Need another word that means the same as “faithful”? Find 23 synonyms and 30 related words for “faithful” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
- Faithful as a Noun
- Definitions of "Faithful" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Faithful" as a noun (4 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Faithful" as a noun
- Faithful as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Faithful" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Faithful" as an adjective (19 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Faithful" as an adjective
- Associations of "Faithful" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Faithful” are: close, loyal, constant, true, devoted, true-blue, unswerving, unwavering, staunch, steadfast, dedicated, committed, accurate, precise, exact, errorless, unerring, faultless, strict, congregation, fold, believers, communicants
Faithful as a Noun
Definitions of "Faithful" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “faithful” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church.
- Those who are faithful to a particular religion or political party.
- Any loyal and steadfast following.

Synonyms of "Faithful" as a noun (4 Words)
believers | A supporter who accepts something as true. |
communicants | A person entitled to receive Communion. |
congregation | A flock of plovers. A great congregation of birds flew over. |
fold | A folded part as in skin or muscle. A fold of paper slipped out of the diary. |

Usage Examples of "Faithful" as a noun
- A muezzin called the faithful to prayer.
- The struggle to please the party faithful.

Faithful as an Adjective
Definitions of "Faithful" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “faithful” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- True to the facts or the original.
- Steadfast in affection or allegiance.
- Remaining loyal and steadfast.
- (of a spouse or partner) never having a sexual relationship with anyone else.
- (of an object) reliable.
- Not having sexual relations with anyone except your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend.
- Marked by fidelity to an original.

Synonyms of "Faithful" as an adjective (19 Words)
accurate | Of an instrument or method capable of giving accurate information. Accurate information about the illness is essential. |
close | Close in relevance or relationship. It was very close in the dressing room. |
committed | Bound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular cause, action, or attitude. Esther has a committed boyfriend. |
constant | (of a person) unchangingly faithful and dependable. These discs rotate at a constant speed. |
dedicated | Solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose. A team of dedicated doctors. |
devoted | Zealous in devotion or affection. A devoted husband and father. |
errorless | Free from error. An errorless baseball game. |
exact | Accurate or correct in all details. An exact copy. |
faultless | Without fault or error. Faultless logic. |
loyal | Unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison. Loyal subjects. |
precise | Used to emphasize that one is referring to an exact and particular thing. The director was precise with his camera positions. |
staunch | (of a wall) of strong or firm construction. A staunch Catholic. |
steadfast | Resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. A steadfast ally. |
strict | Characterized by strictness severity or restraint. A strict interpretation of the law. |
true | Of a compass bearing measured relative to true north. That is not true of the people I am talking about. |
true-blue | Marked by unswerving loyalty. |
unerring | Always right or accurate. An unerring sense of direction. |
unswerving | Going directly ahead from one point to another without veering or turning aside. Unswerving devotion. |
unwavering | Not showing abrupt variations- Louis Auchincloss. She fixed him with an unwavering stare. |

Usage Examples of "Faithful" as an adjective
- My faithful compass.
- Employees who had notched up decades of faithful service.
- Years of faithful service.
- The city has always been faithful to the Conservative party.
- The film was faithful to the book.
- Faithful employees.
- We do not doubt that England has a faithful patriot in the Lord Chancellor.
- He remained faithful to his wife.
- A faithful rendering of the observed facts.
- Her husband was faithful to her.
- A faithful copy of the portrait.

Associations of "Faithful" (30 Words)
allegiant | Steadfast in devotion (especially to your lawful monarch or government. It is impossible to be allegiant to two opposing forces. |
belief | Any cognitive content held as true. Christian beliefs. |
believable | Capable of being believed. She felt that Dawn s story was not quite believable. |
believe | Follow a credo have a faith be a believer. There are those on the fringes of the Church who do not really believe. |
confidant | A person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others. A close confidante of the princess. |
confiding | Willing to tell someone about a secret or private matter and trust them not to repeat it to others. First she was suspicious then she became confiding. |
credibility | The quality of being convincing or believable. The government s loss of credibility. |
credible | Able to be believed; convincing. A credible witness. |
credulity | A tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true. Moneylenders prey upon their credulity and inexperience. |
credulous | Showing a lack of judgment or experience. A ceremony staged for credulous tourists. |
dependable | Consistent in performance or behavior. Dependable in one s habits. |
devoted | Very loving or loyal. Large sums devoted to the care of the poor. |
dote | Lavish (someone) with affection or gifts. Having an older brother who dotes you a lot is the best thing ever. |
faith | An institution to express belief in a divine power. Men with strong political faiths. |
faithfully | In a loyal manner. He swore that he would serve the king faithfully. |
follower | A person who moves or travels behind someone or something. He is a keen follower of football. |
gullible | Easily tricked because of being too trusting. At that early age she had been gullible and in love. |
loyal | Unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison. Loyal friends stood by him. |
naive | Of or created by one without formal training simple or naive in style. Andy had a sweet naive look when he smiled. |
patriotic | Inspired by love for your country. Today s game will be played before a fiercely patriotic crowd. |
reliable | A reliable person or thing. A reliable source of information. |
rely | Have faith or confidence in. I know I can rely on your discretion. |
staunch | (of a wall) of strong or firm construction. These staunch walls could withstand attack by cannon. |
trust | An organization or company managed by trustees. All persons are forbid to trust sailors. |
trusted | (of persons) worthy of trust or confidence. A trusted adviser. |
trustful | Inclined to believe or confide readily; full of trust- Nordhoff & Hall. Great brown eye true and trustful. |
trusting | Showing or tending to have a belief in a person’s honesty or sincerity; not suspicious. A shy and trusting child. |
trustworthy | Worthy of trust or belief. A trustworthy report. |
verisimilitude | The appearance of being true or real. The detail gives the novel some verisimilitude. |