AT STAKE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AT STAKE?

Need another word that means the same as “at stake”? Find 30 related words for “at stake” in this overview.

Associations of "At stake" (30 Words)

adhereBe compatible or in accordance with.
They adhered to their plan.
bonusAnything that tends to arouse.
Big Christmas bonuses.
bushVegetation growing in the bush.
Bush justice.
dividendAn individual s share of a dividend.
Buying a rail pass may still pay dividends.
drillMake a hole in something by boring with a drill.
The troops were drilling.
hammerBeat with or as if with a hammer.
Hammer the silver into a bowl.
harpoonSpear with a harpoon.
Gilbert s father harpooned a five metre basking shark.
impaleTransfix or pierce with a sharp instrument.
Impale a shrimp on a skewer.
incomeThe financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time.
He has a nice home and an adequate income.
investMake an investment.
Getting workers to invest in private pension funds.
lacePass a lace or cord through a hole.
A lace collar.
lanceA weapon resembling a lance used in hunting fish or whales.
Pain lanced through her.
paymentThe action or process of paying someone or something or of being paid.
Ask for a discount for payment by cash.
pinchIrritate as if by a nip pinch or tear.
I was pinched for dangerous driving last month.
pokeProd and stir a fire with a poker to make it burn more fiercely.
Don t forget to poke holes in the dough to allow steam to escape.
porcupineA large rodent with defensive spines or quills on the body and tail.
prickle(of a person) react defensively or angrily to something.
The sound made her skin prickle with horror.
pricklyCovered in prickles.
Prickly velvet seats.
protrudeOf an animal cause a body part to protrude.
When attacking it protrudes its long snout.
shareholderAn owner of shares in a company.
spearPierce with a spear.
The branch speared up into the air.
spikeRender a gun useless by plugging up the vent with a spike.
His hair was matted and spiked with blood.
spindleA Eurasian shrub or small tree with slender toothed leaves and pink capsules containing bright orange seeds Its hard timber was formerly used for making spindles.
Chromosomes are distributed by spindles in mitosis and meiosis.
spinousShaped like a spine or thorn.
The dorsal fin is spinous.
spinyHaving spines.
A spiny problem.
stickCome or be in close contact with stick or hold together and resist separation.
Fever left him weak on his sticks.
stickerAn adhesive label or notice, generally printed or illustrated.
She s a sticker.
stingCause an emotional pain as if by stinging.
He felt the stinging of nettles.
thornA thorny bush shrub or tree especially a hawthorn.
The issue has become a thorn in renewing the peace talks.
transfixPierce with a sharp implement or weapon.
He was transfixed by the pain in her face.

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