BONE OF CONTENTION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BONE OF CONTENTION?

Need another word that means the same as “bone of contention”? Find 30 related words for “bone of contention” in this overview.

Associations of "Bone of contention" (30 Words)

bonyOf or like bone.
He held up his bony fingers.
brawnPhysical strength in contrast to intelligence.
A slice of brawn.
cadaverousVery pale, thin, or bony.
We had long anticipated his cadaverous end.
cartilageA particular structure made of cartilage.
His knees failed and the cartilages were removed.
cerebrumThe principal and most anterior part of the brain in vertebrates, located in the front area of the skull and consisting of two hemispheres, left and right, separated by a fissure. It is responsible for the integration of complex sensory and neural functions and the initiation and coordination of voluntary activity in the body.
chewingBiting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow.
clavicleBone linking the scapula and sternum.
cranialOf or relating to the cranium which encloses the brain.
craniumThe skull, especially the part enclosing the brain.
dislocateMove from its proper place or position.
The symbol is dislocated from its political context.
fractureBecome fractured.
It was a nasty fracture.
frameworkA hypothetical description of a complex entity or process.
A conservatory in a delicate framework of iron.
gauntVery thin especially from disease or hunger or cold.
A tall gaunt woman in black.
gristleTough elastic tissue; mostly converted to bone in adults.
haggardA haggard hawk.
Her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness.
incisorA narrow edged tooth at the front of the mouth adapted for cutting In humans there are four incisors in each jaw.
jawThe lower movable bone of the jaw or the part of the face containing it.
A passenger stepping from the jaws of a car ferry.
kneeJoint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped corresponds to the human knee.
They were eating their suppers on their knees.
kneecapShoot in the kneecap often done by terrorist groups as a warning.
Petty crimes are punished by kneecapping.
mandibleEither of the upper and lower parts of a bird’s beak.
The drake is all black except for an orange mark on the upper mandible.
muscleA muscle or muscles when well developed or prominently visible under the skin.
The calf muscle.
osseousComposed of or containing bone.
Osseous tissue.
ribA riblike supporting or strengthening part of an animal or plant.
Knit twenty rows of rib.
rivalryCompetition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field.
There always has been intense rivalry between the clubs.
shoulderLift onto one s shoulders.
All accounts place the blame squarely on his shoulders.
sinewA cord or band of inelastic tissue connecting a muscle with its bony attachment.
It has been building the sinews of an independent state.
skeletalExisting only in outline or as a framework of something.
The skeletal remains of aquatic organisms.
skeletonA sport in which a competitor races down a frozen track on a skeleton sled.
The Canadian men s skeleton team.
skullHit (someone) on the head.
He broke his collar bone and fractured his skull.
tissueTissue paper.
Tissue textiles.

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