Need another word that means the same as “overlap”? Find 19 synonyms and 30 related words for “overlap” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Overlap” are: double, double over, double up, crease, turn under, turn up, turn over, bend, spread, spread out, space, space out, time at intervals, lap, convergence, intersection, fold, overhang, covering
Overlap as a Noun
Definitions of "Overlap" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “overlap” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A common area of interest, responsibility, etc.
- A representation of common ground between theories or phenomena.
- A period of time in which two events or activities happen together.
- The property of partial coincidence in time.
- A part or amount which overlaps.
- A flap that lies over another part.

Synonyms of "Overlap" as a noun (6 Words)
convergence | The act of converging (coming closer. These bivalves have assumed similar characters by convergence. |
covering | The act of protecting something by covering it. A vinyl floor covering. |
fold | A piece of paper or cloth that has been folded. A fold of paper slipped out of the diary. |
intersection | The set of elements common to two or more sets. A red light at the intersection with Brompton Road. |
lap | A flap that lies over another part. He picked up the little girl and plopped her down in his lap. |
overhang | A part of something that extends or hangs over something else. He crouched beneath an overhang of bushes. |

Usage Examples of "Overlap" as a noun
- There is some overlap in requirements.
- An overlap of about half an inch.
- There are many overlaps between the approaches.
- An overlap of shifts.
- There was no overlap between their proposals.

Overlap as a Verb
Definitions of "Overlap" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “overlap” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Coincide partially or wholly.
- Extend over and cover a part of.
- Cover part of the same area of interest, responsibility, etc.
- Partly coincide in time.
- Extend over so as to cover partly.

Synonyms of "Overlap" as a verb (13 Words)
bend | Bend one s back forward from the waist on down. We cannot bend the rules even for Darren. |
crease | Cause a crease to appear temporarily in the face or its features typically as a result of the expression of an emotion or feeling. Jo could imitate anybody and always made him crease up. |
double | Do double duty serve two purposes or have two functions. West s failure to double 4. |
double over | Bend over or curl up, usually with laughter or pain. |
double up | Bend over or curl up, usually with laughter or pain. |
space | Position (two or more items) at a distance from one another. The poles are spaced 3m apart. |
space out | Place at intervals. |
spread | Cover by spreading something over. The rumor spread. |
spread out | Spread out or open from a closed or folded state. |
time at intervals | Regulate or set the time of. |
turn over | To break and turn over earth especially with a plow. |
turn under | Pass to the other side of. |
turn up | To break and turn over earth especially with a plow. |

Usage Examples of "Overlap" as a verb
- The canopy overlaps the house roof at one end.
- The curtains overlap at the centre when closed.
- The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city.
- Two new series overlapped.
- Our vacations overlap.
- The union's commitments overlapped with those of NATO.

Associations of "Overlap" (30 Words)
avenue | A way of approaching a problem or making progress towards something. Tree lined avenues surround the hotel. |
boulevard | A wide street or thoroughfare. Sunset Boulevard. |
busy | Unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability engaged is a British term for a busy telephone line. A very busy week. |
concentrate | A concentrated example of something. The nation s wealth was concentrated in the hands of the governing elite. |
confluent | Flowing together or merging. These confluent tones helped to fuse and unite his landscapes. |
convergence | The tendency of unrelated animals and plants to evolve superficially similar characteristics under similar environmental conditions. These bivalves have assumed similar characters by convergence. |
convergent | (of a series) approaching a definite limit as more of its terms are added. There are a number of convergent reasons for the growth of interest in pragmatics. |
crisscross | Crossing one another in opposite directions. Wrinkles crisscrossed her face. |
cross | A cross as an emblem of Christianity. A shadow of apprehension crossed her face. |
crossing | The action of crossing something. The cathedral has a lantern tower over the crossing. |
crossroad | A junction where one street or road crosses another. |
crosswalk | A path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other. |
delineation | The action of describing or portraying something precisely. The artist s exquisite delineation of costume and jewellery. |
drawbridge | A bridge that can be raised to block passage or to allow boats or ships to pass beneath it. There was a rattle of chains as the drawbridge was lowered. |
focused | Being in focus or brought into focus. He seems to be very focused on the new challenge. |
fordable | Shallow enough to be crossed by walking or riding on an animal or in a vehicle. The stream was fordable. |
intersect | (of two or more things) pass or lie across each other. The area is intersected only by minor roads. |
intersection | A point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations. A red light at the intersection with Brompton Road. |
jaywalk | Cross or walk in the street or road unlawfully or without regard for approaching traffic. You jaywalked across a busy four lane street. |
junction | The shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made. The junction of two roundels produces a triangular space. |
lineation | The division of text into lines. Magnetic lineations. |
partially | In part; in some degree; not wholly. The work partially fulfills the function of a historical memoir. |
pavement | The paved surface of a thoroughfare. A pavement cafe. |
pedestrian | Lacking inspiration or excitement; dull. A pedestrian bridge. |
portion | Give a dowry to (a bride. A portion of the jetty still stands. |
road | The part of a road intended for vehicles especially in contrast to a verge or pavement. The shipment of freight by road. |
roadway | The part of a bridge or railway used by traffic. |
street | The streets of a city viewed as a depressed environment in which there is poverty and crime and prostitution and dereliction. She tried to keep her children off the street. |
superimpose | Place on top of. Can you superimpose the two images. |
walker | A shoe designed for comfortable walking. A fell walker. |