AS OPPOSED TO: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AS OPPOSED TO?

Need another word that means the same as “as opposed to”? Find 30 related words for “as opposed to” in this overview.

Associations of "As opposed to" (30 Words)

adverseContrary to your interests or welfare.
Adverse weather conditions.
antitheticSharply contrasted in character or purpose.
Hope is antithetic to despair.
antitheticalDirectly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible.
Practices entirely antithetical to her professed beliefs.
assailCriticize strongly.
Nightmares assailed him regularly.
comparableConforming in every respect.
Nobody is comparable with this athlete.
comparisonQualities that are comparable.
Perhaps the best comparison is that of seasickness.
competitorThe contestant you hope to defeat.
Our main industrial competitors.
counterpartA person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another.
The minister held talks with his French counterpart.
diametricalOf or along a diameter.
He s the diametrical opposite of Gabriel.
dittoThe same thing again used in lists and accounts and often indicated by a ditto mark under the word or figure to be repeated.
If one folds his arms so does the other if one crosses his legs ditto.
enemyA personal enemy.
Routine is the enemy of art.
equallyIn the same manner or to the same extent.
Follow up discussion is equally important.
equivalentThe mass of a particular substance that can combine with or displace one gram of hydrogen or eight grams of oxygen, used in expressing combining powers, especially of elements.
The French equivalent of the Bank of England.
evenhandedWithout partiality.
Evenhanded justice.
evenlyIn a level and regular way.
Scoop cream on to the cake and spread evenly.
fiercelyIn a powerful and destructive manner.
The wind was blowing fiercely.
foeA personal enemy.
His work was praised by friends and foes alike.
identicalSimilar in every detail; exactly alike.
She stole a suitcase from the identical station at which she had been arrested before.
indistinguishableNot capable of being distinguished or differentiated.
The two specimens are actually different from each other but the differences are almost indistinguishable.
likeWant to have.
We ll not see his like again.
likenPoint out the resemblance of someone or something to.
Racism is likened to a contagious disease.
literalAbsolute (used to emphasize that a strong expression is deliberately chosen to convey one’s feelings.
Dreadful in its literal sense full of dread.
opponentA person who disagrees with or resists a proposal or practice.
The news will delight opponents of GM foods.
parallelBe parallel to.
A challenge which has no parallel in peacetime this century.
possibleThe highest possible score especially in a shooting competition.
The team have taken just three points from a possible twelve.
rivalBe the rival of be in competition with.
Gun battles between rival gangs.
similarA person or thing similar to another.
A soft cheese similar to Brie.
tantamountBeing essentially equal to something.
His statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt.
unfavorable(of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose.
Unfavorable comments.
whileAt the same time meanwhile.
Beseeching him the while his hand she wrung.

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