Need another word that means the same as “precise”? Find 25 synonyms and 30 related words for “precise” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Precise” are: accurate, exact, correct, pinpoint, specific, detailed, explicit, clear-cut, unambiguous, meticulous, close, strict, definite, particular, express, careful, scrupulous, punctilious, conscientious, exacting, methodical, rigorous, very, actual, distinct
Precise as an Adjective
Definitions of "Precise" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “precise” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth; strictly correct.
- Sharply exact or accurate or delimited.
- Used to emphasize that one is referring to an exact and particular thing.
- (of a person) exact, accurate, and careful about details.
- Marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail.
- Characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct.

Synonyms of "Precise" as an adjective (25 Words)
accurate | Of an instrument or method capable of giving accurate information. An accurate scale. |
actual | Being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something- G.K.Chesterton. Her actual motive. |
careful | Anxious to protect (something) from harm or loss; solicitous. Careful of the rights of others. |
clear-cut | Having had all the trees removed at one time. |
close | Fitting closely but comfortably. The race will be a close contest. |
conscientious | Characterized by extreme care and great effort. A conscientious man he took his duties very seriously. |
correct | Socially right or correct. He was a polite man invariably correct and pleasant with Mrs Collins. |
definite | (of a person) certain or sure about something. I want a definite answer. |
detailed | Developed or executed with care and in minute detail. A detailed plan. |
distinct | Constituting a separate entity or part. The word nationalism is used in at least two distinct senses. |
exact | Not approximated in any way; precise. Psychomedicine isn t an exact science yet. |
exacting | Making great demands on one’s skill, attention, or other resources. The exacting standards laid down by the organic food industry. |
explicit | Of a person stating something in an explicit manner. Explicit instructions. |
express | Not tacit or implied. Her express wish. |
methodical | Characterized by method and orderliness. A methodical scholar. |
meticulous | Marked by extreme care in treatment of details. Almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities. |
particular | Insisting that something should be correct or suitable in every detail; fastidious. She gets special or particular satisfaction from her volunteer work. |
pinpoint | Absolutely precise; to the finest degree. This weapon fired shells with pinpoint accuracy. |
punctilious | Showing great attention to detail or correct behaviour. He was punctilious in providing every amenity for his guests. |
rigorous | Rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard. Rigorous controls on mergers. |
scrupulous | Very concerned to avoid doing wrong. Scrupulous attention to details. |
specific | Clearly defined or identified. Specific dielectric strength. |
strict | Characterized by strictness severity or restraint. A strict upbringing. |
unambiguous | Having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning. As a horror apartheid is absolutely unambiguous. |
very | Real; genuine. He might be phoning her at this very moment. |

Usage Examples of "Precise" as an adjective
- A precise image.
- Precise directions.
- A precise measurement.
- The director was precise with his camera positions.
- Specified a precise amount.
- At that precise moment the car stopped.
- A precise mind.
- I want as precise a time of death as I can get.
- Arrived at the precise moment.

Associations of "Precise" (30 Words)
accurate | Of an instrument or method capable of giving accurate information. An accurate assessment. |
alignment | The route or course of a railway or road. Four railways all on different alignments. |
assiduous | Marked by care and persistent effort. She was assiduous in pointing out every feature. |
conscientious | Wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly. Conscientious application to the work at hand. |
detail | Provide details for. The ambulances were detailed to the fire station. |
detailed | (of a work of art) executed with many minor decorative features. A detailed plan. |
elaboration | The result of improving something. His work led to the elaboration of a theory of evolution. |
especial | Better or greater than usual; special. Her outburst was for my especial benefit. |
exact | Accurate or correct in all details. She was an exact clever manager. |
exactitude | The quality of being precise or accurate. A man of great exactitude. |
exactly | Just as it should be. What exactly are you looking for. |
exegesis | Critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture. The task of biblical exegesis. |
exhaustive | Performed comprehensively and completely. An exhaustive study. |
finicky | (of a person) fussy about their needs or requirements. A finicky eater. |
meticulous | Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. The designs are hand glazed with meticulous care. |
minute | The distance covered in a minute by someone driving or walking. Within five minutes the place was virtually empty. |
nicety | A subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude. She prided herself on her nicety of pronunciation. |
painstaking | Characterized by extreme care and great effort. Painstaking attention to detail. |
painstakingly | In a fastidious and painstaking manner. The property has been painstakingly restored by its current owners. |
particular | First and most important. Universals can be simultaneously exemplified by different particulars in different places. |
pedantic | Excessively concerned with minor details or rules; overscrupulous. His analyses are careful and even painstaking but never pedantic. |
pinpoint | A tiny dot or point. It is difficult to pinpoint the source of his life s inspiration. |
precisely | Indicating exactness or preciseness. At 2 00 precisely the phone rang. |
precision | The quality of being reproducible in amount or performance. The deal was planned and executed with military precision. |
punctilious | Marked by precise accordance with details. Punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette. |
scrupulous | Having scruples; arising from a sense of right and wrong; principled. The research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail. |
sedulous | (of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence. Sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles. |
specific | A medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease. When ordering goods be specific. |
technicality | The state of being technical as in the use of technical terms or methods. Their convictions were overturned on a technicality. |
technically | With reference to the technique displayed. Technically a nut is a single seeded fruit. |