Need another word that means the same as “intersection”? Find 14 synonyms and 30 related words for “intersection” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Intersection” are: cartesian product, product, carrefour, crossing, crossroad, crossway, intersection point, point of intersection, convergence, overlap, road junction, junction, interchange, crossroads
Intersection as a Noun
Definitions of "Intersection" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “intersection” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations.
- A point or line common to lines or surfaces that intersect.
- An act of intersecting.
- The set of elements common to two or more sets.
- The act of intersecting (as joining by causing your path to intersect your target's path.
- A representation of common ground between theories or phenomena.
- A junction where one street or road crosses another.
- A point where lines intersect.
- A point at which two or more things intersect, especially a road junction.

Synonyms of "Intersection" as a noun (14 Words)
carrefour | A junction where one street or road crosses another. |
cartesian product | A consequence of someone’s efforts or of a particular set of circumstances. |
convergence | The occurrence of two or more things coming together. The convergence of lines in the distance. |
crossing | The action of crossing something. A border crossing. |
crossroad | A junction where one street or road crosses another. |
crossroads | A road that crosses a main road or joins two main roads. Freud s work stands at the crossroads between psychology and neurology. |
crossway | A junction where one street or road crosses another. |
interchange | Mutual interaction; the activity of reciprocating or exchanging (especially information. I listened in shock to this venomous interchange. |
intersection point | A representation of common ground between theories or phenomena. |
junction | The place where two or more things come together. The vena cava is formed by the junction of three veins. |
overlap | A part or amount which overlaps. An overlap of shifts. |
point of intersection | A wall socket. |
product | A substance produced during a natural, chemical, or manufacturing process. That store offers a variety of products. |
road junction | A way or means to achieve something. |

Usage Examples of "Intersection" as a noun
- The set of red hats is the intersection of the set of hats and the set of red things.
- His course is on a direct intersection with ours.
- A red light at the intersection with Brompton Road.
- The intersection of a plane and a cone.

Associations of "Intersection" (30 Words)
avenue | A tree-lined approach to a country house or similar building. An avenue of limes. |
boulevard | A wide street or thoroughfare. Sunset Boulevard. |
busy | Of facilities such as telephones or lavatories unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability engaged is a British term for a busy telephone line. Her line is busy. |
cable | Send cables wires or telegrams. Steel cables held the convoy together. |
convergent | (of a series) approaching a definite limit as more of its terms are added. There are a number of convergent reasons for the growth of interest in pragmatics. |
crisscross | Mark with or consist of a pattern of crossed lines. Wrinkles crisscrossed her face. |
cross | An animal or plant resulting from cross breeding a hybrid. A Galloway and shorthorn cross. |
crossing | The action of crossing something. The cathedral has a lantern tower over the crossing. |
crossover | A voter who is registered as a member of one political party but who votes in the primary of another party. A crossover study. |
crossroad | A junction where one street or road crosses another. |
crosswalk | A marked part of a road where pedestrians have right of way to cross; a pedestrian crossing. |
delineation | The action of describing or portraying something precisely. The artist s exquisite delineation of costume and jewellery. |
drawbridge | A bridge that can be raised to block passage or to allow boats or ships to pass beneath it. There was a rattle of chains as the drawbridge was lowered. |
fordable | Shallow enough to be crossed by walking or riding on an animal or in a vehicle. The stream was fordable. |
intersect | Meet at a point. Lines of latitude and longitude intersect at right angles. |
jaywalk | Cross the road at a red light. You jaywalked across a busy four lane street. |
junction | A region of transition in a semiconductor between a part where conduction is mainly by electrons and a part where it is mainly by holes. The junction of Queen s Road and Lancaster Avenue. |
lane | A route prescribed for or regularly followed by ships or aircraft. The car moved into the outside lane. |
lineation | The action or process of drawing lines or marking with lines. The punctuation and lineation are reproduced accurately. |
overlap | A part or amount which overlaps. The curtains overlap at the centre when closed. |
partially | Only in part; to a limited extent. He was partially paralyzed. |
pavement | A raised paved or asphalted path for pedestrians at the side of a road. The pavements and columns of these ancient ruins provided the material for more recent structures. |
pedestrian | Lacking inspiration or excitement; dull. A pedestrian movie plot. |
road | The part of a road intended for vehicles especially in contrast to a verge or pavement. The low road of apathy and alienation. |
roadway | A road (especially that part of a road) over which vehicles travel. |
route | Send via a specific route. The scenic route from Florence to Siena. |
sidewalk | A paved path for pedestrians at the side of a road; a pavement. |
street | People living or working on the same street. Every week fans stop me in the street. |
superimpose | Place or lay (one thing) over another, typically so that both are still evident. Can you superimpose the two images. |
walker | A light enclosing framework (trade name Zimmer) with rubber castors or wheels and handles; helps invalids or the handicapped or the aged to walk. He was a keen walker. |