CAREFUL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CAREFUL?

Need another word that means the same as “careful”? Find 37 synonyms and 30 related words for “careful” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Careful” are: deliberate, measured, heedful, thrifty, cautious, alert, aware, attentive, watchful, vigilant, wary, chary, circumspect, prudent, mindful, guarded, protective, economical, economic, sparing, frugal, abstemious, canny, sensible, conscientious, painstaking, meticulous, diligent, assiduous, sedulous, scrupulous, punctilious, fastidious, methodical, orderly, judicious, perfectionist

Careful as an Adjective

Definitions of "Careful" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “careful” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Prudent in the use of something, especially money.
  • Full of cares or anxiety.
  • Done with or showing thought and attention.
  • Full of cares or anxiety-Luke 10.41.
  • Making sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious.
  • Unhurried and with care and dignity.
  • Anxious to protect (something) from harm or loss; solicitous.
  • Mindful of the future in spending money.
  • Cautiously attentive.
  • Exercising caution or showing care or attention.

Synonyms of "Careful" as an adjective (37 Words)

abstemiousSparing in consumption of especially food and drink- John Galsworthy.
We only had a bottle Very abstemious of you.
alertQuick and energetic.
She remained active and alert until well into her eighties.
assiduousMarked by care and persistent effort.
Her assiduous attempts to learn French.
attentiveTaking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention.
Never before had she had such an attentive audience.
awareBearing in mind; attentive to.
Aware that he had exceeded the speed limit.
cannyHaving or showing shrewdness and good judgement, especially in money or business matters.
Canny investors will switch banks if they think they are getting a raw deal.
cautious(of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.
Firms have been unusually cautious about hiring new workers.
charyCautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something.
A chary investor.
circumspectWary and unwilling to take risks.
Physicians are now more circumspect about recommending its use.
conscientiousRelating to a person’s conscience.
The individual is denied even the opportunity to break the law on conscientious grounds.
deliberateCarefully thought out in advance.
With all deliberate speed.
diligentQuietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness.
A diligent detective investigates all clues.
economicOf or relating to the science of economics.
A modern economical heating system.
economicalGiving good value or return in relation to the money, time, or effort expended.
An economical meal.
fastidiousVery concerned about matters of cleanliness.
The child seemed fastidious about getting her fingers dirty.
frugalAvoiding waste.
A frugal farmer.
guardedCautious and having possible reservations.
Guarded optimism.
heedfulCautiously attentive.
Heedful of his father s advice.
judiciousHaving, showing, or done with good judgement or sense.
Judicious use of one s money.
measuredUnhurried and with care and dignity.
His measured prose.
methodicalCharacterized by method and orderliness.
A methodical man he assembled all the papers into a huge pile.
meticulousMarked by precise accordance with details.
He had always been so meticulous about his appearance.
mindfulConscious or aware of something.
Tune in to your body and be mindful.
orderly(of a person or group) well behaved.
An orderly arrangement of objects.
painstakingDone with or employing great care and thoroughness.
Painstaking attention to detail.
perfectionistRefusing to accept any standard short of perfection.
protectiveRelating to the protection of domestic industries from foreign competition.
I felt protective towards her.
prudentActing with or showing care and thought for the future.
Prudent rulers.
punctiliousMarked by precise accordance with details.
Punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette.
scrupulousHaving scruples; arising from a sense of right and wrong; principled.
Scrupulous attention to details.
sedulousMarked by care and persistent effort.
Sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles.
sensibleReadily perceived; appreciable.
Sensible that a good deal more is still to be done.
sparingModerate; economical.
Sparing in their use of heat and light.
thriftyCareful and diligent in the use of resources.
He had been brought up to be thrifty and careful.
vigilantKeeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
The vigilant eye of the town watch.
waryOpenly distrustful and unwilling to confide.
Taught to be wary of strangers.
watchfulWakeful; sleepless.
They attended dances under the watchful eye of their father.

Usage Examples of "Careful" as an adjective

  • They were careful when crossing the busy street.
  • Careful about one's behavior.
  • He was very careful of his reputation.
  • Careful with money.
  • A careful consideration of the facts.
  • Thou art careful and troubled about many things.
  • Careful art restorers.
  • Be careful to keep her shoes clean.
  • Did very careful research.
  • I begged him to be more careful.
  • Careful of the rights of others.
  • Be careful not to lose her address.
  • Careful of her feelings.
  • His mother had always been careful with money.

Associations of "Careful" (30 Words)

alertA warning serves to make you more alert to danger.
An alert mind.
attentivePaying close attention to something.
Attentive to details.
bewareBe on one’s guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to.
We should beware the incompetence of legislators.
carefullyTaking care or paying attention.
They must be carefully handled and stored.
carefulnessThe quality of being careful and painstaking.
I admired the carefulness of his work.
cautionAn amusing or surprising person.
They let him off with a caution.
cautiousPeople who are fearful and cautious.
Reserved and cautious never making swift decisions.
charyCharacterized by great caution and wariness.
Chary of the risks involved.
circumspectWary and unwilling to take risks.
The officials were very circumspect in their statements.
circumspectionThe quality of being wary and unwilling to take risks; prudence.
Circumspection is required in the day to day exercise of administrative powers.
conscientiousCharacterized by extreme care and great effort.
The individual is denied even the opportunity to break the law on conscientious grounds.
deliberateConsider (a question) carefully.
A deliberate attempt to provoke conflict.
deliberationSlow and careful movement or thought.
He was a man of judicial deliberation.
discernmentDelicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values.
An astonishing lack of discernment.
discreetlyWith discretion; prudently and with wise self-restraint.
He discreetly inquired whether the position was still available.
discretionThe freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation.
Honorary fellowships may be awarded at the discretion of the council.
forethoughtCareful consideration of what will be necessary or may happen in the future.
Jim had the forethought to book in advance.
heedPay close attention to give heed to.
He should have heeded the warnings.
measuredUnhurried and with care and dignity.
His measured prose.
meticulousShowing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
The designs are hand glazed with meticulous care.
modestyFreedom from vanity or conceit.
With typical modesty he insisted on sharing the credit with others.
muse(in Greek and Roman mythology) each of nine goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who preside over the arts and sciences.
Yeats muse Maud Gonne.
precautionA precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc.
We never took precautions.
precisionMarked by or adapted for accuracy and exactness.
A technique which examines and identifies each character with the highest level of precision.
prudenceDiscretion in practical affairs.
We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.
scrupulousCharacterized by extreme care and great effort.
She s too scrupulous to have an affair with a married man.
solicitousFull of anxiety and concern.
Solicitous parents.
thoughtfulTaking heed giving close and thoughtful attention.
Her work is thoughtful and provocative.
waryMarked by keen caution and watchful prudence.
A wary glance at the black clouds.
watchfulWatching someone or something closely; alert and vigilant.
They attended dances under the watchful eye of their father.

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