Need another word that means the same as “timid”? Find 13 synonyms and 30 related words for “timid” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
- Timid as a Noun
- Definitions of "Timid" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Timid" as a noun (1 Word)
- Usage Examples of "Timid" as a noun
- Timid as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Timid" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Timid" as an adjective (12 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Timid" as an adjective
- Associations of "Timid" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Timid” are: faint, faint-hearted, fainthearted, diffident, shy, unsure, lacking courage, fearful, apprehensive, afraid, frightened, scared, cautious
Timid as a Noun
Definitions of "Timid" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “timid” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- People who are fearful and cautious.

Synonyms of "Timid" as a noun (1 Word)
cautious | People who are fearful and cautious. |

Usage Examples of "Timid" as a noun
- Whitewater rafting is not for the timid.

Timid as an Adjective
Definitions of "Timid" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “timid” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Showing fear and lack of confidence.
- Lacking conviction or boldness or courage.
- Lacking self-confidence.
- Showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened.

Synonyms of "Timid" as an adjective (12 Words)
afraid | Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened. She tried to think about the future without feeling afraid. |
apprehensive | Quick to understand- Nathaniel Hawthorne. He felt apprehensive about going home. |
diffident | Modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence. Stood in the doorway diffident and abashed. |
faint | Lacking clarity or distinctness. A faint aroma. |
faint-hearted | Lacking conviction or boldness or courage. |
fainthearted | Lacking conviction or boldness or courage. |
fearful | Very great. Fearful of criticism. |
frightened | Thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation. I m not frightened of him. |
lacking courage | Inadequate in amount or degree. |
scared | Made afraid. Too shocked and scared to move. |
shy | (of a plant) not bearing flowers or fruit well or prolifically. I was pretty shy at school. |
unsure | Lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance. The date is unsure. |

Usage Examples of "Timid" as an adjective
- I was too timid to ask for what I wanted.
- Problems that call for bold not timid responses.

Associations of "Timid" (30 Words)
afraid | Anxious about the well-being or safety of. Afraid to show emotion. |
bashful | Disposed to avoid notice blate is a Scottish term for bashful. Don t be bashful about telling folk how you feel. |
caitiff | A cowardly and despicable person. A caitiff knight. |
cowardly | Lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted- P.B.Shelley. A cowardly attack on a helpless victim. |
coy | Affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way. She treated him to a coy smile of invitation. |
craven | A cowardly person. The craven fellow turned and ran. |
dastard | Despicably cowardly. The unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on December 7th. |
demure | (of clothing) giving a modest appearance. Antonia was pensive and demure. |
diffident | Modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence. A diffident youth. |
fainthearted | Lacking conviction or boldness or courage. |
fear | Be afraid or scared of; be frightened of. He urged his listeners to fear God. |
fearful | Causing or likely to cause people to be afraid; horrifying. A fearful glance. |
frightened | Afraid or anxious. The frightened child cowered in the corner. |
introversion | The tendency to be concerned with one’s own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things. The tongue tied introversion of the self conscious artist. |
irresolute | Showing or feeling hesitancy; uncertain. The committee was timid and mediocre and irresolute. |
loath | (usually followed by `to’) strongly opposed. Loath to admit a mistake. |
passive | The passive voice. Passive resistance. |
prissy | Fussily and excessively respectable. A middle class family with two prissy children. |
prudery | Excessive or affected modesty. |
prudish | Having or revealing a tendency to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity; excessively concerned with sexual propriety. The prudish moral climate of the late 19th century. |
pusillanimous | Lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution; contemptibly fearful. |
reserved | Slow to reveal emotion or opinions. Was habitually reserved in speech withholding her opinion. |
retiring | Shy and fond of being on one’s own. A gentle retiring person who avoided conflict. |
scared | Made afraid. He s scared to come to you and ask for help. |
shy | Nervous or timid in the company of other people. Shy of strangers. |
skittish | Unpredictably excitable (especially of horses. My skittish and immature mother. |
timidity | Fear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions. She believes everyone can overcome their timidity. |
timorous | Timid by nature or revealing timidity. Timorous little mouse. |
tremulous | Timid; nervous. He gave a tremulous smile. |
unassertive | Inclined to timidity or lack of self-confidence. A shy unassertive person. |