BLACK AND WHITE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BLACK AND WHITE?

Need another word that means the same as “black and white”? Find 30 related words for “black and white” in this overview.

Associations of "Black and white" (30 Words)

ashenOf or resembling ashes.
A face turned ashen.
blondA person with fair skin and hair.
Blond Scandinavians.
blueA person who has represented Cambridge University a Cambridge blue or Oxford University an Oxford blue at a particular sport in a match between the two universities.
Deep blue eyes.
brownBrown clothes or material.
The draught browned the leaves on the trees in the yard.
brownishOf a color similar to that of wood or earth.
A brownish coloured cat.
colorChange color often in an undesired manner.
His political ideas color his lectures.
cygnetA young swan.
downcastA ventilation shaft through which air enters a mine.
Her modestly downcast eyes.
dunAn artificial fishing fly made to resemble a dun.
A dun cow.
ebonyUsed in names of trees that produce timber similar to ebony e g Jamaican ebony or American ebony.
His smile flashed against the ebony of his skin.
enamelCoat or decorate a metallic or hard object with enamel.
White enamel bowls.
fawnHave fawns.
A six month old roe fawn.
grayEnglish radiobiologist in whose honor the gray the SI unit of energy for the absorbed dose of radiation was named 1905 1965.
Gray flannel suit.
greenGreen vegetables.
They will continue greening the many treeless and dusty suburbs.
greyOf a person having grey hair.
A grey area between clearly legal and strictly illegal.
hueTake on color or become colored.
The water is the deepest hue of aquamarine.
ivoryAn object made of ivory.
A dagger with an ivory handle.
magentaA primary subtractive color for light a dark purple red color the dye for magenta was discovered in 1859 the year of the battle of Magenta.
A short magenta dress.
marbled(of meat) having the lean part streaked with thin layers of fat.
Attractively marbled cloth or paper.
maroonA brownish-red colour.
Ornate maroon and gold wallpaper.
pigmentationThe natural colouring of animal or plant tissue.
pinkPink colour pigment or material.
Bright pink lipstick.
purplePurple clothing or material.
He was born to the purple.
redEspecially of the face reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion.
A glass of red wine.
roseThe flower of a rose bush.
He sent her a dozen red roses.
roseateUsed in names of birds with partly pink plumage e g roseate tern.
The roseate glow of dawn.
sootCoat with soot.
You have previously sooted the underside of their plate by holding it over a candle.
tuskRemove the tusks of animals.
Tusk an elephant.
wanLacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble.
The wan dawn light.
yellowChanged to a yellowish color by age.
The pages of the book began to yellow.

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