Need another word that means the same as “sweet”? Find 114 synonyms and 30 related words for “sweet” in this overview.
- Sweet as a Noun
- Definitions of "Sweet" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Sweet" as a noun (21 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Sweet" as a noun
- Sweet as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Sweet" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Sweet" as an adjective (92 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Sweet" as an adjective
- Sweet as an Adverb
- Definitions of "Sweet" as an adverb
- Synonyms of "Sweet" as an adverb (1 Word)
- Usage Examples of "Sweet" as an adverb
- Associations of "Sweet" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Sweet” are: fresh, gratifying, sugared, sweet-flavored, sweetened, dulcet, honeyed, mellifluous, mellisonant, odoriferous, odorous, perfumed, scented, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling, angelic, angelical, cherubic, seraphic, unfermented, sugary, saccharine, pure, wholesome, uncontaminated, clean, clear, fragrant, aromatic, balmy, pleasant, pleasing, agreeable, delightful, nice, satisfying, welcome, good, acceptable, entertaining, charming, inviting, attractive, fine, musical, tuneful, melodious, lyrical, soft, harmonious, euphonious, silvery, liquid, mellow, rich, smooth, golden, likeable, appealing, engaging, amiable, genial, friendly, good-natured, kind, kindly, kind-hearted, thoughtful, considerate, cute, lovable, adorable, endearing, dear, fond of, charmed by, captivated by, in love with, infatuated with, keen on, devoted to, smitten with, dearest, darling, beloved, loved, cherished, precious, treasured, prized, worshipped, idolized, henry sweet, confection, sweetness, sugariness, afters, dessert, piece of confectionery, chocolate, bonbon, fondant, toffee, sweet course, second course, last course, dear one, love, sweetheart, sweetly
Sweet as a Noun
Definitions of "Sweet" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sweet” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A dish served as the last course of a meal.
- The pleasures or delights found in something.
- The property of tasting as if it contains sugar.
- English phonetician; one of the founders of modern phonetics (1845-1912.
- A sweet dish forming a course of a meal; a pudding or dessert.
- The sweet part or element of something.
- Used as an affectionate form of address.
- The taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth.
- A food rich in sugar.
- A small shaped piece of sweet food made with sugar.

Synonyms of "Sweet" as a noun (21 Words)
afters | A dish served as the last course of a meal. They were both yellow carded for a spot of afters before half time. |
beloved | A beloved person used as terms of endearment. He watched his beloved from afar. |
bonbon | A piece of confectionery; a sweet. |
chocolate | Hot chocolate. A bar of chocolate. |
confection | The action of mixing or compounding something. A fruit confection. |
darling | A special loved one. Good night darling. |
dear | A sweet or endearing person. Harry s a dear. |
dear one | A sweet innocent mild-mannered person (especially a child. |
dearest | A beloved person; used as terms of endearment. You make me so happy dearest. |
dessert | The sweet course eaten at the end of a meal. A dessert of chocolate mousse. |
fondant | A sweet made of fondant. |
henry sweet | A dish served as the last course of a meal. |
last course | A unit of weight equal to 4,000 pounds. |
love | A person or thing that one loves. His love for football. |
piece of confectionery | A portion of a natural object. |
second course | Following the first in an ordering or series. |
sugariness | The taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth. |
sweet course | The taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth. |
sweetheart | A person with whom someone is having a romantic relationship. He s a sweetheart. |
sweetness | The taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth. He was charmed by the sweetness of her manner. |
toffee | A small shaped piece of toffee. Please don t expect me to fall for this load of old toffee. |

Usage Examples of "Sweet" as a noun
- Hello, my sweet.
- You have had the bitter, now comes the sweet.
- The sweets of office.
- A sweet shop.
- A bag of sweets.

Sweet as an Adjective
Definitions of "Sweet" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sweet” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Having a high residual sugar content.
- Dear; beloved.
- Pleasing in general; delightful.
- Not containing or composed of salt water.
- Having a natural fragrance.
- Pleasing to the ear.
- Having or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar.
- Used as a respectful form of address.
- Used in expressions of assent or approval.
- Charming and endearing.
- (of sound) melodious or harmonious.
- (used of wines) having a high residual sugar content.
- Used for emphasis in various phrases and exclamations.
- Smelling pleasant like flowers or perfume; fragrant.
- Not soured or preserved.
- (of a person or action) pleasant and kind or thoughtful.
- Infatuated or in love with.
- With sweetening added.
- Having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub.
- Having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey; not salt, sour, or bitter.
- (of air, water, or food) fresh, pure, and untainted.
- Pleasing to the senses.
- Working, moving, or done smoothly or easily.
- Pleasing to the mind or feeling.
- Highly satisfying or gratifying.
- Denoting music, especially jazz, played at a steady tempo without improvisation.

