BEND OVER BACKWARDS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BEND OVER BACKWARDS?

Need another word that means the same as “bend over backwards”? Find 30 related words for “bend over backwards” in this overview.

Associations of "Bend over backwards" (30 Words)

absenteeismThe practice of regularly staying away from work or school without good reason.
High levels of absenteeism caused by low job motivation.
banisterA railing at the side of a staircase or balcony to prevent people from falling.
He vaulted the banister.
bendingThe act of bending something.
bowPlay a stringed instrument or music using a bow.
The techniques by which the pieces were bowed.
ductileEasily influenced.
Ductile copper.
exorbitant(of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high.
Exorbitant rent.
foldBe able to be opened out unfold.
A more active period of igneous activity caused intense folding.
gangling(of a person) tall, thin, and awkward in movements or bearing.
A gangling teenager.
inordinateBeyond normal limits.
A book of inordinate length.
intemperateHaving or showing a lack of self-control; immoderate.
Intemperate outbursts concerning global conspiracies.
inverseReversed (turned backward) in order or nature or effect.
Inverse logarithms.
leanCause to lean to the side.
A lean budget.
obliqueAn oblique muscle.
It is the obliques and abdominals which create the well trained look.
outdoBe superior to in action or performance.
The men tried to outdo each other in their generosity.
overcomeOvercome as with emotions or perceptual stimuli.
She was obviously overcome with excitement.
plethoraExtreme excess.
Allen won a plethora of medals during his illustrious career.
prodigalA person who leaves home to lead a prodigal life but later makes a repentant return.
The government wished to clip the wings of the local authority prodigals.
puckerDraw together into folds or puckers.
She puckered her lips.
recumbentA type of bicycle designed to be ridden lying almost flat on one’s back.
Recumbent shrubs.
redundanceThe attribute of being superfluous and unneeded.
stoopCarry oneself, often habitually, with head, shoulders, and upper back bent forward.
The old man was stooping but he could walk around without a cane.
superabundanceA quantity that is more than what is appropriate.
superfluousUnnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
The purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information.
surplusAn excess of income or assets over expenditure or liabilities in a given period, typically a financial year.
Surplus cheese distributed to the needy.
tirednessThe state of wishing for sleep or rest; weariness.
Tiredness overcame her and she fell into a deep slumber.
You re too kind.
undueLacking justification or authorization.
This figure did not give rise to undue concern.
unnecessaryUnnecessary things.
Good construction is essential to avoid unnecessary waste.
wizenedShrivelled or wrinkled with age.
A wizened weather beaten old man.
wrinkleGrimace and cause wrinkles on a part of the face.
You just cannot look neat with wrinkled clothes.

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