Need another word that means the same as “low”? Find 150 synonyms and 30 related words for “low” in this overview.
- Low as a Noun
- Definitions of "Low" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Low" as a noun (15 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Low" as a noun
- Low as a Verb
- Definitions of "Low" as a verb
- Synonyms of "Low" as a verb (1 Word)
- Low as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Low" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Low" as an adjective (134 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Low" as an adjective
- Associations of "Low" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Low” are: depleted, low-pitched, broken, crushed, humbled, humiliated, abject, low-down, miserable, scummy, scurvy, blue, depressed, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downhearted, gloomy, grim, low-spirited, humble, lowly, modest, small, low-toned, short, little, low-lying, sea-level, flat, low-cut, skimpy, revealing, cheap, inexpensive, low-priced, low-cost, economical, moderate, reasonable, cut-price, rock-bottom, unambitious, scarce, scanty, scant, meagre, sparse, few, paltry, measly, trifling, plebeian, proletarian, poor, crude, coarse, vulgar, indecent, ribald, smutty, bawdy, suggestive, off colour, rude, rough, unrefined, indelicate, improper, inferior, substandard, bad, low-grade, second-rate, inadequate, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, deficient, defective, despicable, contemptible, reprehensible, lamentable, disgusting, shameful, mean, unworthy, shabby, uncharitable, base, dishonourable, unprincipled, ignoble, sordid, wretched, unfavourable, adverse, negative, hostile, quiet, soft, faint, muted, subdued, muffled, hushed, whispered, stifled, gentle, dulcet, indistinct, inaudible, bass, deep, resonant, rich, rumbling, booming, resounding, sonorous, dejected, despondent, sorrowful, glum, unhappy, sad, melancholy, morose, moody, dismal, mournful, forlorn, woebegone, first, first gear, low gear, depression, david low, sir david alexander cecil low, sir david low, nadir, low point, lowest point, all-time low, lowest level, low-water mark, bottom, rock bottom, moo
Low as a Noun
Definitions of "Low" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “low” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A low level or position or degree.
- A low point, level, or figure.
- British political cartoonist (born in New Zealand) who created the character Colonel Blimp (1891-1963.
- An air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation.
- An area of low barometric pressure; a depression.
- A state of depression.
- The lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving.
- A difficult time in a person's life.

Synonyms of "Low" as a noun (15 Words)
all-time low | An air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation. |
bottom | The lower side of anything. The shed at the bottom of the garden. |
david low | The lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving. |
depression | A state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require clinical intervention. Self doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression. |
first | The first or highest in an ordering or series. He wanted to be the first. |
first gear | The lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving. |
low gear | A low level or position or degree. |
low point | An air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation. |
low-water mark | A visible indication made on a surface. |
lowest level | An air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation. |
lowest point | A low level or position or degree. |
nadir | The point on the celestial sphere directly below an observer. Asking that question was the nadir of my career. |
rock bottom | A lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter. |
sir david alexander cecil low | Term of address for a man. |
sir david low | Term of address for a man. |

Usage Examples of "Low" as a noun
- The highs and lows of an actor's life.
- The stock market fell to a new low.
- The weatherman talked about highs and lows.
- She doesn't have big highs or big lows.
- A low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow.
- His popularity ratings are at an all-time low.

Low as a Verb
Definitions of "Low" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “low” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Make a low noise, characteristic of bovines.

Synonyms of "Low" as a verb (1 Word)
moo | Make the characteristic deep resonant vocal sound of cattle. The cows mooed from the barn. |

Low as an Adjective
Definitions of "Low" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “low” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Subdued or brought low in condition or status.
- Low or inferior in station or quality.
- Very low in volume.
- (of a sound or voice) not loud or high.
- Ranking below other people or things in importance or class.
- Below average in amount, extent, or intensity.
- Unscrupulous or dishonest.
- Literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension.
- (of latitude) near the equator.
- Depressed or lacking in energy.
- Less than normal in degree or intensity or amount.
- Of the most contemptible kind.
- (of a supply) small or reduced in quantity.
- Of less than average height from top to bottom or to the top from the ground.
- (of a river or lake) below the usual water level.
- (of art or culture) considered to be inferior in quality and refinement.
- (of women's clothing) cut so as to reveal the neck and the upper part of the breasts.
- (of an opinion) unfavourable.
- (of a vowel) pronounced with the tongue held low in the mouth; open.
- No longer sufficient.
- Less good than is expected or desired; inferior.
- Having a small or reduced quantity of a supply.
- Situated not far above the ground, the horizon, or sea level.
- Used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency.
- Filled with melancholy and despondency.
- (of a substance or food) containing smaller quantities than usual of a specified ingredient.
- Unrefined in character.
- Located at or near the bottom of something.