Synonyms of "Sweet" as an adjective (92 Words)
acceptable | Adequate for the purpose. The electoral arrangements must be acceptable to the people. |
adorable | Inspiring great affection or delight. I have four adorable Siamese cats. |
agreeable | (of a course of action) acceptable. Salaries agreeable with current trends. |
amiable | Diffusing warmth and friendliness. An amiable gathering. |
angelic | (of a person) exceptionally beautiful, innocent, or kind. Angelic beneficence. |
angelical | Marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an angel or saint. |
appealing | Evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings. An appealing look. |
aromatic | Having a strong pleasant odor- Jean Stafford. An aromatic organic compound. |
attractive | (of a person) appealing to look at; sexually alluring. Foliage can be as attractive as flowers. |
balmy | Mild and pleasant. The balmy days of late summer. |
beloved | Very popular with (a specified set of people. His beloved son. |
captivated by | Strongly attracted. |
charmed by | Filled with wonder and delight. |
charming | Very pleasant or attractive. A charming country cottage. |
cherished | Characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for. A cherished friend. |
cherubic | Having the innocence or plump prettiness of a young child. A round cherubic face. |
clean | Free from dirt or impurities or having clean habits. The forester and the sawyer reject timber that is not straight and clean. |
clear | Clear and distinct to the senses easily perceptible. A complex problem requiring a clear head. |
considerate | Showing concern for the rights and feelings of others. Friends considerate enough to leave us alone. |
cute | Clever or cunning, especially in a self-seeking or superficial way. A cute little apartment. |
darling | (in affected use) pretty; charming. His darling wife. |
dear | Dearly loved. My sisters and brothers are near and dear. |
dearest | Having a high price. Beer is dearest in Germany. |
delightful | Greatly pleasing or entertaining. A delightful secluded garden. |
devoted to | Zealous in devotion or affection. |
dulcet | Extremely pleasant in a gentle way. Record the dulcet tones of your family and friends. |
endearing | Inspiring affection. An endearing little grin. |
engaging | Attracting or delighting. An engaging smile. |
entertaining | Agreeably diverting. A charming and entertaining companion. |
euphonious | Having a pleasant sound. A euphonious trill of silver laughter. |
fine | Characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment. Batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave. |
fond of | Absurd or silly because unlikely. |
fragrant | Pleasant-smelling. She gathered the fragrant blooms. |
fresh | With restored energy. The memory was still fresh in their minds. |
friendly | Easy to understand or use. Friendly rivalry between the two schools. |
genial | Agreeable, conducive to comfort. A genial host. |
golden | Made or consisting of gold. A golden opportunity to boost foreign trade. |
good | In excellent physical condition. A good time to plant tomatoes. |
good-natured | Having an easygoing and cheerful disposition. |
gratifying | Giving pleasure or satisfaction. Found her praise gratifying. |
harmonious | Exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents of an entity or between different entities. The tailored clothes were harmonious with her military bearing. |
honeyed | Pleasing to the ear. Sweet honeyed pastries. |
idolized | Regarded with deep or rapturous love (especially as if for a god. An idolized wife. |
in love with | Currently fashionable. |
infatuated with | Marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness. |
inviting | Attractive and tempting. The sea down there looks so inviting. |
keen on | Painful as if caused by a sharp instrument. |
kind | Having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior. Our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke. |
kind-hearted | Having or proceeding from an innately kind disposition. |
kindly | Kind, warm-hearted, or gentle. A kindly climate. |
likeable | Evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings. A very likeable young woman. |
liquid | Changed from a solid to a liquid state. Liquid fertilizer. |
lovable | Inspiring or deserving love or affection. A mischievous but lovable child. |
loved | Held dear. His loved companion of many years. |
lyrical | Suitable for or suggestive of singing. The lyrical content of his songs. |
mellifluous | Pleasing to the ear. Her low mellifluous voice. |
mellisonant | Pleasing to the ear. |
mellow | (especially of a sound, flavour, or colour) pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness. A mellow conversation. |
melodious | Containing or constituting or characterized by pleasing melody. The melodious chant of the monks. |
musical | Characteristic of or resembling or accompanied by music. They shared similar musical tastes. |
nice | Socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous. A nice bit of craft. |
odoriferous | Emitting an odor. An odoriferous pile of fish. |
odorous | Emitting an odor. The odorous air of the orchard. |
perfumed | Having a natural fragrance. Perfumed stationery. |
pleasant | Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment. A very pleasant evening. |
pleasing | Satisfying or appealing. A pleasing aroma. |
precious | Obviously contrived to charm. A precious lot you know about dogs. |
prized | Of superior grade. The bicycle was her most prized possession. |
pure | Of color being chromatically pure not diluted with white or grey or black. Pure primary colors. |
rich | Marked by richness and fullness of flavor. Rich seams of coal. |
saccharine | Excessively sweet or sentimental. Saccharine music. |
satisfying | Giving fulfilment or the pleasure associated with this. These are very satisfying books. |
scented | Having a pleasant scent. A manure scented barnyard. |
seraphic | Of or relating to an angel of the first order. A seraphic smile. |
silvery | (of a person’s hair) grey-white and lustrous. An old lady with silvery hair piled up high. |
smitten with | Affected by something overwhelming. |
smooth | Smooth and unconstrained in movement. Smooth flat rocks. |
soft | Soft and mild not harsh or stern or severe. He must be going soft in the head. |
sugared | With sweetening added. Sugared almonds. |
sugary | Containing much sugar. Energy restoring sugary drinks. |
sweet-flavored | With sweetening added. |
sweet-scented | Having a natural fragrance. |
sweet-smelling | Having a natural fragrance. |
sweetened | With sweetening added. |
thoughtful | Taking heed giving close and thoughtful attention. How very thoughtful of you. |
treasured | Characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for. A treasured heirloom. |
tuneful | Having a musical sound; especially a pleasing tune. A musical full of tuneful songs. |
uncontaminated | Not corrupted by contact or association. Uncontaminated air and food. |
unfermented | Not fermented. |
welcome | Very pleasing because much needed or desired. Made the children feel welcome. |
wholesome | Conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being. The food is plentiful and very wholesome. |
worshipped | Regarded with deep or rapturous love (especially as if for a god. |

