Need another word that means the same as “designate”? Find 19 synonyms and 30 related words for “designate” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Designate” are: destine, doom, fate, indicate, point, show, assign, delegate, depute, intend, specify, denominate, appoint, nominate, classify, class, pronounce, label, tag
Designate as a Verb
Definitions of "Designate" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “designate” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Decree or designate beforehand.
- Assign a name or title to.
- Appoint (someone) to a specified office or post.
- Officially give a specified status or name to.
- Indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively.
- Design or destine.
- Give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person.

Synonyms of "Designate" as a verb (19 Words)
appoint | Assign a job or role to (someone. She has been appointed to the board. |
assign | Give an assignment to a person to a post or assign a task to a person. The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise. |
class | Arrange or order by classes or categories. How would you classify these pottery shards are they prehistoric. |
classify | Arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics. How would you classify these pottery shards are they prehistoric. |
delegate | Send or authorize (someone) to do something as a representative. The power delegated to him must never be misused. |
denominate | (of sums of money) be expressed in a specified monetary unit. The borrowings were denominated in US dollars. |
depute | Delegate (authority or a task). She was deputed to look after him while Clare was away. |
destine | Design or destine. She was destined to become a great pianist. |
doom | Decree or designate beforehand. Her plan was doomed to failure. |
fate | Be destined to happen, turn out, or act in a particular way. The regime was fated to end badly. |
indicate | Indicate a place direction person or thing either spatially or figuratively. Dotted lines indicate the text s margins. |
intend | Mean or intend to express or convey. What do his words intend. |
label | Attach a tag or label to. Label these bottles. |
nominate | Put forward nominate for appointment to an office or for an honor or position. The company nominated her as a delegate to the convention. |
point | Give a point to. The dog pointed the dead duck. |
pronounce | Speak pronounce or utter in a certain way. Allow history to pronounce the verdict. |
show | Show in or as in a picture. It was Frank s turn to show his frustration. |
specify | Specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement make an express demand or provision in an agreement. The coup leader promised an election but did not specify a date. |
tag | Attach a tag or label to. Mothers suspected that their babies had been wrongly tagged during an alarm at the hospital. |

Usage Examples of "Designate" as a verb
- He was designated as prime minister.
- The Wye Valley is designated an area of outstanding natural beauty.
- Certain schools are designated ‘science schools.

Associations of "Designate" (30 Words)
appellation | The action of giving a name to someone or something. The city fully justifies its appellation the Pearl of the Orient. |
appoint | Decide the disposition of (property of which one is not the owner) under powers granted by the owner. He was appointed deputy manager. |
assign | Give an assignment to a person to a post or assign a task to a person. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their successors and assigns. |
assignment | A document effecting a legal transfer of a right or liability. The first task is the assignment of an address to each datum. |
authorize | Give or delegate power or authority to. The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography. |
authorized | Sanctioned by established authority. An authorized dealer. |
candidate | Someone who is considered for something (for an office or prize or honor etc. She was the perfect candidate for a biography. |
caucus | Hold or form a legislative caucus. More than half of those young people that caucused yesterday caucused for Barack Obama. |
colonel | A rank of officer in the army and in the US air force above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier or brigadier general. |
commissioned | Holding by virtue of a commission a rank of second lieutenant or ensign or above. Those interested in pursuing careers as commissioned officers. |
commissioner | The head of the Metropolitan Police in London. A baseball commissioner. |
delegate | Give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person. Edward was delegated to meet new arrivals. |
denominate | Assign a name or title to. The borrowings were denominated in US dollars. |
designation | The act of designating or identifying something. Dibden Bay s designation as a Site of Special Scientific Interest. |
elected | Subject to popular election. |
excellency | An outstanding feature; something in which something or someone excels. His Excellency the Indian Consul General. |
mayor | (in the US, Canada, and certain other countries) the head of a municipal corporation, elected by the public. |
minister | Work as a minister. Will these women be permitted to minister as priests. |
name | Give the name or identifying characteristics of refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property. The big race will lure the top names. |
nominate | Put forward nominate for appointment to an office or for an honor or position. The film was nominated for several Oscars. |
officer | Provide with military officers. It was an accident officer. |
ordain | Make (someone) a priest or minister; confer holy orders on. He was ordained a minister before entering Parliament. |
ordained | Invested with ministerial or priestly functions. An ordained priest. |
prescribed | Fixed or established especially by order or command. In prescribed order. |
president | The head administrative officer of a college or university. The Irish president. |
reassign | Allocate or distribute (work or resources) differently. He ordered the ministries to reassign the vehicles. |
representative | Being or characteristic of government by representation in which citizens exercise power through elected officers and representatives. There was no representative body to fight for cricketers until 1968. |
respectfully | Used to express politeness to mitigate the effect of a refusal or disagreement. I respectfully declined their invitation. |
successor | A person or thing that succeeds another. Schoenberg saw himself as a natural successor to the German romantic school. |
tenure | Guaranteed permanent employment especially as a teacher or lecturer after a probationary period security of tenure. I had recently been tenured and then promoted to full professor. |