ORANGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ORANGE?

Need another word that means the same as “orange”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “orange” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Orange” are: orangish, orangeness, orange tree, orange river

Orange as a Noun

Definitions of "Orange" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “orange” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Any pigment producing the orange color.
  • A drink made from or flavoured with oranges.
  • A large round juicy citrus fruit with a tough bright reddish-yellow rind.
  • Round yellow to orange fruit of any of several citrus trees.
  • The leathery-leaved evergreen tree that bears the orange, native to warm regions of South and SE Asia. Oranges are a major commercial crop in many warm regions of the world.
  • Orange color or pigment; any of a range of colors between red and yellow.
  • Used in names of plants with similar fruit or flowers to the orange tree, e.g. mock orange.
  • A river in South Africa that flows generally westward to the Atlantic Ocean.
  • A butterfly with mainly or partly orange wings.
  • A bright reddish-yellow colour like that of the skin of a ripe orange.
  • Any citrus tree bearing oranges.

Synonyms of "Orange" as a noun (3 Words)

orange riverA river in South Africa that flows generally westward to the Atlantic Ocean.
orange treeRound yellow to orange fruit of any of several citrus trees.
orangenessOrange color or pigment; any of a range of colors between red and yellow.

Usage Examples of "Orange" as a noun

  • A slice of orange.
  • The most shocking of pinks and oranges.
  • Eat plenty of oranges.
  • Tones of golden brown and orange.
  • Orange juice.
  • A vodka and orange.

Orange as an Adjective

Definitions of "Orange" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “orange” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Of the color between red and yellow; similar to the color of a ripe orange.
  • Reddish yellow.

Synonyms of "Orange" as an adjective (1 Word)

orangishOf the color between red and yellow; similar to the color of a ripe orange.

Usage Examples of "Orange" as an adjective

  • There was an orange glow in the sky.

Associations of "Orange" (30 Words)

appleThe tree bearing apples with hard pale timber that is used in carpentry and to smoke food.
berryA small fruit having any of various structures e g simple grape or blueberry or aggregate blackberry or raspberry.
We went berrying in the summer.
brownA satyrid butterfly which typically has brown wings with small eyespots.
She had warm brown eyes.
chevronA V-shaped line or stripe, especially one on the sleeve of a uniform indicating rank or length of service.
citrusA fruit from a citrus tree.
Citrus extracts.
coconutThe flesh of a coconut often used as food.
Coconut shells.
coloredA United States term for Blacks that is now considered offensive.
Colored crepe paper.
dyeColor with dye.
Please dye these shoes.
grapevineGossip spread by spoken communication.
I d heard on the grapevine that the business was nearly settled.
grayEnglish radiobiologist in whose honor the gray the SI unit of energy for the absorbed dose of radiation was named 1905 1965.
Gray flannel suit.
juiceExtract the juice from fruit or vegetables.
Her creative juices were flowing.
juicyFull of juice.
Juicy gossip.
lemonA drink made from or flavoured with lemon juice.
A lemon T shirt.
marbled(especially of paper) having a streaked and patterned appearance like that of variegated marble.
Attractively marbled cloth or paper.
marmaladeA preserve made from citrus fruit, especially bitter oranges.
paintedWearing make-up or cosmetics.
A brightly painted caravan.
peachThe Chinese tree that bears peaches.
The sky began to change from grey to peach.
pearThe Eurasian tree which bears the pear.
persimmonThe tree which yields the persimmon related to ebony.
pigmentationAbnormal colouring of a person’s skin, typically resulting from disease.
polychromeColor with many colors make polychrome.
A precious polychrome ikon.
redA red light.
Small declines in revenue can soon send an airline plunging into the red.
rindThe skin or blubber of a whale.
Olive oil infused with lemon rinds.
scarletScarlet clothes or material.
Silk awnings of brilliant scarlet.
spottedMarked or decorated with spots.
A black and white spotted cow.
strawberryThe low growing plant which produces the strawberry having white flowers lobed leaves and runners and found throughout north temperate regions.
She thought she would wear the strawberry crushed velvet.
stripeMark with stripes.
A green toad with small black stripes or bars.
stripedMarked with or having stripes.
A green striped coat.
tangerineThe citrus tree which bears the tangerine.
A tangerine evening gown.
yellowUsed in names of moths or butterflies that are mainly yellow in colour.
Yellowed parchment.

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