Need another word that means the same as “thin”? Find 80 synonyms and 30 related words for “thin” in this overview.
- Thin as a Verb
- Definitions of "Thin" as a verb
- Synonyms of "Thin" as a verb (20 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Thin" as a verb
- Thin as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Thin" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Thin" as an adjective (59 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Thin" as an adjective
- Thin as an Adverb
- Definitions of "Thin" as an adverb
- Synonyms of "Thin" as an adverb (1 Word)
- Usage Examples of "Thin" as an adverb
- Associations of "Thin" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Thin” are: lean, sparse, flimsy, fragile, slight, tenuous, slender, narrow, fine, threadlike, attenuated, wafer-thin, papery, lightweight, light, delicate, floaty, diaphanous, gossamer, insubstantial, worn, well worn, old, holey, moth-eaten, mangy, ragged, frayed, tattered, battered, slim, rangy, willowy, svelte, sylphlike, spare, scanty, wispy, thinning, meagre, paltry, poor, inadequate, insufficient, scattered, rarefied, watery, weak, dilute, diluted, thinned down, feeble, lame, shallow, threadbare, faint, small, soft, low, melt off, reduce, slenderize, slim down, cut, thin out, become less dense, become less numerous, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, become less in number, prune, cut back, trim, water down, weaken, thinly
Thin as a Verb
Definitions of "Thin" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “thin” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Make or become more watery in consistency.
- Make or become less dense, crowded, or numerous.
- Make or become smaller in thickness.
- Lose thickness; become thin or thinner.
- Lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture.
- Hit (a ball) above its centre.
- Make thin or thinner.
- Take off weight.
- Remove some plants from (a row or area) to allow the others more room to grow.

Synonyms of "Thin" as a verb (20 Words)
become less dense | Enter or assume a certain state or condition. |
become less in number | Enhance the appearance of. |
become less numerous | Come into existence. |
cut | Function as a cutting instrument. Cut the noise. |
cut back | Have a reducing effect. |
decrease | Decrease in size extent or range. The aisles were decreased in height. |
dilute | Reduce the value of (a shareholding) by issuing more shares in a company without increasing the values of its assets. The reforms have been diluted. |
diminish | Make or become less. The new law is expected to diminish the government s chances. |
dwindle | Become smaller or lose substance. Traffic has dwindled to a trickle. |
lessen | Decrease in size, extent, or range. The warmth of the afternoon lessened. |
melt off | Lose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually. |
prune | Weed out unwanted or unnecessary things. |
reduce | Reduce in size reduce physically. The cells reduce. |
slenderize | Make (a person or a part of their body) appear more slender. Longer lengths tend to slenderize and elongate the body. |
slim | Reduce (a business or other organization) to a smaller size in the hope of making it more efficient. Restructuring and slimming down the organization. |
slim down | Take off weight. |
thin out | Take off weight. |
trim | Adjust the balance of a ship or aircraft by rearranging its cargo or by means of its trim tabs. Trim my beard. |
water down | Fill with tears. |
weaken | Lessen in force or effect. The fever weakened his body. |

Usage Examples of "Thin" as a verb
- The blood thins.
- If the soup is too thick, add a little water to thin it down.
- The remorseless fire of archers thinned their ranks.
- The trees began to thin out.
- Their effect in thinning the ozone layer is probably slowing the global warming trend.
- Thin out the rows of peas.

Thin as an Adjective
Definitions of "Thin" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “thin” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Lacking excess flesh.
- Having little, or too little, flesh or fat on the body.
- (of sound) lacking resonance or volume.
- (of a liquid substance) not containing much solid; flowing freely.
- (of a garment or fabric) having become less thick as a result of wear.
- (of a smile) weak and forced.
- Relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous.
- (of a sound) faint and high-pitched.
- Very narrow.
- Lacking spirit or sincere effort.
- Lacking resonance or volume.
- Lacking excess flesh-Shakespeare.
- (of the air or a substance in the air) not dense.
- Not dense.
- With opposite surfaces or sides that are close or relatively close together.
- Lacking substance or quality; weak or inadequate.
- Lacking substance or significance.
- (of a garment or other knitted or woven item) made of light material.
- Having few parts or members relative to the area covered or filled; sparse.
- Denoting a route on which the holds are small or scarce.
- (of writing or printing) consisting of narrow lines.
- Of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section.

