Need another word that means the same as “fold”? Find 50 synonyms and 30 related words for “fold” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Fold” are: close, close down, close up, shut down, pen up, fold up, turn up, double, double over, double up, crease, turn under, turn over, bend, overlap, mix, blend, stir gently, enfold, wrap, wrap up, envelop, fail, collapse, crash, founder, be ruined, cave in, plica, crimp, flexure, plication, flock, folding, congregation, faithful, sheep pen, sheepcote, sheepfold, pleat, gather, ruffle, bunch, turn, folded portion, double thickness, layer
Fold as a Noun
Definitions of "Fold" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “fold” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- An area of skin that sags or hangs loosely.
- The act of folding.
- A bend or curvature of strata.
- A slight hill or hollow in the ground.
- An angular or rounded shape made by folding.
- A group of sheep or goats.
- A group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church.
- A line or crease produced in paper or cloth as the result of folding it.
- A piece of paper or cloth that has been folded.
- A form or shape produced by the gentle draping of a loose, full garment or piece of cloth.
- A geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock.
- A folded part (as in skin or muscle.
- A pen for sheep.

Synonyms of "Fold" as a noun (22 Words)
bend | A kind of knot used to join two ropes together or to tie a rope to another object e g a carrick bend. Make a bend in the wire. |
bunch | A girl’s hairstyle in which the hair is tied back into two clumps at the back or on either side of the head. I was awoken by a bunch of rowdy drunkards. |
congregation | (in some universities) a general assembly of resident senior members. Drought conditions lead to the congregation of animals around watering points. |
crease | A slight depression in the smoothness of a surface. Khaki trousers with knife edge creases. |
crimp | A small connecting piece for crimping wires or lines together. The crimp on take home pay has been even tighter since taxes were raised. |
double thickness | A base hit on which the batter stops safely at second base. |
faithful | Those who are faithful to a particular religion or political party. The struggle to please the party faithful. |
flexure | The action of bending or curving, or the condition of being bent or curved. These lesser hills were flexures of the San Andreas system. |
flock | An orderly crowd. A flock of gulls. |
folded portion | An angular or rounded shape made by folding. |
folding | The act of folding. Understanding protein folding is the next step in deciphering the genetic code. |
gather | The act of gathering something. |
layer | A person or thing that lays something. The majority of fish are egg layers. |
overlap | A part or amount which overlaps. There is some overlap in requirements. |
pleat | A double or multiple fold in a garment or other item made of cloth, held by stitching the top or side. |
plica | A folded part (as in skin or muscle. |
plication | An angular or rounded shape made by folding. A plication on her blouse. |
ruffle | A vibrating drumbeat. |
sheep pen | Woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat. |
sheepcote | A pen for sheep. |
sheepfold | A pen for sheep. |
turn | The act of turning away or in the opposite direction. He took a turn to the right. |

Usage Examples of "Fold" as a noun
- A fold of paper slipped out of the diary.
- The fabric fell in soft folds.
- A fold in the napkin.
- The house lay in a fold of the hills.
- He gave the napkins a double fold.

Fold as a Verb
Definitions of "Fold" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “fold” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Bend or lay so that one part covers the other.
- Confine in a fold, like sheep.
- (of an enterprise or organization) cease trading or operating as a result of financial problems.
- Hold or clasp (someone) in one's arms affectionately or passionately.
- (in poker and other card games) drop out of a hand.
- (of a polypeptide or polynucleotide chain) adopt a specific three-dimensional structure.
- Cause (rock strata) to undergo bending or curvature.
- Mix an ingredient gently with (another ingredient), especially by lifting a mixture with a spoon so as to enclose it without stirring or beating.
- Cover or wrap something in (a soft or flexible material.
- Bend or rearrange (a piece of furniture or equipment) into a flatter or more compact shape.
- Cease to operate or cause to cease operating.
- (especially of a sports player or team) suddenly stop performing well or effectively.
- Be able to be opened out; unfold.
- Become folded or folded up.
- Bend (something flexible and relatively flat) over on itself so that one part of it covers another.
- (of a piece of furniture or equipment) be able to be bent or rearranged into a flatter or more compact shape, typically in order to make it easier to store or carry.
- Incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating.

