Need another word that means the same as “intend”? Find 26 synonyms and 30 related words for “intend” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Intend” are: mean, signify, stand for, think, designate, destine, specify, plan, have every intention, have the intention, have in mind, have in view, have plans, aim, propose, aspire, hope, expect, be looking, be going, be resolved, have resolved, be determined, have set out, purpose, be plotting
Intend as a Verb
Definitions of "Intend" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “intend” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Plan that speech should have (a particular meaning.
- Plan that something should be or do something.
- Have in mind as a purpose.
- Have (a course of action) as one's purpose or intention; plan.
- Denote or connote.
- Design or destine.
- Be meant or designed for the use of (a particular person or group.
- Mean or intend to express or convey.
- Design or destine something for a particular purpose.

Synonyms of "Intend" as a verb (26 Words)
aim | Direct (a missile or blow) at someone or something. We should aim for free and fair competition. |
aspire | Have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal. Other people will aspire to be like you. |
be determined | To remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted — used only in infinitive form. |
be going | Be priced at. |
be looking | Spend or use time. |
be plotting | Occupy a certain position or area. |
be resolved | Be identical to; be someone or something. |
designate | Decree or designate beforehand. He was designated as prime minister. |
destine | Design or destine. She was destined to become a great pianist. |
expect | Consider obligatory request and expect. We expect great things of you. |
have every intention | Serve oneself to, or consume regularly. |
have in mind | Suffer from; be ill with. |
have in view | Have sex with; archaic use. |
have plans | Have ownership or possession of. |
have resolved | Undergo. |
have set out | Go through (mental or physical states or experiences. |
have the intention | Have left. |
hope | Be optimistic be full of hope have hopes. I hope to have finished this work by tomorrow evening. |
mean | Mean or intend to express or convey. The jacket was meant for a much larger person. |
plan | Make a design of plan out in systematic often graphic form. We plan on getting married in the near future. |
propose | Propose or intend. Roy Thomson was proposed as chairman. |
purpose | Propose or intend. God has allowed suffering even purposed it. |
signify | Denote or connote. The locked door doesn t necessarily signify. |
specify | Specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement make an express demand or provision in an agreement. Specify the parameters. |
stand for | Be in effect; be or remain in force. |
think | Have sufficient foresight or awareness to do something. Think thin. |

Usage Examples of "Intend" as a verb
- It was not intended that colleges should have to revise their current schemes.
- She was intended to become the director.
- A jigsaw puzzle intended for three-year-olds.
- No offence was intended, I assure you.
- Pigs intended for human consumption.
- What do his words intend?
- A series of questions intended as a checklist.
- This one-roomed cottage was intended to accommodate a family.
- This benefit is intended for people incapable of work.
- The company intends to cut 400 jobs.

Associations of "Intend" (30 Words)
artifice | A deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture. An industry dominated by artifice. |
calculated | (of an action) done with full awareness of the likely consequences. A calculated insult. |
concoct | Make a concoction of by mixing. Concoct a strange mixture. |
consider | Take into consideration for exemplifying purposes. I consider her to be shallow. |
deliberate | Consider (a question) carefully. A conscientious and deliberate worker. |
deliberately | In a careful and unhurried way. She was working deliberately. |
designed | Planned or conceived in detail or for a specific purpose. Games designed for all ages. |
headed | (of certain green vegetables) having the edible leafy part at the top of the stem. She was always cool headed. |
intended | The person one intends to marry; one’s fiancé or fiancée. An intended insult. |
intentionality | The fact of being deliberate or purposive. |
intentionally | With intention; in an intentional manner. I didn t do it intentionally. |
knowingly | In full awareness or consciousness; deliberately. Amy looked at me knowingly. |
mean | Mean or intend to express or convey. Its name means painted rock in Cherokee. |
minded | (usually followed by `to’) naturally disposed toward. I am not minded to answer any questions. |
muse | (in Greek and Roman mythology) each of nine goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who preside over the arts and sciences. Euterpe was his muse. |
originally | With reference to the origin or beginning. Potatoes originally came from South America. |
plan | Design or make a plan of something to be made or built. They discussed plans for a new bond issue. |
ponder | Reflect deeply on a subject. I pondered the question of what clothes to wear for the occasion. |
purpose | The quality of being determined to do or achieve something firmness of purpose. State pensions are considered as earned income for tax purposes. |
purposeful | Having or showing determination or resolve. Led a happy purposeful life. |
purposefully | In a purposeful manner. Purposefully vague answers. |
purposely | With intention; in an intentional manner. She had purposely made it difficult. |
ruse | A deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture. Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of the house. |
signify | Make known with a word or signal. The locked door doesn t necessarily signify. |
skillfully | With skill. Fragments of a nearly complete jug skillfully restored at the institute of archaeology. |
think | An instance of deliberate thinking. Any writer who so rarely produces a book is not thinking deep thoughts. |
thoughtful | Taking heed giving close and thoughtful attention. A thoughtful paper. |
willful | Done by design. Willful disobedience. |
willfully | In a willful manner. She had willfully deceived me. |
wittingly | With full knowledge and deliberation. Everyone wittingly or otherwise will become involved. |