METICULOUS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for METICULOUS?

Need another word that means the same as “meticulous”? Find 10 synonyms and 30 related words for “meticulous” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Meticulous” are: punctilious, careful, conscientious, diligent, scrupulous, painstaking, demanding, exacting, accurate, correct

Meticulous as an Adjective

Definitions of "Meticulous" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “meticulous” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Marked by extreme care in treatment of details.
  • Marked by precise accordance with details.
  • Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

Synonyms of "Meticulous" as an adjective (10 Words)

accurateOf an instrument or method capable of giving accurate information.
The accounting was accurate.
carefulCautiously attentive.
Careful art restorers.
conscientiousRelating to a person’s conscience.
Conscientious application to the work at hand.
correctCorrect in opinion or judgment.
Correct behavior.
demanding(of a task) requiring much skill or effort.
A baby can be so demanding.
diligentHaving or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.
After diligent searching he found a parcel.
exactingHaving complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures.
An exacting instructor.
painstakingCharacterized by extreme care and great effort.
Painstaking research.
punctiliousMarked by precise accordance with details.
Punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette.
scrupulousHaving scruples; arising from a sense of right and wrong; principled.
She s too scrupulous to have an affair with a married man.

Usage Examples of "Meticulous" as an adjective

  • Meticulous research.
  • The designs are hand-glazed with meticulous care.
  • Almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities.
  • He had always been so meticulous about his appearance.
  • A meticulous craftsman.

Associations of "Meticulous" (30 Words)

assiduityGreat and constant diligence and attention.
The assiduity with which he could wear down his opponents.
assiduousMarked by care and persistent effort.
Her assiduous attempts to learn French.
busyUnavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability engaged is a British term for a busy telephone line.
The team members are busy raising money.
carefulUnhurried and with care and dignity.
Careful of the rights of others.
conscientiousGuided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong.
Conscientious application to the work at hand.
detailed(of a work of art) executed with many minor decorative features.
More detailed information was needed.
diligenceCareful and persistent work or effort.
His diligence won him quick promotions.
diligentQuietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness.
After diligent searching he found a parcel.
exactDemand and obtain (something) from someone.
An exact copy.
exactingHaving complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures.
An exacting job.
exactitudeCare and attention to detail.
He writes with exactitude and precision.
fastidiousGiving careful attention to detail; hard to please; excessively concerned with cleanliness.
Fastidious about personal cleanliness.
finicky(of a person) fussy about their needs or requirements.
A finicky eater.
fussyAnnoyed and irritable.
I hate fussy clothes.
hardworkingCharacterized by hard work and perseverance.
industriousWorking hard to promote an enterprise.
An industrious people striving to make their country prosperous.
painstakingCharacterized by extreme care and great effort.
Painstaking research.
painstakinglyWith great care and thoroughness.
The property has been painstakingly restored by its current owners.
pedanticMarked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects.
His analyses are careful and even painstaking but never pedantic.
pickyExacting especially about details.
They are becoming increasingly picky about where they stay.
ploddingSlow and laborious.
A plodding comedy drama.
precise(of a person) exact, accurate, and careful about details.
A precise measurement.
priggishSelf-righteously moralistic and superior.
A priggish little pedant.
prissyExaggeratedly proper.
A middle class family with two prissy children.
puritanicalOf or relating to Puritans or Puritanism.
His puritanical parents saw any kind of pleasure as the road to damnation.
scrupulousCharacterized by extreme care and great effort.
Less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance.
sedulousMarked by care and persistent effort.
He watched himself with the most sedulous care.
sticklerSomeone who insists on something.
I m a stickler when it comes to timekeeping.
studiousSpending a lot of time studying or reading.
He was quiet and studious.
working(of parts of a machine) moving and causing a machine to operate.
Working with animals teaches patience.

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