Synonyms of "Fold" as a verb (28 Words)
be ruined | Be identical or equivalent to. |
bend | Bend one s back forward from the waist on down. Bend the rod. |
blend | Blend or harmonize. Costumes music and lighting all blend together beautifully. |
cave in | Hollow out as if making a cave or opening. |
close | Change one s body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact. Due to the accident the road had to be closed for several hours. |
close down | Fill or stop up. |
close up | Come to a close. |
collapse | Collapse due to fatigue an illness or a sudden attack. The three of them collapsed with laughter. |
crash | Cause to crash. The cab driver crashed the lights. |
crease | Cause a crease to appear temporarily in the face or its features typically as a result of the expression of an emotion or feeling. Clap or I ll crease you. |
double | Do double duty serve two purposes or have two functions. The muslin is doubled and then laid in a sieve over the bowl. |
double over | Do double duty; serve two purposes or have two functions. |
double up | Bridge: make a demand for (a card or suit. |
enfold | Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering. He shut off the engine and silence enfolded them. |
envelop | (of troops) surround (an enemy force. A figure enveloped in a black cloak. |
fail | Become bankrupt or insolvent fail financially and close. She failed her finals. |
fold up | Incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating. |
founder | Break down, literally or metaphorically. The project foundered. |
mix | Mix so as to make a random order or arrangement. Peppercorns are sometimes mixed with other spices. |
overlap | Partly coincide in time. The canopy overlaps the house roof at one end. |
pen up | Produce a literary work. |
shut down | Move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut. |
stir gently | Summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic. |
turn over | To break and turn over earth especially with a plow. |
turn under | Channel one’s attention, interest, thought, or attention toward or away from something. |
turn up | Cause to change or turn into something different;assume new characteristics. |
wrap | Cause (a word or unit of text) to be carried over to a new line automatically as the margin is reached, or to fit around embedded features such as pictures. Words are wrapped to the next line if they are too long. |
wrap up | Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering. |

Usage Examples of "Fold" as a verb
- A more active period of igneous activity caused intense folding.
- The club folded earlier this year.
- Bob folded her in his arms.
- Fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture.
- A bag was folded around the book.
- The sofa folds out.
- The bed folds in a jiffy.
- The deckchair folds flat.
- Fold up the newspaper.
- Sam folded up the map.
- The small card table was folded up and put away.

Associations of "Fold" (30 Words)
angle | Move or be inclined at an angle. From this angle Maggie could not see Naomi s face. |
arc | Form an arch or curve. Modern welding generators are designed so that there is a high voltage for striking the arc. |
bend | A kind of knot used to join two ropes together or to tie a rope to another object e g a carrick bend. The stick does not bend. |
bending | The act of bending something. |
bent | Sharply curved or having an angle. She had no natural bent for literature. |
bow | A decorative ribbon tied in a bow. The techniques by which the pieces were bowed. |
collapsible | (of an object) able to be folded into a small space. A collapsible boat. |
crimp | A small connecting piece for crimping wires or lines together. His zeal about his career can crimp the rest of his life. |
curl | Play at the game of curling. Your hair has a natural curl. |
curve | Form an arch or curve. Starting with arms outstretched curve the body sideways. |
deform | Become distorted or misshapen undergo deformation. He was physically deformed by a rare bone disease. |
ductile | (of a metal) able to be drawn out into a thin wire. Ductile copper. |
flex | The action or state of flexing. Ridiculous flexes of exorbitant wealth. |
flexible | Able to flex; able to bend easily. You can save money if you re flexible about where your room is located. |
flexibly | With flexibility. Most women who have children want to work flexibly. |
frizz | Curl tightly. A perm system designed to add curl without frizz. |
frizzle | Curl tightly. The frizzle of the pan. |
gangling | (of a person) tall, thin, and awkward in movements or bearing. A gangling teenager. |
hunch | Raise (one’s shoulders) and bend the top of one’s body forward. Eliot hunched his shoulders against a gust of snow. |
kink | Form a curl curve or kink. Take care to avoid kinking the wire. |
lean | Cause to lean or incline. He leaned his rifle against the wall. |
pucker | Draw together into folds or puckers. The child s face puckered ready to cry. |
sheet | A quantity of text or other information contained on a sheet of paper. A sheet of ice. |
stoop | Sag, bend, bend over or down. I won t stoop to reading other people s mail. |
tangent | Ratio of the opposite to the adjacent side of a right-angled triangle. Loretta s mind went off at a tangent. |
twist | Social dancing in which couples vigorously twist their hips and arms in time to the music was popular in the 1960s. The path twisted through the forest. |
warp | In weaving arrange yarn so as to form the warp of a piece of cloth. The main canal may be cut so as to warp the lands on each side of it. |
winding | The act of winding or twisting. Winding roads are full of surprises. |
wizened | Lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness-W.F.Starkie. A wizened weather beaten old man. |
wrinkle | Become wrinkled or crumpled or creased. This fabric won t wrinkle. |