Usage Examples of "Sweet" as an adjective
- Lungfuls of the clean, sweet air.
- Sweet milk.
- It was the sweet life he had always craved.
- Yeah, I'd like to come to the party. Sweet!
- The sweet handling of this motorcycle.
- Sweet revenge.
- What had happened? Sweet nothing.
- A cup of hot sweet tea.
- Go to thy rest, sweet sir.
- The sweet song of the lark.
- A bunch of sweet-scented flowers.
- A sweet little cat.
- The sweet face of a child.
- My sweet love.
- A very sweet nurse came along.
- It was sweet of you to come.
- She seemed quite sweet on him.
- Sweet dessert wines.
- Some sweet, short-lived revenge.
- The sweet notes of the flute.
- A sweet disposition.

Sweet as an Adverb
Definitions of "Sweet" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sweet” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- In an affectionate or loving manner (`sweet' is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of `sweetly')- Shakespeare.
- In an affectionate or loving manner (`sweet' is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of `sweetly.

Synonyms of "Sweet" as an adverb (1 Word)
sweetly | In an affectionate or loving manner sweet is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of sweetly. Birds sing sweetly all around. |

Usage Examples of "Sweet" as an adverb
- Talking sweet to each other.
- Susan Hayward plays the wife sharply and sweetly.
- How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank.

Associations of "Sweet" (30 Words)
ambrosial | Extremely pleasing to the taste; sweet and fragrant. Ambrosial food. |
aroma | Any property detected by the olfactory system. The aroma of officialdom. |
aromatic | An aromatic compound. A massage with aromatic oils. |
chocolate | A sweet made of or covered with chocolate. A box of chocolates. |
cloying | Excessively sweet, rich, or sentimental, especially to a disgusting or sickening degree. A romantic rather cloying story. |
confection | Make into a confection. A fruit confection. |
confectionery | Sweets and chocolates considered collectively. A confectionery company offering hand made chocolates. |
delicious | Greatly pleasing or entertaining. A delicious joke. |
dessert | The sweet course eaten at the end of a meal. A dessert of chocolate mousse. |
flavor | Lend flavor to. |
flavorful | Full of flavor. |
fragrance | A distinctive odor that is pleasant. Our fine selection of classic fragrances for men and women. |
fragrant | Pleasant-smelling. She gathered the fragrant blooms. |
lovable | Inspiring or deserving love or affection. A mischievous but lovable child. |
mellifluous | (of a sound) pleasingly smooth and musical to hear. Her low mellifluous voice. |
musky | Having a smell or taste like that of musk. |
odoriferous | Emitting an odor. Odoriferous spices. |
odorous | Having a natural fragrance. Odorous salt pork and weevily hardtack. |
perfume | Impregnate with perfume or a sweet smelling substance. The heady perfume of lilacs. |
pudding | Any of various soft thick unsweetened baked dishes. The discussion lasted through the pudding. |
redolent | (used with `of’ or `with’) noticeably odorous. The hall was redolent of floor wax. |
saccharine | Overly sweet. Saccharine music. |
scent | Catch the scent of get wind of. The bull advanced scenting the breeze at every step. |
seraphic | Of or relating to an angel of the first order. A seraphic smile. |
smell | Smell bad. The food smelled and tasted good. |
sugar | An essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain. Sugar your tea. |
tasty | Involving or good at fighting. Some tasty piano licks. |
treacle | A pale cane syrup. Enough of this treacle let s get back to business. |
zesty | Having an agreeably pungent taste. |