to.
The cream is perfumed with rosemary and iris extracts.
redolentServing to bring to mind.
A rich inky redolent wine.
saccharineExcessively sweet or sentimental.
Saccharine music.
sandalwoodA perfume or incense derived from the sandalwood.
scentSniff the air for a scent.
The Premier scented victory last night.
smellSmell bad.
It had the smell of treason.
sweetWith sweetening added.
A very sweet nurse came along.
tastyPleasing to the sense of taste.
A tasty profit margin of 42.
zestyHaving an agreeably pungent taste.

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