Need another word that means the same as “battle of wits”? Find 30 related words for “battle of wits” in this overview.
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Associations of "Battle of wits" (30 Words)
amphibious | Operating or living on land and in water. Amphibious vehicles. |
antagonist | A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary. When bending the elbow the triceps are the antagonist. |
battlefield | The piece of ground on which a battle is or was fought. The battlefields of the Great War. |
belligerent | Engaged in war. Ships and goods captured at sea by a belligerent. |
challenger | The contestant you hope to defeat. The leading team among the nine challengers. |
clash | Be incompatible or at odds. These colors clash. |
compete | Compete for something engage in a contest measure oneself against others. He competed in numerous track meets as a child. |
competitor | A person who takes part in a sporting contest. Two competitors were banned for taking drugs. |
contend | Maintain or assert. She had to contend with his uncertain temper. |
contender | A person or group competing with others to achieve something. A presidential contender. |
counterpart | A duplicate copy. The minister held talks with his French counterpart. |
crossfire | A lively or heated interchange of ideas and opinions. A photographer was killed in crossfire. |
dissident | A person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state. The measure was supported by dissident Tories. |
encounter | Meet (someone) unexpectedly. He was shot dead in a police encounter. |
enemy | A personal enemy. The enemy shot down four helicopters. |
fight | The inclination or ability to fight or struggle. The men were fighting. |
hostile | Unsolicited and resisted by the management of the target company (used of attempts to buy or take control of a business. A hostile nation. |
invasion | An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity. An invasion of locusts. |
irreconcilable | Incapable of being resolved. These two views of the economy are irreconcilable. |
militant | A militant person. Militants became increasingly impatient of parliamentary manoeuvres. |
nemesis | (Greek mythology) the goddess of divine retribution and vengeance. Will Harry Potter finally defeat his nemesis Voldemort. |
opponent | A contestant that you are matched against. He beat his opponent by a landslide margin. |
oppose | Compete with (someone. The board opposed his motion. |
opposing | Characterized by active hostility. On the opposing page there were two addresses. |
overtake | Catch up with and possibly overtake. Disaster overtook the town in 1296. |
rival | Be the rival of be in competition with. He had respect for his rivals. |
unbeatable | Incapable of being overcome or subdued. The team is unbeatable. |
unseat | Remove (a government or person in authority) from power. Rawhide unseated Kevin Bradley at the first fence. |
vie | Compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something. The athletes were vying for a place in the British team. |
warfare | Engagement in or the activities involved in war or conflict. Diplomatic warfare. |