Synonyms of "Thin" as an adjective (59 Words)
attenuated | Thin or reduced in thickness. It appears likely that the courts will be given an attenuated role in the enforcement of these decisions. |
battered | Damaged especially by hard usage. His battered old hat. |
delicate | Skilful and finely judged; deft. His delicate ball playing skills. |
diaphanous | So thin as to transmit light. A diaphanous dress of pale gold. |
dilute | (of a liquid) made thinner or weaker by having had water or another solvent added to it. A dilute solution of potassium permanganate. |
diluted | Made weaker in force, content, or value by modification. The report was published in a diluted form. |
faint | Weak and likely to lose consciousness. Was sick and faint from hunger. |
feeble | Lacking strength or vigor. By now he was too feeble to leave his room. |
fine | Characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment. It was another fine winter day. |
flimsy | Insubstantial and easily damaged. The flimsy garment fell from her. |
floaty | (especially of a woman’s garment or a fabric) light and flimsy. Elegant floaty dresses. |
fragile | Easily destroyed or threatened. His fragile health somewhat improved. |
frayed | (of a person’s nerves or temper) showing the effects of strain. An effort to soothe frayed nerves. |
gossamer | Characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy. Gossamer shading through his playing. |
holey | Allowing passage in and out. |
inadequate | Of insufficient quantity to meet a need. Inadequate funding. |
insubstantial | Lacking solidity or strength. An insubstantial and unsatisfying meal. |
insufficient | Of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement. Insufficient funds. |
lame | (of something intended to be entertaining) uninspiring and dull. A lame argument. |
lean | Lacking excess flesh-Shakespeare. A lean year. |
light | Characterized by or emitting light. Light cavalry. |
lightweight | Of thin material or build and weighing less than average. A lightweight intellect. |
low | Low or inferior in station or quality. The warming effect will be greatest at low latitudes. |
mangy | In poor condition; shabby. A girl in a mangy fur coat. |
meagre | Deficient in amount or quality or extent. They were forced to supplement their meagre earnings. |
moth-eaten | Showing signs of wear and tear. |
narrow | Denoting a vowel pronounced with the root of the tongue drawn back so as to narrow the pharynx. A narrow scrutiny. |
old | Very familiar used for emphasis old adj skilled through long experience. How old are you. |
paltry | Contemptibly small in amount. A paltry wage. |
papery | Thin and paperlike. Wasps that make nests of papery material. |
poor | Deserving or inciting pity. They lived in the poor section of town. |
ragged | (of a sound) not controlled; uneven. A pair of ragged ponies. |
rangy | Allowing ample room for ranging. A pale rangy boy in his late teens. |
rarefied | Of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style. Rarefied scholarly pursuits. |
scanty | Lacking in magnitude or quantity. A scanty harvest. |
scattered | (of a person) distracted or disorganized. The forecast is for scattered showers. |
shallow | Of little depth. A shallow roof. |
slender | Being of delicate or slender build. A slender pole. |
slight | (especially of a creative work) not profound or substantial; rather trivial or superficial. There s slight chance that it will work. |
slim | Of a garment cut on slender lines designed to make the wearer appear slim. A pair of slim immaculately cut trousers. |
small | Relatively moderate limited or small. The captain had been paying small attention. |
soft | Soft and mild not harsh or stern or severe. Soft margarine. |
spare | Kept in reserve especially for emergency use. Few people had spare cash for inessentials. |
sparse | Thinly dispersed or scattered. Areas of sparse population. |
svelte | Being of delicate or slender build- Frank Norris. She was svelte and sophisticated. |
sylphlike | (of a woman or girl) slender and graceful like a sylph. His arm curled around her sylphlike waist. |
tattered | Worn to shreds; or wearing torn or ragged clothing. A tattered barefoot boy. |
tenuous | Very slender or fine; insubstantial. A tenuous fluid. |
thinned down | Lacking substance or significance. |
thinning | Lacking excess flesh-Shakespeare. Thinning hair. |
threadbare | Having the nap worn away so that the threads show through. Tatty rooms with threadbare carpets. |
threadlike | Thin in diameter; resembling a thread. |
wafer-thin | Very thin. |
watery | (of a person’s eyes) full of tears. A watery fluid. |
weak | Relating to or denoting the weakest of the known kinds of force between particles which acts only at distances less than about 10 cm is very much weaker than the electromagnetic and the strong interactions and conserves neither strangeness parity nor isospin. A cup of weak coffee. |
well worn | Wise or advantageous and hence advisable. |
willowy | (of a person) tall, slim, and lithe. Willowy meadow land. |
wispy | Thin and weak. A wispy little fellow with small hands and feet. |
worn | Affected by wear; damaged by long use. Looking careworn as she bent over her mending. |

