BEEN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BEEN?

Need another word that means the same as “been”? Find 30 related words for “been” in this overview.

Associations of "Been" (30 Words)

abideLive; dwell.
Many unskilful Men do abide in our City of London.
beingBeing alive living.
The single market came into being in 1993.
coexistenceThe state or fact of living or existing at the same time or in the same place.
A harmonious coexistence between wildlife and livestock.
concurrent(of three or more lines) meeting at or tending towards one point.
She was given nine months concurrent for each offence.
constituteGive legal or constitutional form to (an institution); establish by law.
His failure to act constituted a breach of duty.
creatureA person of a specified kind.
Dress jewels and other transitory creatures.
dwellA slight regular pause in the motion of a machine.
This kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean.
dwellerA person who inhabits a particular place.
City dwellers.
eternallyIn a way that continues or lasts forever; permanently.
His eternally optimistic attitude.
existHave an existence be extant.
Two conflicting stereotypes of housework exist in popular thinking.
existenceContinued survival.
A person may be reaping the consequences of evil deeds sown in previous existences.
existingPresently existing.
Opponents of the existing political system.
extantStill in existence; surviving.
An extant letter.
happenHappen occur or be the case in the course of events or by chance.
The afternoon when the disturbance happened.
hereIn or at this place where the speaker or writer is.
I m here to help you.
inhabitInhabit or live in be an inhabitant of.
Sweet memories inhabit this house.
lifelongContinuing through life.
The two men were to remain lifelong friends.
liveInhabit or live in be an inhabitant of.
A live wire.
livingPeople who are still living.
Carved into the living stone.
maintenanceMeans of maintenance of a family or group.
A divorced man paying his ex wife 2 500 a year maintenance.
occurCome to one’s mind; suggest itself.
Sexism occurs in many workplaces.
outlastLive or last longer than.
The kind of beauty that will outlast youth.
pertainBe in effect or existence in a specified place or at a specified time.
The shop premises and stock and all assets pertaining to the business.
populateFill or be present in (a place or sphere.
Populate the forest with deer and wild boar for hunting.
recurOccur again periodically or repeatedly.
When the symptoms recurred the doctor diagnosed something different.
resideLive (in a certain place.
Legislative powers reside with the Federal Assembly.
somewhereIn or at or to some place someplace is used informally for somewhere.
She must be somewhere.
stayStay behind.
Some men are always great at beginnings but they have no stay in them.
subsistProvide sustenance for.
The court may treat a contract as still subsisting.
surviveContinue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.
Against all odds the child survived.

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