Need another word that means the same as “bony”? Find 18 synonyms and 30 related words for “bony” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Bony” are: boney, osseous, osteal, scraggly, scraggy, scrawny, skinny, underweight, weedy, gaunt, angular, thin, thin as a rake, lean, spare, skin-and-bones, skeletal, cadaverous
Bony as an Adjective
Definitions of "Bony" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “bony” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold.
- Being very thin.
- (of a fish eaten as food) having many bones.
- Having bones especially many or prominent bones.
- Of or like bone.
- (of a person or part of the body) so thin that the bones can be seen.
- Composed of or containing bone.

Synonyms of "Bony" as an adjective (18 Words)
angular | Having angles or an angular shape. Her angular face. |
boney | Being very thin. |
cadaverous | Of or relating to a cadaver or corpse. He was gaunt and cadaverous. |
gaunt | Very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold. A nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys. |
lean | Lacking excess flesh-Shakespeare. Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look. |
osseous | Composed of or containing bone. Osseous tissue. |
osteal | Relating to bone or to the skeleton. |
scraggly | Lacking neatness or order. A scraggly little path to the door. |
scraggy | (of a person or animal) thin and bony. An old man with a scraggy beard. |
scrawny | (of vegetation) meagre or stunted. A long scrawny neck. |
skeletal | Very thin; emaciated. A small skeletal boy clothed in rags. |
skin-and-bones | Consisting of or made up of bone. |
skinny | (of coffee) made with skimmed or semi-skimmed milk. A child with skinny freckled legs. |
spare | Lacking in magnitude or quantity. Spare parts. |
thin | Relatively thin in consistency or low in density not viscous. A depressingly thin crowd. |
thin as a rake | Lacking excess flesh-Shakespeare. |
underweight | Having less investment in a particular area than is normal or desirable. He was thirty pounds underweight. |
weedy | Abounding with or resembling weeds. He was small and weedy. |

Usage Examples of "Bony" as an adjective
- He held up his bony fingers.
- Bony fish.
- The bony plates that protect turtles and tortoises.
- Her bony wrist.
- A bony shad fillet.
- Pale bony hands.

Associations of "Bony" (30 Words)
bone | In southern Africa one of a set of carved dice or bones used by traditional healers in divination. I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam. |
cadaverous | Very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold. He was gaunt and cadaverous. |
careworn | Tired and unhappy because of prolonged worry. A careworn expression. |
cranial | Of or relating to the cranium which encloses the brain. |
drawn | Having the curtains or draperies closed or pulled shut. Cathy was pale and drawn and she looked tired out. |
emaciated | Very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold. She was so emaciated she could hardly stand. |
frame | The framework for a pair of eyeglasses. An old bicycle frame. |
framework | The underlying structure. Providing a factual framework for future research. |
gangly | Tall and thin and having long slender limbs. |
gaunt | (of a person) lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age. Gaunt tenement blocks. |
haggard | A haggard hawk. Alex s haggard face. |
lissom | Moving and bending with ease. The kind of outfit that should be left to lissom teenagers. |
lithe | (especially of a person’s body) thin, supple, and graceful. She lay gazing up at his tall lithe figure. |
muscle | A muscle or muscles when well developed or prominently visible under the skin. He was eventually muscled out of the market. |
osseous | Composed of or containing bone. Osseous tissue. |
ossify | Become bony. These tracheal cartilages may ossify. |
silhouette | Represent by a silhouette. She paused to see its silhouette against the dimming sky. |
sinewy | Full of sinews; especially impossible to chew. The language is spare and sinewy. |
skeletal | Very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold. The skeletal remains of aquatic organisms. |
skinny | A pair of skinny jeans or trousers. In the winter I live in skinny jeans and boots. |
skull | A bone framework enclosing the brain of a vertebrate; the skeleton of a person’s or animal’s head. He broke his collar bone and fractured his skull. |
slender | Being of delicate or slender build Frank Norris. She was slender as a willow shoot is slender. |
slim | A course or period of slimming. There was just a slim chance of success. |
svelte | Moving and bending with ease. She was svelte and sophisticated. |
tendinous | Consisting of or resembling tendons. A band of muscular and tendinous fibres. |
thin | Make thin or thinner. A thin feeble cry. |
tiny | A very young child. A tiny hummingbird. |
tissue | Tissue paper. Tissue textiles. |
waif | A young person who is thin and looks unhealthy or uncared for. A little shop presided over by a Gothic waif in purple eyeshadow and lipstick. |
willowy | (of a person) tall, slim, and lithe. Willowy meadow land. |