Need another word that means the same as “dear”? Find 57 synonyms and 30 related words for “dear” in this overview.
- Dear as a Noun
- Definitions of "Dear" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Dear" as a noun (12 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Dear" as a noun
- Dear as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Dear" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Dear" as an adjective (43 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Dear" as an adjective
- Dear as an Adverb
- Definitions of "Dear" as an adverb
- Synonyms of "Dear" as an adverb (2 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Dear" as an adverb
- Associations of "Dear" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Dear” are: good, near, costly, high-priced, pricey, pricy, beloved, darling, devout, earnest, heartfelt, loved, much loved, adored, cherished, precious, treasured, valued, prized, special, favourite, favoured, endearing, adorable, lovable, appealing, engaging, charming, enchanting, captivating, winsome, winning, attractive, lovely, nice, pleasant, delightful, angelic, sweet, expensive, overpriced, exorbitant, extortionate, lamb, dearest, honey, love, loved one, sweetheart, treasure, endearing person, affectionately, dearly
Dear as a Noun
Definitions of "Dear" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “dear” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A beloved person; used as terms of endearment.
- A sweet or endearing person.
- A sweet innocent mild-mannered person (especially a child.
- Used as an affectionate or friendly form of address.

Synonyms of "Dear" as a noun (12 Words)
beloved | A beloved person used as terms of endearment. He watched his beloved from afar. |
darling | A special loved one. He is the darling of Labour s left wing. |
dearest | A beloved person; used as terms of endearment. You make me so happy dearest. |
endearing person | A grammatical category used in the classification of pronouns, possessive determiners, and verb forms according to whether they indicate the speaker, the addressee, or a third party. |
honey | Any sweet substance similar to bees honey. It s one honey of an adaptation. |
lamb | The flesh of a lamb as food. Lamb chops. |
love | A beloved person used as terms of endearment. Don t fret there s a love. |
loved one | Sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people. |
precious | Used as a term of address for a beloved person. Don t be frightened my precious. |
sweet | The sweet part or element of something. The sweets of office. |
sweetheart | Any well-liked individual. He s a sweetheart. |
treasure | A much loved or highly valued person. The children returned from the seashore with their shells and other treasures. |

Usage Examples of "Dear" as a noun
- Don't you worry, dear.
- Harry's a dear.

Dear as an Adjective
Definitions of "Dear" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “dear” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Having a high price.
- Regarded with deep affection.
- Earnest.
- With or in a close or intimate relationship.
- Sincerely earnest.
- Used in speech as a polite or affectionate form of address.
- Endearing; sweet.
- Used in the polite form of address at the start of a letter.
- Expensive.
- Dearly loved.

Synonyms of "Dear" as an adjective (43 Words)
adorable | Inspiring great affection or delight. I have four adorable Siamese cats. |
adored | Regarded with deep or rapturous love (especially as if for a god. Adored grandchildren. |
angelic | Having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub. An angelic smile. |
appealing | Attractive or interesting. He added an appealing and memorable figure to popular American mythology. |
attractive | Pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm. An attractive force. |
beloved | Very popular with (a specified set of people. His beloved son. |
captivating | Capable of attracting and holding interest; charming. Roosevelt was a captivating speaker. |
charming | (of a person or their manner) very polite, friendly, and likeable. Charming incantations. |
cherished | Characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for. A cherished friend. |
costly | Costing a lot; expensive. Costly jewelry. |
darling | (in affected use) pretty; charming. A darling little pillbox hat. |
delightful | Causing delight; charming. A delightful secluded garden. |
devout | Deeply religious. She was a devout Catholic. |
earnest | Sincerely earnest. Both sides were deeply in earnest even passionate. |
enchanting | Delightfully charming or attractive. Dinah looked enchanting. |
endearing | Lovable especially in a childlike or naive way. An endearing little grin. |
engaging | Charming and attractive. An engaging smile. |
exorbitant | Greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation. Exorbitant rent. |
expensive | High in price or charging high prices. Keeping a horse is expensive. |
extortionate | Greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation. Extortionate prices. |
favoured | Preferred or recommended. The most favoured destination of visitors to Canada. |
favourite | Appealing to the general public. Their favourite Italian restaurant. |
good | Having the normally expected amount. A good mechanic. |
heartfelt | (of a feeling or its expression) deeply and strongly felt; sincere. Heartfelt condolences. |
high-priced | Having a high price. |
lovable | Inspiring or deserving love or affection. He has a lovable sweet personality. |
loved | Held dear. His loved companion of many years. |
lovely | Appealing to the emotions as well as the eye. Lovely views. |
much loved | Great in quantity or degree or extent. |
near | Located on the nearside of a vehicle. They are near equals. |
nice | Socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous. A nice shot. |
overpriced | Too costly for the value. Overpriced hotels. |
pleasant | Having pleasing manners or behavior. They found him pleasant and cooperative. |
precious | Held in great esteem for admirable qualities especially of an intrinsic nature. Precious works of art. |
pricey | Having a high price. Boutiques selling pricey clothes. |
pricy | Having a high price. |
prized | Of superior grade. The bicycle was her most prized possession. |
special | Used to denote education for children with particular needs especially those with learning difficulties. A special adviser to the committee. |
sweet | With sweetening added. A sweet little cat. |
treasured | Characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for. A treasured heirloom. |
valued | Considered to be important or beneficial; cherished. Triple valued. |
winning | Attractive; endearing. A winning personality. |
winsome | Attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way. A winsome smile. |

