Need another word that means the same as “friendship”? Find 17 synonyms and 30 related words for “friendship” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Friendship” are: friendly relationship, company, companionship, fellowship, comradeship, camaraderie, social intercourse, relationship, close relationship, attachment, alliance, association, close association, bond, tie, link, union
Friendship as a Noun
Definitions of "Friendship" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “friendship” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A relationship between friends.
- The emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.
- A state of mutual trust and support between allied nations.
- The state of being friends (or friendly.

Synonyms of "Friendship" as a noun (17 Words)
alliance | A formal agreement establishing an association or alliance between nations or other groups to achieve a particular aim. An alliance between medicine and morality. |
association | (chemistry) any process of combination (especially in solution) that depends on relatively weak chemical bonding. There s nothing new in the association of fasting with spirituality. |
attachment | Legal seizure of property. He formed an attachment with a young widow. |
bond | Criminal law money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial. There was a bond of understanding between them. |
camaraderie | Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together. The enforced camaraderie of office life. |
close association | The temporal end; the concluding time. |
close relationship | The last section of a communication. |
companionship | A feeling of fellowship or friendship. The love and companionship of marriage. |
company | A group of Guides. He missed their company. |
comradeship | The company and friendship of others with common aims. His greatest joy came from comradeship with others in the team. |
fellowship | A guild or corporation. They valued fun and good fellowship as the cement of the community. |
friendly relationship | Troops belonging to or allied with your own military forces. |
link | The means of connection between things linked in series. The walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction. |
relationship | A relation between people relationship is often used where relation would serve as in the relationship between inflation and unemployment but the preferred usage of relationship is for human relations or states of relatednes. She has a daughter from a previous relationship. |
social intercourse | A party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity. |
tie | A shoe tied with a lace. He wore a vest and tie. |
union | A part of a flag with an emblem symbolizing national union typically occupying the upper corner next to the staff. Their union had not been blessed with children. |

Usage Examples of "Friendship" as a noun
- The foreign ministers extended to eastern Europe the hand of friendship.
- She formed close friendships with women.
- Old ties of love and friendship.
- This is an ideal group for finding support and friendship.
- Because of the friendship between our countries, we had a very frank exchange.

Associations of "Friendship" (30 Words)
affiliation | A social or business relationship. The group has no affiliation to any preservation society. |
buddy | A close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities. I decided to buddy up to them. |
companionship | The state of being with someone. The love and companionship of marriage. |
conjugal | Of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband. Conjugal visits. |
connubial | Of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband. Their connubial bed. |
cooperation | Joint operation or action. They worked in close cooperation with the British Tourist Authority. |
couple | Two items of the same kind. We got some eggs would you like a couple. |
darling | (in affected use) pretty; charming. A darling little pillbox hat. |
dear | A sweet or endearing person. A dear friend. |
friend | Befriend someone. All of a sudden you ve got 50 friends online who need to stay connected. |
heterosexual | A heterosexual person. Heterosexual relationships. |
husband | A married man; a woman’s partner in marriage. She and her husband are both retired. |
interpersonal | Relating to relationships or communication between people. You will need good interpersonal skills. |
intimate | Involving very close connection. This girl so intimate with nature. |
kiss | (of a ball) lightly touch (another ball) in passing. A quick kiss on the cheek. |
kissing | Affectionate play (or foreplay without contact with the genital organs. |
marry | Join in marriage. Most Chardonnays don t marry well with salmon. |
mate | South American tea like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate. It was his first start against his former teammates. |
mutual | A mutual building society or insurance company. Life insurance firms are mutuals owned by their policyholders. |
mutuality | A reciprocality of sentiments. The mutuality of love between father and son. |
pal | Used as a form of address, especially to indicate anger or aggression. We ve been pals for a long time. |
paramour | A woman’s lover. |
partner | A person s partner in marriage. She and her dance partner were on the show for seven weeks. |
platonic | Of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy. Their relationship is purely platonic. |
relationship | A relation between people relationship is often used where relation would serve as in the relationship between inflation and unemployment but the preferred usage of relationship is for human relations or states of relatednes. He didn t want his wife to know of the relationship. |
romantic | A person with romantic beliefs or attitudes. Romantic fiction. |
sisterhood | The kinship relation between a female offspring and the siblings. Canadian feminists acknowledge their sisterhood with women around the globe. |
uncle | The brother of one’s father or mother or the husband of one’s aunt. He played uncle to lonely students. |
wed | Having been taken in marriage. Will you wed your daughter to him. |
wife | The wife of a person with a specified occupation. He and his wife are keen gardeners. |