Need another word that means the same as “yellow”? Find 42 synonyms and 30 related words for “yellow” in this overview.
- Yellow as a Noun
- Definitions of "Yellow" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Yellow" as a noun (1 Word)
- Usage Examples of "Yellow" as a noun
- Yellow as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Yellow" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Yellow" as an adjective (41 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Yellow" as an adjective
- Associations of "Yellow" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Yellow” are: xanthous, yellowish, scandalmongering, sensationalistic, chicken, chickenhearted, lily-livered, white-livered, yellow-bellied, icteric, jaundiced, yellowed, yellowy, lemony, amber, gold, golden, cowardly, faint-hearted, craven, spiritless, spineless, timid, timorous, fearful, trembling, shrinking, afraid of one's own shadow, pusillanimous, weak, feeble, soft, dramatic, melodramatic, exaggerated, overripe, sensationalist, graphic, explicit, unrestrained, lurid, yellowness
Yellow as a Noun
Definitions of "Yellow" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “yellow” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Yellow clothes or material.
- Used in names of moths or butterflies that are mainly yellow in colour.
- Any of a number of plant diseases in which the leaves turn yellow, typically caused by viruses and transmitted by insects.
- Yellow color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons.
- A yellow ball or piece in a game or sport, especially the yellow ball in snooker.
- Yellow colour or pigment.

Synonyms of "Yellow" as a noun (1 Word)
yellowness | Yellow color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons. |

Usage Examples of "Yellow" as a noun
- A wide range of colours from rich vibrant reds, yellows, blues, and greens to more unexpected pastel shades.
- Everyone dresses in yellow.
- He missed an easy yellow in frame four.
- The craft detonated in a blaze of red and yellow.

Yellow as an Adjective
Definitions of "Yellow" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “yellow” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Showing jealousy or suspicion.
- Affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc.
- Denoting a warning of danger which is thought to be near but not actually imminent.
- Having a naturally yellowish or olive skin (as used to describe Chinese or Japanese people).
- Of the color intermediate between green and orange in the color spectrum; of something resembling the color of an egg yolk.
- Cowardly or treacherous-M.W.Straight.
- Not brave; cowardly.
- Changed to a yellowish color by age.
- Cowardly or treacherous.
- Of the colour between green and orange in the spectrum, a primary subtractive colour complementary to blue; coloured like ripe lemons or egg yolks.
- Easily frightened.
- (of a style of writing, especially in journalism) lurid and sensational.
- Typical of tabloids.

Synonyms of "Yellow" as an adjective (41 Words)
afraid of one's own shadow | Having feelings of aversion or unwillingness. |
amber | Of a medium to dark brownish yellow color. |
chicken | Easily frightened. I was too chicken to go to court. |
chickenhearted | Easily frightened. |
cowardly | Lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted- P.B.Shelley. A cowardly attack on a helpless victim. |
craven | Lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful- Spenser. A craven proposal to raise the white flag. |
dramatic | Pertaining to or characteristic of drama. A dramatic rescue at sea. |
exaggerated | Regarded or represented as larger, better, or worse than in reality. Thick lenses exaggerated the size of her eyes. |
explicit | Of a person stating something in an explicit manner. She made her wishes explicit. |
faint-hearted | Lacking conviction or boldness or courage. |
fearful | Causing fear or dread or terror. A fearful howling. |
feeble | Lacking strength- Nathaniel Hawthorne. A feeble old woman. |
gold | Made of or coloured like gold. Gold earrings. |
golden | (of a singing voice) rich and smooth. A golden voice. |
graphic | Of or relating to the graphic arts British Book News. Graphic symbols. |
icteric | Affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc. |
jaundiced | Affected by bitterness, resentment, or cynicism. Looked with a jaundiced eye on the growth of regimentation. |
lemony | Tasting sour like a lemon. |
lily-livered | Easily frightened. |
lurid | Shining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke. Lurid flames. |
melodramatic | Characteristic of melodrama, especially in being exaggerated or overemotional. A melodramatic comedy about Slavic miners. |
overripe | Too ripe; past its best. An overripe melodrama. |
pusillanimous | Lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution; contemptibly fearful. |
scandalmongering | Typical of tabloids. |
sensationalist | Presenting stories in a way that is intended to provoke public interest or excitement, at the expense of accuracy. Sensationalist reporting of the latest alleged cancer cures. |
sensationalistic | Typical of tabloids. |
shrinking | Becoming smaller in size or amount. The shrinking market has provoked a massive price war. |
soft | Used chiefly as a direction or description in music soft in a quiet subdued tone. The government is not becoming soft on crime. |
spineless | Weak and purposeless. A spineless coward. |
spiritless | Evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant- Orville Prescott. Ruth and I played a spiritless game of Scrabble. |
timid | Showing fear and lack of confidence. I was too timid to ask for what I wanted. |
timorous | Timid by nature or revealing timidity. Timorous little mouse. |
trembling | Vibrating slightly and irregularly; as e.g. with fear or cold or like the leaves of an aspen in a breeze. She passed the letter with a trembling hand to Henry. |
unrestrained | Not subject to restraint. Unrestrained laughter. |
weak | Relating to or denoting the weakest of the known kinds of force between particles which acts only at distances less than about 10 cm is very much weaker than the electromagnetic and the strong interactions and conserves neither strangeness parity nor isospin. Weak colors. |
white-livered | Easily frightened. |
xanthous | Of the color intermediate between green and orange in the color spectrum; of something resembling the color of an egg yolk. |
yellow-bellied | Easily frightened. |
yellowed | Having become yellow, especially with age. A yellowed newspaper cutting. |
yellowish | Changed to a yellowish color by age. A yellowish complexion. |
yellowy | Of the color intermediate between green and orange in the color spectrum; of something resembling the color of an egg yolk. |