Usage Examples of "Dear" as an adjective
- Martin, my dear fellow.
- A dear friend.
- Five pounds—that's a bit dear!
- Much too dear for my pocketbook.
- My sisters and brothers are near and dear.
- He is very dear to me.
- One's dearest wish.
- A dear little puppy.

Dear as an Adverb
Definitions of "Dear" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “dear” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- With affection.
- At a high cost.
- At a great cost.

Synonyms of "Dear" as an adverb (2 Words)
affectionately | In a way that displays fondness or tenderness. Tammy embraced the girl and kissed the top of her head affectionately. |
dearly | In a sincere and heartfelt manner. He loved his parents dearly. |

Usage Examples of "Dear" as an adverb
- She loved him dearly.
- This cost him dear.
- They buy property cheaply and sell dear.
- He paid dearly for the food.

Associations of "Dear" (30 Words)
adore | Love intensely. He just adored his wife. |
beloved | A beloved person used as terms of endearment. The stark council estates beloved of town planners in the 1960s. |
brethren | People belonging to a particular group. Our brethren in the popular press. |
compatriot | A person from your own country. Stich defeated his compatriot Boris Becker in the quarter finals. |
countryman | A person from the same country as someone else. They trust a fellow countryman. |
dame | An elderly or mature woman. A rich dame who took her husband to the cleaners. |
darling | (in affected use) pretty; charming. A darling little pillbox hat. |
dote | A sweet or adorable person. The parson is now old and dotes. |
eros | (Greek mythology) god of love; son of Aphrodite; identified with Roman Cupid. |
esquire | (Middle Ages) an attendant and shield bearer to a knight; a candidate for knighthood. The lord of the manor, Richard Bethell Esquire. |
fondly | With affection or liking. They fondly believed the cheers were for them. |
friendship | A relationship between friends. This is an ideal group for finding support and friendship. |
guy | Steady or support with a guy wire or cable. She never stopped guying him about his weight. |
heterosexual | A heterosexual person someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex. Heterosexual relationships. |
husband | A married man considered in relation to his spouse. She and her husband are both retired. |
lady | Used as a courteous designation for a female fellow member of the House of Commons. A portrait of the lady of the house. |
lovely | Very pleasant or enjoyable; delightful. Don t worry my lovely. |
ma'am | A woman of refinement. |
madam | A conceited or bossy girl or young woman. She s a proper little madam. |
paramour | A woman’s lover. |
partner | Associate or work together as partners. She lived with her partner. |
philander | Have amorous affairs; of men. Married men who philander. |
platonic | Free from physical desire. Their relationship is purely platonic. |
romantic | A writer or artist of the romantic movement. He s very handsome and so romantic. |
sincere | (of a person) saying what they genuinely feel or believe; not dishonest or hypocritical. She d sounded sincere enough. |
sir | Used as a title before the forename of a knight or baronet. Excuse me sir. |
tempt | Provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion. There ll always be someone tempted by the rich pickings of poaching. |
valuable | Something of value. Put all your valuables in the hotel safe. |
venerable | (in the Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a deceased person who has attained a certain degree of sanctity but has not been fully beatified or canonized. A venerable statesman. |