Need another word that means the same as “precision”? Find 13 synonyms and 30 related words for “precision” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Precision” are: preciseness, exactness, exactitude, accuracy, accurateness, correctness, clarity, clearness, distinctness, well aimed, on target, true, on the mark
Precision as a Noun
Definitions of "Precision" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “precision” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate.
- Marked by or adapted for accuracy and exactness.
- The quality of being reproducible in amount or performance.
- Refinement in a measurement, calculation, or specification, especially as represented by the number of digits given.

Synonyms of "Precision" as a noun (13 Words)
accuracy | The number of significant figures given in a number. The atomic clock enabled scientists to measure time with much greater accuracy. |
accurateness | The state or quality of being accurate; accuracy; †carefulness (obsolete). |
clarity | Free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression. It was clarity of purpose that he needed. |
clearness | The state of being free of suspicion. |
correctness | Conformity to fact or truth. There was evidence to support the correctness of the identification. |
distinctness | The quality of being sharp and clear. |
exactitude | The quality of being exact. He writes with exactitude and precision. |
exactness | The quality of being exact. He demanded exactness in all details. |
on target | A reference point to shoot at. |
on the mark | The shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament. |
preciseness | The quality of being reproducible in amount or performance. He handled it with the preciseness of an automaton. |
true | Proper alignment; the property possessed by something that is in correct or proper alignment. Out of true. |
well aimed | A deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine. |

Usage Examples of "Precision" as a noun
- A technique which examines and identifies each character with the highest level of precision.
- A precision of six decimal figures.
- Note the meticulous precision of his measurements.
- The deal was planned and executed with military precision.
- A precision instrument.

Associations of "Precision" (30 Words)
accuracy | The quality of being near to the true value. He was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass. |
accurate | Of an instrument or method capable of giving accurate information. An accurate thermometer. |
arithmetic | Relating to arithmetic. The laws of arithmetic. |
assiduous | Marked by care and persistent effort. Her assiduous attempts to learn French. |
careful | Prudent in the use of something, especially money. I begged him to be more careful. |
conscientious | Guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong. Conscientious application to the work at hand. |
dependability | The quality of being trustworthy and reliable. The brand has built its reputation on rock solid dependability. |
detail | Provide details for. Several of the details are similar. |
detailed | Having many details or facts; showing attention to detail. More detailed information was needed. |
exact | Demand and obtain (something) from someone. Psychomedicine isn t an exact science yet. |
exactitude | The quality of being precise or accurate. It is not possible to say with any scientific exactitude what a dream means. |
exactness | The quality of being accurate or correct; precision. It is impossible to calculate with mathematical exactness. |
exhaustive | Including or considering all elements or aspects; fully comprehensive. The guide outlines every bus route in exhaustive detail. |
finicky | (of a person) fussy about their needs or requirements. His finicky copperplate hand. |
infallible | (in the Roman Catholic Church) credited with papal infallibility. An infallible memory. |
mathematical | Relating to mathematics. A mathematical whiz. |
meticulous | Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. Almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities. |
micrometer | A metric unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter. |
painstaking | Characterized by extreme care and great effort. Painstaking attention to detail. |
painstakingly | With great care and thoroughness. The property has been painstakingly restored by its current owners. |
pedantic | Marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects. His analyses are careful and even painstaking but never pedantic. |
picky | Exacting especially about details. They are becoming increasingly picky about where they stay. |
precise | (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth; strictly correct. Arrived at the precise moment. |
punctilious | Marked by precise accordance with details. He was punctilious in providing every amenity for his guests. |
scrupulous | Characterized by extreme care and great effort. Less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance. |
sedulous | Marked by care and persistent effort. Sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles. |
studious | Done deliberately or with a purpose in mind. Made a studious attempt to fix the television set. |
tradeoff | An exchange that occurs as a compromise. I faced a tradeoff between eating and buying my medicine. |
unerring | Always right or accurate. An unerring marksman. |
verisimilitude | The appearance of being true or real. The detail gives the novel some verisimilitude. |