BALLSY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BALLSY?

Need another word that means the same as “ballsy”? Find 26 synonyms for “ballsy” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Ballsy” are: brave, fearless, courageous, valorous, plucky, intrepid, heroic, lionhearted, manly, manful, bold, daring, audacious, gallant, confident, spirited, stout, undaunted, dauntless, doughty, mettlesome, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unabashed, undismayed

Ballsy as an Adjective

Definitions of "Ballsy" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “ballsy” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Determined and courageous.

Synonyms of "Ballsy" as an adjective (26 Words)

audaciousUnrestrained by convention or propriety- Los Angeles Times.
An audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas.
bold(of a person or their manner) so confident as to be impudent or presumptuous.
A coat with bold polka dots.
braveReady to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
His medals made a brave show.
confidentFeeling or showing confidence in oneself or one’s abilities or qualities.
This time they re confident of a happy ending.
courageousPossessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching.
A frank courageous heart triumphed over pain.
daringDisposed to venture or take risks.
He rapidly discovered an audience hungry for his daring new works.
dauntlessShowing fearlessness and determination.
Dauntless bravery.
doughtyBrave and persistent.
His doughty spirit kept him going.
fearlessOblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them.
Fearless reporters and photographers.
gallant(of a person or their behaviour) brave; heroic.
A gallant gentleman came over and kissed my hand.
heroicRelating to or characteristic of heroes of antiquity.
Heroic sculpture.
intrepidFearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect.
Our intrepid reporter.
lionheartedBrave and determined.
A brilliant lionhearted second half comeback.
manfulBrave and resolute, especially in a difficult situation.
A manful attempt to smile.
manlyPossessing qualities befitting a man.
Manly sports.
mettlesomeWilling to face danger.
Their horses were beasts of burden not mettlesome chargers.
pluckyShowing courage.
The plucky youngster has astounded medical staff.
spiritedMade lively or spirited.
A spirited campaigner for women s rights.
stoutHaving or showing courage and determination.
Stout walking boots.
unabashedNot embarrassed- Jerome Stone.
A tinseled charm and unabashed sentimentality.
unalarmedNot anxious or concerned.
An unalarmed fire exit door.
undauntedNot intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment.
They were undaunted by the huge amount of work needed.
undismayedUnshaken in purpose.
Undismayed my mother sent me to a first class crammer for two terms.
unflinchingNot shrinking from danger.
He has shown unflinching determination throughout the campaign.
unshrinkingNot shrinking from danger.
valorousShowing great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.
Valorous deeds on the field of honour.

Usage Examples of "Ballsy" as an adjective

  • She was a cool, ballsy woman.

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