Usage Examples of "Thin" as an adjective
- A thin line across the page.
- Thin slices of bread.
- Thin wire.
- A thin, reedy little voice.
- Our clothing was getting thin.
- A thin soup.
- A thin beard.
- His hair was going thin.
- A thin book.
- A thin line of paint.
- A depressingly thin crowd.
- A thin layer of paint.
- Thin oil.
- A thin, gawky adolescent.
- Thin soup.
- You can't be too rich or too thin.
- His thin jacket.
- A thin plot.
- A thin smile.
- A thin feeble cry.
- Air is thin at high altitudes.
- Tall, thin lettering.
- The thin cold air of the mountains.
- The evidence is rather thin.
- A thin chiffon blouse.
- Skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk.

Thin as an Adverb
Definitions of "Thin" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “thin” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- With little thickness or depth.
- Without viscosity.

Synonyms of "Thin" as an adverb (1 Word)
thinly | In a way that creates a thin piece or layer of something. People were thinly spread throughout the square. |

Usage Examples of "Thin" as an adverb
- A thin-sliced loaf.
- Cut the ham as thin as possible.
- The blood was flowing thin.

Associations of "Thin" (30 Words)
angular | Having angles or an angular shape. Adam s angular black handwriting. |
bony | (of a fish eaten as food) having many bones. Bony fish. |
dapper | Neat and trim in dress and appearance (typically used of a man. A dapper young man. |
diaphanous | So thin as to transmit light. A diaphanous dress of pale gold. |
elongated | Long in relation to width, especially unusually so. The old man s gaunt and elongated frame. |
gangling | (of a person) tall, thin, and awkward in movements or bearing. A gangling teenager. |
gangly | Tall and thin and having long slender limbs. |
gossamer | Characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy. Gossamer shading through his playing. |
lank | Of a person lanky. Grown lank with fasting. |
lanky | Tall and thin and having long slender limbs. A lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man. |
lissom | Moving and bending with ease. The kind of outfit that should be left to lissom teenagers. |
lithe | (especially of a person’s body) thin, supple, and graceful. She lay gazing up at his tall lithe figure. |
membrane | A thin pliable sheet of material forming a barrier or lining. The mucous membrane. |
narrow | A narrow channel connecting two larger areas of water. A narrow bridge. |
silhouette | Represent by a silhouette. She paused to see its silhouette against the dimming sky. |
skinny | A skinny person. Net managers who want the skinny on the latest in computer security. |
slender | Being of delicate or slender build. People of slender means. |
slice | Cut into slices. Potato slices. |
slim | A course or period of slimming. A sponsored slim. |
streamlined | Having a form that presents very little resistance to a flow of air or water. A more streamlined decision making process. |
supple | Make pliant and flexible. Her supple fingers. |
svelte | Showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience. She was svelte and sophisticated. |
tall | A garment size for a tall person. Tall buildings. |
underweight | Insufficient weight. The company is still underweight in Japan. |
waif | A homeless, neglected, or abandoned person, especially a child. She is foster mother to various waifs and strays. |
width | A piece of something at its full extent from side to side. A single width of hardboard. |
willowy | Bordered, shaded, or covered by willows. A beautiful willowy blonde. |
wiry | Of or relating to wire. Wiry red hair. |
wispy | Thin and weak. A wispy little fellow with small hands and feet. |
withered | (of a plant) dry and shrivelled. Withered vines. |