Synonyms of "Low" as an adjective (134 Words)
abject | Most unfortunate or miserable. Abject surrender. |
adverse | In an opposing direction. Taxes are having an adverse effect on production. |
bad | Feeling physical discomfort or pain tough is occasionally used colloquially for bad. A bad recital. |
base | Debased not genuine. Base coins of aluminum. |
bass | Having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range. A bass voice is lower than a baritone voice. |
blue | Of a bird or other animal having blue markings. Deep blue eyes. |
booming | Used of the voice. The booming economy of the 1920s. |
broken | Out of working order busted is an informal substitute for broken. A broken white line across the road. |
cheap | Charging low prices. Her moment of cheap triumph. |
coarse | Relating to the sport of angling for coarse fish. A man of coarse speech. |
contemptible | Deserving contempt; despicable. A display of contemptible cowardice. |
crude | Belonging to an early stage of technical development characterized by simplicity and often crudeness. Managed to make a crude splint. |
crushed | Feeling overwhelmingly disappointed or embarrassed. Crushed trousers and a crumpled jacket. |
cut-price | Costing less than standard price. |
deep | Relatively deep or strong affecting one deeply. In deep trouble. |
defective | (of a word) not having all the inflections normal for the part of speech. Dystrophin is commonly defective in muscle tissue. |
deficient | Insufficient or inadequate. This diet is deficient in vitamin B. |
dejected | Affected or marked by low spirits. Is dejected but trying to look cheerful. |
depleted | No longer sufficient. Our funds are depleted. |
depressed | (of an object or part of an object) in a lower position, having been pushed down. She felt lonely and depressed. |
despicable | Deserving hatred and contempt. A despicable crime. |
despondent | In low spirits from loss of hope or courage. She grew more and more despondent. |
disgusting | Arousing revulsion or strong indignation. I think the decision is disgusting. |
dishonourable | Lacking honor or integrity; deserving dishonor. His crimes are petty and dishonourable. |
dismal | (of a person or their mood) gloomy. The first dismal dispiriting days of November. |
dispirited | Filled with melancholy and despondency. A dispirited and divided Party. |
down | Denoting a flavour variety of stable quark having relatively low mass and an electric charge of 1 3 In the Standard Model protons and neutrons are composed of up and down quarks. The down trend in the real estate market. |
down in the mouth | Understood perfectly. |
downcast | Filled with melancholy and despondency. You mustn t be downcast. |
downhearted | Discouraged; in low spirits. Feeling discouraged and downhearted. |
dulcet | Extremely pleasant in a gentle way. The dulcet tones of the cello. |
economical | Using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness. An economical shopper. |
faint | Deficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc. Damning with faint praise. |
few | A quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `a’; a small but indefinite number. Few roses were still blooming. |
flat | Of a key having a flat or flats in the signature. A flat shade of grey. |
forlorn | Marked by or showing hopelessness. A forlorn attempt to escape. |
gentle | Easily handled or managed. Gentle rain. |
gloomy | Causing dejection. Gloomy predictions. |
glum | Showing a brooding ill humor. The princess looked glum but later cheered up. |
grim | Harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance. Grim laughter. |
hostile | Characterized by enmity or ill will. A hostile audience. |
humble | (of an action or thought) offered with or affected by a modest estimate of one’s importance. I felt very humble when meeting her. |
humbled | Marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful- B.K.Malinowski. |
humiliated | Subdued or brought low in condition or status. Humiliated that his wife had to go out to work. |
hushed | In a softened tone. He addressed the hushed courtroom. |
ignoble | Of humble origin or social status. Of ignoble or ungentle birth. |
improper | Not appropriate for a purpose or occasion. Improper attire for the golf course. |
inadequate | Not sufficient to meet a need. These labels prove to be wholly inadequate. |
inaudible | Unable to be heard. Inaudible pulses of high frequency sound. |
indecent | Not conforming with generally accepted standards of behaviour, especially in relation to sexual matters. They leaped on the suggestion with indecent haste. |
indelicate | In violation of good taste even verging on the indecent. Forgive me asking an indelicate question but how are you off for money. |
indistinct | Not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand. Only indistinct notions of what to do. |
inexpensive | Relatively low in price or charging low prices. Inexpensive family restaurants. |
inferior | Of low or inferior quality. Inferior goods. |
lamentable | (of circumstances or conditions) very bad; deplorable. A lamentable decision. |
little | Used in names of animals and plants that are smaller than related kinds e g little grebe. I m tired of your petty little schemes. |
low-cost | That you have the financial means for. |
low-cut | Having a low cut back. |
low-down | Of the most contemptible kind. |
low-grade | Of inferior quality. |
low-lying | Lying below the normal level. |
low-pitched | Used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency. |
low-priced | That you have the financial means for. |
low-spirited | Filled with melancholy and despondency. |
low-toned | Very low in volume. |
lowly | Inferior in rank or status. Of humble or lowly birth. |
