Need another word that means the same as “convergence”? Find 18 synonyms and 30 related words for “convergence” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Convergence” are: intersection, overlap, convergency, converging, junction, fork, branching, interchange, confluence, meeting point, crossing, vertex, apex, coming together, conjunction, union, abutment, concourse
Convergence as a Noun
Definitions of "Convergence" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “convergence” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The act of converging (coming closer.
- The occurrence of two or more things coming together.
- The tendency of unrelated animals and plants to evolve superficially similar characteristics under similar environmental conditions.
- The process or state of converging.
- A representation of common ground between theories or phenomena.
- The approach of an infinite series to a finite limit.
- A location where airflows or ocean currents meet, characteristically marked by upwelling (of air) or downwelling (of water).

Synonyms of "Convergence" as a noun (18 Words)
abutment | The process of supporting something with an abutment. The first bridge was of timber with stone abutments. |
apex | The point in turning a corner when the vehicle is closest to the edge of the track. The apex of the roof. |
branching | The act of branching out or dividing into branches. |
coming together | The moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse. |
concourse | A crowd or assembly of people. The concourse of bodies. |
confluence | A place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers. Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers. |
conjunction | The grammatical relation between linguistic units words or phrases or clauses that are connected by a conjunction. A conjunction of favourable political and economic circumstances. |
convergency | The act of converging (coming closer. |
converging | The act of converging coming closer. |
crossing | The action of crossing something. The crossing of the Pennines. |
fork | A flash of forked lightning. A hot fork buffet. |
interchange | The act of changing one thing for another thing. Turn left at the next interchange. |
intersection | The set of elements common to two or more sets. The set of red hats is the intersection of the set of hats and the set of red things. |
junction | The action or fact of joining or being joined. The junction of the two rivers. |
meeting point | A casual or unexpected convergence. |
overlap | A part or amount which overlaps. There is some overlap in requirements. |
union | A part of a flag with an emblem symbolizing national union typically occupying the upper corner next to the staff. He was opposed to closer political or economic union with Europe. |
vertex | A meeting point of two lines that form an angle. |

Usage Examples of "Convergence" as a noun
- The convergence of lines in the distance.
- These bivalves have assumed similar characters by convergence.

Associations of "Convergence" (30 Words)
absorbed | Having one’s attention fully engaged; greatly interested. The absorbed light intensity. |
boulevard | A wide street or thoroughfare. Sunset Boulevard. |
centered | Being or placed in the center. |
collect | Gather or collect. He lost control of the truck and collected two cats. |
compile | Produce (a list or book) by assembling information collected from other sources. The figures were compiled from a survey of 2 000 schoolchildren. |
concentrate | A concentrated example of something. A threatened tax rise concentrates the mind wonderfully. |
concentration | Strengthening the concentration as of a solute in a mixture by removing diluting material. The gas can collect in dangerous concentrations. |
confluent | A branch that flows into the main stream. These confluent tones helped to fuse and unite his landscapes. |
converge | (of lines) tend to meet at a point. The crowd converged on the movie star. |
convergent | Coming closer together; converging. One of the most bizarre examples of convergent evolution concerns the so called periodical cicadas. |
crossing | The action of crossing something. A short ferry crossing. |
emphasize | Make (something) more clearly defined. Dr Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet. |
emphasized | Spoken with emphasis. |
emphatically | In a forceful way. She closed the door behind her emphatically. |
focus | Put an image into focus. She focused her eyes on his face. |
focused | (of light rays) converging on a point. Focused light rays can set something afire. |
gather | A part of a garment that is gathered. I gathered that they were old friends. |
intensive | An intensive adjective adverb or particle an intensifier. Intensive care. |
intently | With earnest and eager attention. Everybody was listening intently. |
intersect | Divide (something) by passing or lying across it. The area is intersected only by minor roads. |
intersection | The act of intersecting (as joining by causing your path to intersect your target’s path. His course is on a direct intersection with ours. |
leadership | The body of people who lead a group. The party prospered under his leadership. |
leading | Having the leading position or higher score in a contest. The leading man. |
locally | To a restricted area of the body. Should the data be stored locally or remotely. |
overlap | A part or amount which overlaps. The union s commitments overlapped with those of NATO. |
partially | To some extent; in some degree; not wholly. The work partially fulfills the function of a historical memoir. |
portion | A part of something divided between two or more people; a share. They portioned the meat perfectly. |
roadway | The part of a road intended for vehicles, in contrast to the pavement or verge. |
superimpose | Place or lay (one thing) over another, typically so that both are still evident. Can you superimpose the two images. |
tributary | Flowing into a larger stream. A tributary colony. |