Usage Examples of "Yellow" as an adjective
- He based his judgement on headlines and yellow journalism.
- The little yellow stain of treason.
- Yellowed parchment.
- He put Camp Visoko on yellow alert.
- Curly yellow hair.
- Too yellow to stand and fight.
- Yellow press.
- He'd better get back there quick and prove he's not yellow.

Associations of "Yellow" (30 Words)
apple | Used in names of unrelated fruits or other plant growths that resemble apples in some way e g custard apple oak apple. |
berry | A small fruit having any of various structures e g simple grape or blueberry or aggregate blackberry or raspberry. We went berrying in the summer. |
black | Relating to black people. Black leather jackets. |
blue | Turn blue. Far out upon the blue were many sails. |
blueberry | Sweet edible dark blue berries of either low growing or high growing blueberry plants. |
brown | A satyrid butterfly which typically has brown wings with small eyespots. A slice of brown toast with low fat spread. |
brownish | Having a brown tinge; slightly brown. A brownish coloured cat. |
carmine | Color carmine. Carmine roses. |
color | Decorate with colors. Colorize black and white film. |
colored | Favoring one person or side over another. Amber colored heads of grain. |
crimson | Of a rich deep red colour inclining to purple. Crimson with fury. |
dun | Make a dun color. The dun and dreary prairie. |
gray | Horse of a light gray or whitish color. Gray flannel suit. |
green | Green foliage or vegetation. Eat up your greens. |
grey | Of a person having grey hair. She s getting on a bit and going grey. |
magenta | A primary subtractive color for light a dark purple red color the dye for magenta was discovered in 1859 the year of the battle of Magenta. Bright pink double flowers each lined in dark magenta. |
marbled | Patterned with veins or streaks or color resembling marble. Attractively marbled cloth or paper. |
maroon | Of dark brownish to purplish red. The travellers were marooned. |
orange | A butterfly with mainly or partly orange wings. A slice of orange. |
painted | Covered or decorated with paint. The painted desert. |
peach | The Chinese tree that bears peaches. A peach satin nightdress. |
pear | The Eurasian tree which bears the pear. |
pigmentation | Abnormal colouring of a person’s skin, typically resulting from disease. |
pimpernel | Any of several plants of the genus Anagallis. |
red | Of a ski run of the second highest level of difficulty as indicated by red markers positioned along it. Her eyes were red and swollen. |
roan | A roan animal. A roan horse. |
ruddy | Make ruddy in colour. The ruddy evening light. |
scarlet | Scarlet clothes or material. Papers lettered in scarlet and black. |
strawberry | The low growing plant which produces the strawberry having white flowers lobed leaves and runners and found throughout north temperate regions. She thought she would wear the strawberry crushed velvet. |
white | The player of the white pieces in chess or draughts. He was dressed from head to foot in white. |