Need another word that means the same as “deliberation”? Find 20 synonyms and 30 related words for “deliberation” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Deliberation” are: calculation, advisement, weighing, deliberateness, slowness, unhurriedness, thought, thinking, consideration, reflection, contemplation, cogitation, musing, meditation, rumination, brooding, care, carefulness, lack of haste, steadiness
Deliberation as a Noun
Definitions of "Deliberation" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “deliberation” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Slow and careful movement or thought.
- A rate demonstrating an absence of haste or hurry.
- Discussion of all sides of a question.
- Planning something carefully and intentionally.
- Long and careful consideration or discussion.
- The trait of thoughtfulness in action or decision.
- Careful consideration.
- (usually plural) discussion of all sides of a question.

Synonyms of "Deliberation" as a noun (20 Words)
advisement | Careful consideration. |
brooding | Persistent morbid meditation on a problem. |
calculation | Problem solving that involves numbers or quantities. Decisions are shaped by political calculations. |
care | An anxious feeling. She was driving along without a care in the world. |
carefulness | The quality of being careful and painstaking. I admired the carefulness of his work. |
cogitation | The action of thinking deeply about something; contemplation. After much cogitation he rejected the offer. |
consideration | The process of giving careful thought to something. Companies should show more consideration for their employees. |
contemplation | The state of being considered or planned. He would retire to his room for study or contemplation. |
deliberateness | The trait of thoughtfulness in action or decision. |
lack of haste | The state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. |
meditation | A written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject. This is not a mythopoetic meditation on manhood it s a historical study. |
musing | The source of an artist’s inspiration. His musings were interrupted by the sound of the telephone. |
reflection | A calm, lengthy, intent consideration. He doesn t get much time for reflection. |
rumination | Regurgitation of small amounts of food; seen in some infants after feeding. Ruminants have remarkable powers of rumination. |
slowness | A rate demonstrating an absence of haste or hurry. Elizabeth made her way upstairs with painful slowness. |
steadiness | The quality of being regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity. The steadiness of his gaze. |
thinking | A person’s ideas or opinions. His thinking is reflected in his later autobiography. |
thought | To a small extent; somewhat. Sophie sat deep in thought. |
unhurriedness | A rate demonstrating an absence of haste or hurry. |
weighing | Careful consideration. |

Usage Examples of "Deliberation" as a noun
- The deliberations of the jury.
- He was a man of judicial deliberation.
- It was the deliberation of his act that was insulting.
- The commission's deliberations.
- A little deliberation would have deterred them.
- He replaced the glass on the table with deliberation.
- After much deliberation we arrived at a compromise.

Associations of "Deliberation" (30 Words)
amount | Be tantamount or equivalent to. They have spent a colossal amount rebuilding the stadium. |
calculation | The procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods. Finding ways of saving money involves complicated calculations. |
careful | Mindful of the future in spending money. Careful with money. |
cautious | People who are fearful and cautious. A cautious driver. |
compute | Reckon or calculate (a figure or amount. The hire charge is computed on a daily basis. |
computerize | Store in a computer. They computerized the car industry. |
computing | The procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods. Developments in mathematics and computing. |
consider | Take into consideration for exemplifying purposes. I consider him irresponsible. |
counterfeit | A fraudulent imitation of something else. Counterfeit works of art. |
discreetly | With discretion; prudently and with wise self-restraint. She coughed discreetly. |
estimate | Judge tentatively or form an estimate of quantities or time. I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds. |
exactness | The quality of being accurate or correct; precision. It is impossible to calculate with mathematical exactness. |
forethought | Judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger. Jim had the forethought to book in advance. |
forgery | A forged document, signature, banknote, or work of art. He was found guilty of forgery. |
intended | The person one intends to marry; one’s fiancé or fiancée. She used to be my intended. |
juror | A person taking an oath, especially one of allegiance. |
mathematical | Resembling mathematics in being rigorously precise. Mathematical thinking. |
meditative | Deeply or seriously thoughtful. Meditative techniques. |
muse | The source of an artist’s inspiration. Euterpe was his muse. |
ponder | Reflect deeply on a subject. I pondered the question of what clothes to wear for the occasion. |
precaution | A precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc. We never took precautions. |
premeditated | (of an action, especially a crime) thought out or planned beforehand. A premeditated crime. |
premeditation | (law) thought and intention to commit a crime well in advance of the crime; goes to show criminal intent. The defendant said there was no planning or premeditation. |
prudent | Acting with or showing care and thought for the future. A prudent manager. |
reckon | Have faith or confidence in. In college he was always reckoned among the brainiest. |
review | Hold a review of troops. The Queen reviewed her brightly arrayed troops. |
sabotage | Deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage. A coordinated campaign of sabotage. |
sum | Be a summary of. They could not afford such a sum. |
think | An act of thinking. One should always think positive. |
thoughtful | Taking heed giving close and thoughtful attention. How very thoughtful of you. |