Need another word that means the same as “reflection”? Find 46 synonyms and 30 related words for “reflection” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Reflection” are: mirror image, reflexion, reflectivity, expression, manifestation, contemplation, musing, rumination, thoughtfulness, observation, throwing back, casting back, mirroring, image, likeness, indication, display, demonstration, slur, aspersion, imputation, censure, reproach, shame, criticism, source of discredit, derogation, thought, thinking, consideration, study, deliberation, meditation, cogitation, brooding, opinion, view, viewpoint, belief, feeling, idea, impression, conclusion, judgement, assessment, estimation
Reflection as a Noun
Definitions of "Reflection" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “reflection” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A thing that is a consequence of or arises from something else.
- (mathematics) a transformation in which the direction of one axis is reversed.
- An amount of light, heat, or sound that is reflected by a body or surface.
- Serious thought or consideration.
- The conceptual operation of inverting a system or event with respect to a plane, each element being transferred perpendicularly through the plane to a point the same distance the other side of it.
- An image seen in a mirror or shiny surface.
- A calm, lengthy, intent consideration.
- A remark expressing careful consideration.
- A thing bringing discredit to someone or something.
- The image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material.
- A transformation in which the direction of one axis is reversed.
- A likeness in which left and right are reversed.
- The phenomenon of a propagating wave (light or sound) being thrown back from a surface.
- The ability to reflect beams or rays.
- An idea about something, especially one that is written down or expressed.
- Expression without words.
- The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.

Synonyms of "Reflection" as a noun (46 Words)
aspersion | An attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something. I don t think anyone is casting aspersions on you. |
assessment | The classification of someone or something with respect to its worth. The assessment for repairs outraged the club s membership. |
belief | Any cognitive content held as true. The medieval system of fervent religious belief. |
brooding | Sitting on eggs so as to hatch them by the warmth of the body. |
casting back | Object formed by a mold. |
censure | The state of being excommunicated. Despite episcopal censures the practice continued. |
cogitation | A carefully considered thought about something. After much cogitation he rejected the offer. |
conclusion | A final settlement. He drew his conclusions quickly. |
consideration | A considerate and thoughtful act. Your case needs very careful investigation and consideration. |
contemplation | A long and thoughtful observation. He would retire to his room for study or contemplation. |
criticism | The analysis and judgement of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work. He ignored the criticisms of his friends. |
deliberation | Discussion of all sides of a question. The commission s deliberations. |
demonstration | An act of showing that something exists or is true by giving proof or evidence. Physical demonstrations of affection. |
derogation | An exemption from or relaxation of a rule or law. Any derogation of the common law is to be strictly construed. |
display | Behavior that makes your feelings public. An aerobatic display team. |
estimation | A judgement of the worth or character of someone or something. Estimations of protein concentrations. |
expression | Expression without words. We have an expression You don t get owt for nowt. |
feeling | The emotional side of someone’s character; emotional responses or tendencies to respond. He laughed to conceal his true feelings. |
idea | A mental impression. It s a good idea to do some research before you go. |
image | A mental representation or idea. Her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate. |
impression | An impressionistic portrayal of a person. I got the impression that he was sorely disappointed. |
imputation | The attribution to a source or cause. The imputation that my success was due to nepotism meant that I was not taken seriously. |
indication | A datum about some physical state that is presented to a user by a meter or similar instrument. Indications of strain. |
judgement | A decision of a law court or judge. The events of last week are a judgement on us for our sinful ways. |
likeness | A portrait or representation. Her likeness to him was astonishing. |
manifestation | A symptom of an ailment. The manifestation of anxiety over disease. |
meditation | The action or practice of meditating. This is not a mythopoetic meditation on manhood it s a historical study. |
mirror image | Polished surface that forms images by reflecting light. |
mirroring | A faithful depiction or reflection. The mirroring of their words seems designed to try and heal the divide. |
musing | A period of reflection or thought. His musings were interrupted by the sound of the telephone. |
observation | A remark expressing careful consideration. Detailed observations were carried out on the students behaviour. |
opinion | The beliefs or views of a group or majority of people. My opinion differs from yours. |
reflectivity | The ability to reflect beams or rays. |
reflexion | The image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material. |
reproach | In the Roman Catholic Church a set of antiphons and responses for Good Friday representing the reproaches of Christ to his people. His elegance is a living reproach to our slovenly habits. |
rumination | The action of chewing the cud. Cows slow down their rumination. |
shame | A state of dishonor. Ignorance of Latin would be a disgrace and a shame to any public man. |
slur | A curved line used to show that a group of two or more notes are to be sung to one syllable or played or sung legato. A racial slur. |
source of discredit | A facility where something is available. |
study | A thing that is or deserves to be investigated the subject of an individual s study. The third bedroom was used as a study. |
thinking | The process of using your mind to consider something carefully. I am wrap d in dismal thinkings. |
thought | Careful consideration or attention. He s very much in our thoughts and prayers. |
thoughtfulness | Consideration for the needs of other people. His face became strange with thoughtfulness. |
throwing back | Casting an object in order to determine an outcome randomly. |
view | Purpose the phrase with a view to means with the intention of or for the purpose of. The most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views. |
viewpoint | A place from which something can be viewed. From a purely aesthetic viewpoint I must say that I dislike the design. |

