UNSURE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNSURE?

Need another word that means the same as “unsure”? Find 29 synonyms for “unsure” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Unsure” are: diffident, shy, timid, incertain, uncertain, unconfident, not confident, lacking confidence, lacking self-confidence, lacking assurance, unassertive, undecided, irresolute, in two minds, in a dilemma, in a quandary, ambivalent, vague, dubious, doubtful, sceptical, distrustful, suspicious, mistrustful, unconvinced, not fixed, not settled, indeterminate, unknown

Unsure as an Adjective

Definitions of "Unsure" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unsure” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Not feeling, showing, or done with confidence and certainty.
  • Lacking self-confidence.
  • Lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance.
  • (of a fact) not fixed or certain.

Synonyms of "Unsure" as an adjective (29 Words)

ambivalentUncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow.
Was ambivalent about having children.
diffidentModest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence.
Stood in the doorway diffident and abashed.
distrustfulFeeling or showing distrust of someone or something.
A man of distrustful nature.
Of doubtful legality.
dubiousNot to be relied upon; suspect.
I was rather dubious about the whole idea.
in a dilemmaDirected or bound inward.
in a quandaryHolding office.
in two mindsDirected or bound inward.
incertainLacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance.
indeterminate(of a shoot) not having all the axes terminating in a flower bud and so potentially of indefinite length.
A zillion is a large indeterminate number.
irresoluteShowing or feeling hesitancy; uncertain.
She stood irresolute outside his door.
lacking assuranceNonexistent.
lacking confidenceInadequate in amount or degree.
lacking self-confidenceInadequate in amount or degree.
mistrustfulLacking in trust; suspicious.
He wondered if he had been unduly mistrustful of her.
not confidentHaving or marked by confidence or assurance.
not fixedHaving a fixed and unchanging value.
not settledEstablished in a desired position or place; not moving about.
scepticalMarked by or given to doubt.
The public were deeply sceptical about some of the proposals.
shyHaving a dislike of or aversion to a specified thing.
A shy smile.
suspiciousNot as expected.
She gave him a suspicious look.
timidLacking self-confidence.
I was too timid to ask for what I wanted.
unassertiveInclined to timidity or lack of self-confidence.
His bland and unassertive personal style.
uncertainNot able to be relied on; not known or definite.
An uncertain recollection of events.
unconfidentNot confident; hesitant.
Very young people may have an unconfident approach.
unconvincedLacking conviction.
I remain unconvinced.
undecidedCharacterized by indecision.
The jury remained undecided.
unknownBeing or having an unknown or unnamed source.
Things obscurely felt surged up from unknown depths.
vagueNot precisely limited, determined, or distinguished.
Vague feelings of sadness.

Usage Examples of "Unsure" as an adjective

  • Unsure of himself and his future.
  • She was unsure how to reply.
  • The date is unsure.
  • Moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps.
  • She was feeling nervous, unsure of herself.
  • A very unsure young man.

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