Need another word that means the same as “puppet”? Find 16 synonyms and 30 related words for “puppet” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Puppet” are: creature, tool, marionette, glove puppet, hand puppet, finger puppet, rod puppet, shadow puppet, pawn, instrument, cat's paw, poodle, hostage, counter, cog, dupe
Puppet as a Noun
Definitions of "Puppet" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “puppet” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else.
- A doll with a hollow head of a person or animal and a cloth body; intended to fit over the hand and be manipulated with the fingers.
- A small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer.
- A person, group, or country under the control of another.
- A movable model of a person or animal that is typically moved either by strings controlled from above or by a hand inside it.

Synonyms of "Puppet" as a noun (16 Words)
cat's paw | The (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb. |
cog | Each of the projections on a cog. Applewood was the favourite material for the cogs or teeth of a cogwheel. |
counter | A calculator that keeps a record of the number of times something happens. A counter may be used to stiffen the material around the heel and to give support to the foot. |
creature | An animal, as distinct from a human being. As fellow creatures on this planet animals deserve respect. |
dupe | A victim of deception. Men who were simply the dupes of their unscrupulous leaders. |
finger puppet | Any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb. |
glove puppet | Boxing equipment consisting of big and padded coverings for the fists of the fighters; worn for the sport of boxing. |
hand puppet | Something written by hand. |
hostage | A prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms. Three hostages were released but only after their families paid an estimated 200 000 to the guerrillas. |
instrument | A tool or implement, especially one for precision work. Myriad instruments and switches. |
marionette | A puppet worked by strings. Many officers dismissed him as the mayor s marionette. |
poodle | An intelligent dog with a heavy curly solid-colored coat that is usually clipped; an old breed sometimes trained as sporting dogs or as performing dogs. The council is being made a poodle of central government. |
rod puppet | A linear measure of 16.5 feet. |
shadow puppet | Something existing in perception only. |
tool | A distinct design in the tooling of a book. That guy is such a tool. |

Usage Examples of "Puppet" as a noun
- A former revolutionary hero who is now a puppet of the state.
- A puppet show.

Associations of "Puppet" (30 Words)
cinema | A medium that disseminates moving pictures. This story would be good cinema. |
clipper | Scissors for cutting hair or finger nails (often used in the plural. A set of hair clippers. |
cute | Attractive in a pretty or endearing way. A cute guy. |
dame | A woman of refinement. A rich dame who took her husband to the cleaners. |
dancer | A performer who dances professionally. She thought he would become a ballet dancer. |
doll | An attractive young woman. Would you be a doll and set the table. |
dolly | A short wooden pole for stirring clothes in a washtub. He fumbled a dolly at slip. |
entertainer | A person who tries to please or amuse. She is one of Hollywood s highest paid entertainers. |
fiddle | Play the violin or fiddle. He fiddled with the blind trying to prevent the sun from shining in her eyes. |
finger | A measure of spirits in a glass based on the breadth of a finger. Finger the binding of the book. |
gesticulate | Show, express or direct through movement. They were shouting and gesticulating frantically at drivers who did not slow down. |
hand | Operated by or held in the hand. I didn t hold a good hand all evening. |
handed | Having or involving the use of hands. A handed tree living animal. |
histrionic | Excessively theatrical or dramatic in character or style. By now Anna was accustomed to her mother s histrionics. |
hypnotist | A person who carries out hypnosis, either for medical reasons or for entertainment. A stage hypnotist. |
kachina | A small carved figure representing a kachina. |
nail | Attach something somewhere by means of nails. He spoke out to nail the lie that he d had a row with his manager. |
palm | Any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves. The consensus was that the palm should go to Doerner. |
plaything | An artifact designed to be played with. The rocking horse has been a favourite child s plaything for generations. |
screening | The testing of a person or group of people for the presence of a disease or other condition. The less than successful screening of the sitcom s pilot episode. |
supporting | Serving to corroborate something. A supporting wall. |
tapping | The sound of light blow or knock. He heard the tapping of the man s cane. |
theater | The art of writing and producing plays. He served in the Vietnam theater for three years. |
thimble | As much as a thimble will hold. |
thumb | The digit of primates or other mammals that corresponds to the human thumb. He was thumbing through USA Today for the umpteenth time. |
toe | Walk with the toes pointed in or out. He cut his big toe on a sharp stone. |
toy | A copy that reproduces a person or thing in greatly reduced size. Alan toyed with his glasses. |
troupe | A group of dancers, actors, or other entertainers who tour to different venues. A dance troupe. |
ventriloquist | A person, especially an entertainer, who can make their voice appear to come from somewhere else, typically a dummy of a person or animal. |