Usage Examples of "Reflection" as a noun
- The reflections from the street lamps gave them just enough light.
- He doesn't get much time for reflection.
- The reflection of light.
- He studied his reflection in the mirror.
- It was a sad reflection on society that because of his affliction he was picked on.
- Reflections on human destiny and art.
- Marianne surveyed her reflection in the mirror.
- The pulse is a reflection of the heart's condition.
- A healthy skin is a reflection of good health in general.

Associations of "Reflection" (30 Words)
advice | Information; news. On their solicitors advice the trustees have accepted 577 000 by way of compensation. |
albedo | The proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by a surface, typically that of a planet or moon. The lunar maria have a lower albedo than the surrounding terrain. |
clue | Inform someone about a particular matter. Stella had clued her in about Peter. |
consideration | Thoughtfulness and sensitivity towards others. The idea was motivated by political considerations. |
contemplation | A calm, lengthy, intent consideration. Substantial fitting work is in contemplation. |
demonstration | Proof by a process of argument or a series of proposition proving an asserted conclusion. Physical demonstrations of affection. |
express | Serve as a means for expressing something. He expressed complete satisfaction. |
expression | Expression without words. Expressions of good will. |
feedback | The process in which part of the output of a system is returned to its input in order to regulate its further output. Customer feedback suggested that the design flaws were severe. |
image | Make an exact copy of (a computer’s hard disk. The image of f x x 2 is the set of all non negative real numbers if the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers. |
imply | Suggest that someone is guilty. Salesmen who use jargon to imply superior knowledge. |
indicant | A thing which indicates something. Symptoms are the prime indicants of disease. |
indicate | Indicate a place direction person or thing either spatially or figuratively. His tone indicated that he didn t hold out much hope. |
indication | Something that serves to indicate or suggest. Heavy bleeding is a common indication for hysterectomy. |
introspect | Examine one’s own thoughts or feelings. What they don t do is introspect much about the reasons for their plight. |
manifestation | A public display of group feelings (usually of a political nature. A characteristic manifestation of Lyme disease. |
meditation | (religion) contemplation of spiritual matters (usually on religious or philosophical subjects. This is not a mythopoetic meditation on manhood it s a historical study. |
mirror | Reflect as if in a mirror. The smallest pond at night mirrors the firmament above. |
mirrored | Having a surface like a mirror; reflective. Mirrored sunglasses. |
reconsider | Consider (something) again, especially for a possible change of decision regarding it. Won t you reconsider your decision. |
reflect | Reflect deeply on a subject. That is quite a serious accusation which reflects on all 120 members of Parliament. |
response | A bid made in answer to one’s partner’s preceding bid. There is considerable species variation in the stomach s response to alcohol. |
self | Self pollinate self fertilize. A button through style with self belt. |
signal | Communicate silently and non verbally by signals or signs. Equipment for receiving TV signals. |
signify | Make known with a word or signal. Signify your agreement by signing the letter below. |
smoothed | Made smooth by ironing. |
suggest | Suggest the necessity of an intervention in medicine. I suggest that we wait a day or two. |
suggestion | Persuasion formulated as a suggestion. It was a suggestion we couldn t refuse. |
surface | Provide something especially a road with a particular surface. Surface materials of the moon. |
thoughtfulness | Kind and considerate regard for others. Her generosity and thoughtfulness was unbounded. |