meagre | (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality. A meagre diet of bread and beans. |
mean | Characterized by malice. Something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics. |
measly | Contemptibly small in amount. Three measly votes. |
melancholy | Having a feeling of melancholy sad and pensive. Growing more melancholy every hour. |
miserable | Pitiably small or inadequate. Horribly wet and miserable conditions. |
moderate | Marked by avoidance of extravagance or extremes. Moderate success. |
modest | (of clothing) not revealing or emphasizing a person’s body. Drink modest amounts of alcohol. |
moody | Showing a brooding ill humor- Bruce Bli. His moody adolescent brother. |
morose | Showing a brooding ill humor. A morose and unsociable manner. |
mournful | Expressing sorrow. Stared with mournful eyes. |
muffled | (of a sound) not loud because of being obstructed in some way; muted. The muffled noises of the street. |
muted | Not expressed strongly or openly. Muted anger. |
negative | Having a negative charge. A colorless negative personality. |
off colour | In an unpalatable state. |
paltry | Contemptibly small in amount. A paltry wage. |
plebeian | Of or belonging to the commoners of ancient Rome. Two dancers one royal and one plebeian. |
poor | Deficient or lacking in. The country had a poor economy. |
proletarian | Relating to the proletariat. A proletarian ideology. |
quiet | Free from disturbance by heavy waves. I was as quiet as I could be but he knew I was there. |
reasonable | Marked by sound judgment. A restaurant serving excellent food at reasonable prices. |
reprehensible | Deserving censure or condemnation. Adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife. |
resonant | (of a room, musical instrument, or hollow body) tending to reinforce or prolong sounds, especially by synchronous vibration. The sound is produced by striking resonant little metal bars. |
resounding | Unmistakable; emphatic. The evening was a resounding success. |
revealing | Making interesting or significant information known, especially of a personal nature. A revealing radio interview. |
ribald | Humorously vulgar. Ribald language. |
rich | Marked by richness and fullness of flavor. Not all footballers enjoy rich rewards from the game. |
rock-bottom | Well below normal (especially in price. |
rough | Not perfected. They had to carry the victim across the rough stony ground. |
rude | Belonging to an early stage of technical development characterized by simplicity and often crudeness. The war came as a very rude awakening. |
rumbling | Making or constituting a deep resonant sound. The rumbling rolling sound of thunder. |
sad | Of things that make you feel sad Christina Rossetti. The show is tongue in cheek anyone who takes it seriously is a bit sad. |
scant | Less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so. Companies with scant regard for the safety of future generations. |
scanty | Lacking in amplitude or quantity. A scanty harvest. |
scarce | (especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand. As raw materials became scarce synthetics were developed. |
scummy | Covered with scum. A scummy rabble. |
scurvy | Of the most contemptible kind. A scurvy trick. |
sea-level | Lying below the normal level. |
second-rate | Moderate to inferior in quality. |
shabby | Dressed in old or worn clothes. A shabby fellow in slippers and an undershirt. |
shameful | (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame. A shameful display of cowardice. |
short | Marked by rude or peremptory shortness. A short memory. |
skimpy | Containing little excess. A skimpy dress. |
small | Have fine or very small constituent particles. A small car. |
soft | Used chiefly as a direction or description in music soft in a quiet subdued tone. Soft data. |
sonorous | Capable of producing a deep or ringing sound. He read aloud with a sonorous and musical voice. |
sordid | Dirty or squalid. The sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils. |
sorrowful | Experiencing or marked by or expressing sorrow especially that associated with irreparable loss- Proverbs 14:13. She looked at him with sorrowful eyes. |
sparse | Not dense. Areas of sparse population. |
stifled | Held in check with difficulty. A stifled yawn. |
subdued | (of colour or lighting) soft and restrained. Subdued lights and soft music. |
substandard | Below the usual or required standard. Substandard spellings. |
suggestive | Tending to suggest something improper or indecent. Artifacts suggestive of an ancient society. |
trifling | Unimportant or trivial. A trifling matter. |
unacceptable | Not conforming to standard usage. A word unacceptable in polite society. |
unambitious | (of a plan or piece of work) not involving anything new, exciting, or demanding. The new design is unambitious. |
uncharitable | Lacking love and generosity. All pious words and uncharitable deeds. |
unfavourable | Expressing or showing a lack of approval or support. Single mothers are often the target of unfavourable press attention. |
unhappy | Generalized feeling of distress. Many were unhappy about the scale of the cuts. |
unprincipled | Lacking principles or moral scruples- A.E.Stevenson. Freedom from coarse unprincipled calumny. |
unrefined | Not refined; uncouth. How can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man. |
unsatisfactory | Not satisfactory; not good enough. Our discussion was very unsatisfactory. |
unworthy | Having little merit. Many pieces are unworthy and ungrammatical. |
whispered | Spoken in soft hushed tones without vibrations of the vocal cords. A long whispered conversation. |
woebegone | Affected by or full of grief or woe. A woebegone old shack. |
wretched | Deserving or inciting pity- Galsworthy. She disliked the wretched man intensely. |

