Need another word that means the same as “creature”? Find 27 synonyms and 30 related words for “creature” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Creature” are: puppet, tool, wight, animal, beast, brute, fauna, person, human being, human, being, mortal, soul, thing, fellow, individual, character, wretch, beggar, minion, lackey, flunkey, hireling, subordinate, servant, retainer, vassal
Creature as a Noun
Definitions of "Creature" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “creature” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else.
- A person or organization considered to be under the complete control of another.
- Anything living or existing.
- A fictional or imaginary being.
- A person of a specified kind.
- A living organism characterized by voluntary movement.
- An animal or person.
- An animal, as distinct from a human being.
- A human being; `wight' is an archaic term.

Synonyms of "Creature" as a noun (27 Words)
animal | An animal as opposed to a human being. Those men have to be animals what they did to that boy was savage. |
beast | A thing possessing a specified quality. Sex beasts who are assaulting victims. |
beggar | A person of a specified type, especially one to be envied or pitied. Poor little beggars. |
being | Being alive living. Many factions remained in being. |
brute | A living organism characterized by voluntary movement. A great brute of a machine. |
character | A characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something. To what do I owe this attack on my character. |
fauna | The animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period. The flora and fauna of Siberia. |
fellow | An informal form of address for a man. He was elected a fellow of the American Physiological Association. |
flunkey | A person of unquestioning obedience. |
hireling | A person who works only for money. The poorly paid hirelings in their shabby clothes. |
human | A human being. |
human being | Any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage. |
individual | A human being. Boat trips for parties and individuals. |
lackey | A servant, especially a liveried footman or manservant. Lackeys were waiting to help them from the carriage. |
minion | A servile or fawning dependant. He gets oppressed minions like me to fob them off. |
mortal | A human being subject to death, as opposed to a divine being. An ambassador had to live in a style which was not expected of lesser mortals. |
person | A category used in the classification of pronouns possessive determiners and verb forms according to whether they indicate the speaker first person the addressee second person or a third party third person. A weapon was hidden on his person. |
puppet | A small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer. A former revolutionary hero who is now a puppet of the state. |
retainer | A servant, especially one who has worked for a person or family for a long time. Faithful family retainers. |
servant | A person employed in the service of a government. A government servant. |
soul | The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal. Brevity is the soul of wit. |
subordinate | An assistant subject to the authority or control of another. He was mild mannered especially with his subordinates. |
thing | Anything used for emphasis. He looks like he s wearing boxers underneath his trunks is that a thing. |
tool | A distinct design in the tooling of a book. Computers are an essential tool. |
vassal | A person or country in a subordinate position to another. A vassal state of the Ottoman Empire. |
wight | A human being wight is an archaic term. He always was an unlucky wight. |
wretch | Someone you feel sorry for. Can the poor wretch s corpse tell us anything. |

Usage Examples of "Creature" as a noun
- Night sounds of birds and other creatures.
- You heartless creature!
- As fellow creatures on this planet, animals deserve respect.
- A creature from outer space.
- Dress, jewels, and other transitory creatures.
- The village teacher was expected to be the creature of his employer.

Associations of "Creature" (30 Words)
abide | (of a feeling or memory) continue without fading or being lost. If there is one thing I cannot abide it is a lack of discipline. |
alive | Continuing in existence or use. Doctors are working hard to keep him alive. |
archaeopteryx | Extinct primitive toothed bird of the Jurassic period having a long feathered tail and hollow bones; usually considered the most primitive of all birds. |
being | Being alive living. A point of view gradually coming into being. |
biologically | With respect to biology. The world s most biologically diverse ecosystems. |
brute | A living organism characterized by voluntary movement. A great brute of a machine. |
dweller | A person or animal that lives in or at a specified place. City dwellers. |
existence | All that exists. The biggest tree in existence. |
existential | Of or as conceived by existentialism. Formal logicians are not concerned with existential matters. |
extant | Still in existence; surviving. Extant manuscripts. |
fauna | All the animal life in a particular region or period. The flora and fauna of Siberia. |
flagellate | A usually nonphotosynthetic free-living protozoan with whiplike appendages; some are pathogens of humans and other animals. He flagellated himself with branches. |
fungus | An organism of the kingdom Fungi lacking chlorophyll and feeding on organic matter; ranging from unicellular or multicellular organisms to spore-bearing syncytia. Fallen logs were overgrown with bright fungus. |
genetically | By genetic mechanisms. Hair colour is genetically determined. |
habitat | The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism. A marine habitat. |
humankind | Human beings considered collectively (used as a neutral alternative to ‘mankind. The origin of humankind. |
incarnation | The form taken by a person or thing during an incarnation. In a previous journalistic incarnation I worked at Westminster. |
inhabit | Be an inhabitant of or reside in. Strange notions inhabited her mind. |
life | An account of the series of events making up a person s life. She didn t want to die she loved life. |
lifelong | Lasting or remaining in a particular state throughout a person’s life. The two men were to remain lifelong friends. |
living | Pertaining to living persons. What does he do for a living. |
organism | The material structure of an organism. The Church is a divinely constituted organism. |
outlive | Survive or last beyond (a specified period or expected lifespan. She outlived her husband by many years. |
phylum | (linguistics) a large group of languages that are historically related. |
physiology | The branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms. The physiology of the brain. |
presence | The act of being present. My presence in the flat made her happy. |
protoplasm | The substance of a living cell (including cytoplasm and nucleus. |
unicellular | (of an evolutionary or developmental stage) characterized by the formation or presence of a single cell or cells. The unicellular precursors of arms and legs. |
vertebrate | Denoting a vertebrate or relating to the vertebrates as a group. |
zoology | The branch of biology that studies animals. The zoology of the Pliocene epoch. |