RECONSIDER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RECONSIDER?

Need another word that means the same as “reconsider”? Find 11 synonyms and 30 related words for “reconsider” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Reconsider” are: rethink, review, revise, re-examine, reassess, reappraise, think better of, think over, take another look at, look at in a different light, have another think about

Reconsider as a Verb

Definitions of "Reconsider" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “reconsider” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Consider again; give new consideration to; usually with a view to changing.
  • Consider again (a bill) that had been voted upon before, with a view to altering it.
  • Consider (something) again, especially for a possible change of decision regarding it.

Synonyms of "Reconsider" as a verb (11 Words)

have another think aboutHave left.
look at in a different lightLook forward to the probable occurrence of.
re-examineQuestion after cross-examination by opposing counsel.
reappraiseAppraise anew.
The Tory party has reappraised its strategy.
reassessRevise or renew one’s assessment.
We have decided to reassess our timetable.
rethinkChange one’s mind.
The government were forced to rethink their plans.
reviewHold a review of troops.
I reviewed the material before the test.
reviseRevise or reorganize especially for the purpose of updating and improving.
The book was published in 1960 and revised in 1968.
take another look atTravel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route.
think better ofExpect, believe, or suppose.
think overImagine or visualize.

Usage Examples of "Reconsider" as a verb

  • Won't you reconsider your decision?
  • I beg you to reconsider.
  • They called on the US government to reconsider its policy.

Associations of "Reconsider" (30 Words)

anticipatory(of a breach of contract) taking the form of an announcement or indication that a contract will not be honoured.
An anticipatory flash of excitement.
assumingArrogant or presumptuous.
On a subject like this it would be too assuming for me to decide.
bethinkCome to think.
He bethought himself of the verse from the Book of Proverbs.
broodA large family of children.
She had brooded over the subject a thousand times.
cogitateUse or exercise the mind or one’s power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments.
He stroked his beard and retired to cogitate.
considerShow consideration for take into account.
Each application is considered on its merits.
considerationA fact or a motive taken into account in deciding something.
Your case needs very careful investigation and consideration.
contemplateReflect deeply on a subject.
I contemplated leaving school and taking a full time job.
contemplationA form of Christian prayer or meditation in which a person seeks to pass beyond mental images and concepts to a direct experience of the divine.
He would retire to his room for study or contemplation.
deemKeep in mind or convey as a conviction or view.
The strike was deemed to be illegal.
deliberateCareful and unhurried.
With all deliberate speed.
imaginableCapable of being imagined.
The most spectacular views imaginable.
intendMean or intend to express or convey.
She was intended to become the director.
intentionalityThe fact of being deliberate or purposive.
introspectReflect on one’s own thoughts and feelings.
What they don t do is introspect much about the reasons for their plight.
meditateReflect deeply on a subject.
He went off to meditate on the new idea.
mirrorReflect as if in a mirror.
The stage is supposed to be the mirror of life.
mirroredLike or characteristic of a mirror image.
The room has wall to wall mirrored wardrobes.
mistakenlyIn a mistaken manner.
Warplanes mistakenly bombed a village.
mullReflect deeply on a subject.
I mulled over the events of the afternoon.
museIn ancient Greek mythology any of 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne; protector of an art or science.
Euterpe was his muse.
ponderThink about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.
I pondered the question of what clothes to wear for the occasion.
ponderableCapable of being weighed or considered.
Something ponderable from the outer world something of which we can say that its weight is so and so.
reckonBe of the opinion.
The Byzantine year was reckoned from 1 September.
reflectReflect deeply on a subject.
The main contract is progressing well which reflects great credit on those involved.
reminisceRecall the past.
They reminisced about their summers abroad.
ruminateChew the cuds.
Cows ruminate.
speculateForm a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence.
Philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years.
thoughtfulnessThe trait of thinking carefully before acting.
I am touched by your thoughtfulness.
wrongheadedObstinately perverse in judgment or opinion.
A wrongheaded policy.

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