Usage Examples of "Low" as an adjective
- He had a low opinion of himself.
- Food and ammunition were running low.
- A low murmur.
- A low-down sneak.
- Cook over low heat.
- Brought low.
- Low back pain.
- A low stunt to pull.
- The sun is low.
- The school is a long, low building.
- Low clouds.
- His low, husky voice.
- Low hills.
- Low-fat spreads.
- The sun was low in the sky.
- I was feeling low.
- A low table.
- The warming effect will be greatest at low latitudes.
- Low ceilings.
- A low bow.
- Bringing up children on a low income.
- The dual traditions of high and low art.
- Borrowing fell to a low level.
- A low-cut black dress.
- Low comedy.
- A lowly parish priest.
- The standard of living is low.
- Vegetables are low in calories.
- Training will be given low priority.
- Keep the volume very low.
- He smashed a pane low down in the window.
- Low furniture.
- They were low on fuel.
- Practise a little low cunning.
- The low neckline of her blouse.
- The low-toned murmur of the surf.
- The reservoir is low.
- Low prices.
- Supplies are low.
- The river was low.
- Jobs with low status.

Associations of "Low" (30 Words)
alto | A singer whose voice lies in the alto clef. Alto flute. |
baritone | A part written for a baritone voice. A baritone voice. |
behind | A kick that sends the ball over a behind line or a touch that sends it between the inner posts scoring one point. Ben led the way with Joe a short distance behind. |
below | On a floor below. See below. |
beneath | In or to a place that is lower. Upper layers can be removed to reveal internal parts beneath. |
contralto | A woman singer having a contralto voice. She sang in a high contralto. |
decrease | The amount by which something decreases. The rate of decrease became greater. |
depressed | Filled with melancholy and despondency. Depressed inner city areas. |
descant | Sing in descant. His descant of deprivation. |
descend | (of a feeling) develop suddenly and affect a place or person. His lands descended to his eldest son. |
descending | Moving or sloping downwards. The categories are listed in descending order of usefulness. |
descent | A downward slope or bend. The plane had gone into a steep descent. |
down | Denoting a flavour variety of stable quark having relatively low mass and an electric charge of 1 3 In the Standard Model protons and neutrons are composed of up and down quarks. Downcast after his defeat. |
downcast | (of a person) feeling despondent. Downcast after his defeat. |
downdraft | A strong downward air current. |
downswing | A worsening of business or economic activity. Your body must not sway to the left during the downswing. |
downward | On or toward a surface regarded as a base. The downward course of the stream. |
droop | An act or instance of drooping a limp or weary attitude. James hid his face in his hands and drooped his head. |
drop | An act of dropping supplies or troops by parachute. She dropped into army jargon. |
falling | Moving from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control. Falling standards. |
gloomy | Causing or feeling depression or despondency. Gloomy at the thought of what he had to face. |
improbably | Not easy to believe. Everyone in the film is improbably gorgeous. |
incredibly | To a great degree; extremely. Incredibly she survived the crash. |
latency | The delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer. Poor performance due to network latency. |
nether | Lower. Gnawed his nether lip. |
unbelievably | To a great degree; extremely. I feel unbelievably tired. |
under | Under water. See under for further discussion. |
underneath | On the lower or downward side; on the underside of. He was wearing a brown jacket with a white T shirt underneath. |
vertically | In a vertical direction. Vertically stacked books. |
wilt | Any of a number of fungal or bacterial diseases of plants characterized by wilting of the foliage. My opponent was wilting. |