Need another word that means the same as “attentive”? Find 27 synonyms and 30 related words for “attentive” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Attentive” are: heedful, paying attention, thoughtful, alert, awake, watchful, wide awake, observant, perceptive, percipient, acute, aware, mindful, vigilant, conscientious, considerate, kind, kindly, caring, tender, solicitous, understanding, sympathetic, obliging, accommodating, gallant, chivalrous
Attentive as an Adjective
Definitions of "Attentive" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “attentive” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Paying close attention to something.
- Taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention.
- Giving care or attention.
- (often followed by `to') giving care or attention.
- Assiduously attending to the comfort or wishes of others; very polite or courteous.

Synonyms of "Attentive" as an adjective (27 Words)
accommodating | Helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation. We always found the our local branch most accommodating. |
acute | Denoting or designed for patients with an acute form of a disease. An acute awareness of changing fashions. |
alert | Mentally perceptive and responsive. Schools need to be constantly alert to this problem. |
awake | Not asleep. Still not fully awake. |
aware | (sometimes followed by `of’) having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception. Everyone needs to become more environmentally aware. |
caring | Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others. Caring friends. |
chivalrous | Being attentive to women like an ideal knight. The concept of chivalrous combat. |
conscientious | Relating to a person’s conscience. Conscientious application to the work at hand. |
considerate | Showing careful thought. She was unfailingly kind and considerate. |
gallant | Unflinching in battle or action. She had made gallant efforts to pull herself together. |
heedful | Giving attention. Heedful of what they were doing. |
kind | Having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior. Kind to sick patients. |
kindly | Showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity. Kindly breeze. |
mindful | Conscious or aware of something. The judge said that he was not mindful to postpone the eviction again. |
obliging | Showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others. One of the most obliging stewards. |
observant | Adhering strictly to the rules of a particular religion, especially Judaism. Observant of the speed limit. |
paying attention | For which money is paid. |
perceptive | Having the ability to perceive or understand; keen in discernment. A perceptive observation. |
percipient | Characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving. He is a percipient interpreter of the public mood. |
solicitous | Eager or anxious to do something. Solicitous parents. |
sympathetic | Of characters in literature or drama evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings. She was sympathetic towards staff with family problems. |
tender | Young and immature. Pelargoniums are colourful but tender plants. |
thoughtful | Taking heed giving close and thoughtful attention. Brows drawn together in thoughtful consideration. |
understanding | Characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy. An understanding friend. |
vigilant | Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties. The burglar was spotted by vigilant neighbours. |
watchful | Engaged in or accustomed to close observation. Twenty watchful weary tedious nights. |
wide awake | Very large in expanse or scope. |

Usage Examples of "Attentive" as an adjective
- Ministers should be more attentive to the interests of taxpayers.
- Attentive to details.
- An attentive suitor.
- The nurse was attentive to her patient.
- The hotel has a pleasant atmosphere and attentive service.
- Never before had she had such an attentive audience.

Associations of "Attentive" (30 Words)
alert | A warning serves to make you more alert to danger. Security forces are on the alert for an upsurge in violence. |
beware | Be on one’s guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to. We should beware the incompetence of legislators. |
canny | Pleasant; nice. Canny investors will switch banks if they think they are getting a raw deal. |
careful | Full of cares or anxiety. I begged him to be more careful. |
carefully | In a way that deliberately avoids harm or errors; cautiously. He listened carefully to the way people spoke. |
carefulness | The quality of being careful and painstaking. I admired the carefulness of his work. |
caution | Warn or advise against (doing something. He was cautioned for possessing drugs. |
cautious | People who are fearful and cautious. Firms have been unusually cautious about hiring new workers. |
cautiously | As if with kid gloves; with caution or prudence or tact. She ventured cautiously downstairs. |
chary | Characterized by great caution and wariness. She had been chary of telling the whole truth. |
circumspect | Wary and unwilling to take risks. Circumspect actions. |
concerned | Culpably involved. Factors concerned in the rise and fall of epidemics. |
discreet | Intentionally unobtrusive. We made some discreet inquiries. |
discreetly | In an intentionally unobtrusive manner. She coughed discreetly. |
discretion | Refined taste; tact. The servants showed great tact and discretion. |
forethought | Planning or plotting in advance of acting. Jim had the forethought to book in advance. |
heed | Pay close attention to give heed to. We must take heed of the suggestions. |
mindful | Inclined or willing to do something. The judge said that he was not mindful to postpone the eviction again. |
modesty | Formality and propriety of manner. Modesty forbade her to undress in front of so many people. |
observant | Quick to notice or perceive things. An observant Jew. |
perfunctory | (of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort. Perfunctory courtesy. |
precaution | A precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc. We never took precautions. |
prudent | Acting with or showing care and thought for the future. Prudent rulers. |
solicitous | Eager or anxious to do something. Solicitous about the future. |
thoughtful | Taking heed giving close and thoughtful attention. A deeply thoughtful essay. |
vigilant | Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties. The vigilant eye of the town watch. |
wary | Openly distrustful and unwilling to confide. A wary glance at the black clouds. |
watch | See or watch. Credit card fraud is on the increase so watch out. |
watchdog | A dog kept to guard private property. She is the global watchdog for human rights abuses. |
watchful | Engaged in or accustomed to close observation. Twenty watchful weary tedious nights. |